Chapter 12

~2 months later~
Bailey is about to kick off the start or the religiously tour. Sadie has to pack a bunch of their stuff from home for the bus. This time they won't be staying at any hotels or Airbnbs simply because their tour buses are enough for them.

It's the night before they leave and Sadie is packing her shoes. "Bailey!! Come here real quick!" Sadie yells from upstairs. Bailey comes up the stairs and walks in. "What's up?" He asks. "Should I just bring all my shoes? Cause I can't decide witch ones to bring"

"Depends on how many pairs there are" he replies sitting down on the bed. "I have so many what will I need?"
She asks. "Sneakers, boots, and whatever else you want" Bailey replies. "Fine I'll just bring a few" Sadie replies side eyeing him.

He gives her a soft kiss before leaving the room and walking downstairs. It's the day they have to leave and Sadie wince's in pain while holding her stomach. "Everything alright?" Bailey asks. "Bad cramps that's all" she says holding her stomach.

"Sorry hun you want some Tylenol or somethin?" He asks. "I'm good I'll just lay down for a little bit"  she replies walking to the bed on the bus. She slept for about an hour before waking up and walking to the living area.

"How was your nap? You feelin better?" He asks with a smile. "Not really I feel like crap" she replies sitting next to him. "You alright? You sick or somthin?" He asks. "I don't know i just feel nauseous" she replies leaning over on his shoulder.

"You sick or somethin?" Bailey asks putting his arm around her. "Maybe im Bus sick or something" she replies.
They get to the first stadium and hop out of the bus. They are going to meet the new stage crew. "Hey man! Great to meet you, this is my wife Sadie" Bailey says to the man shaking his hand.

"Nice to meet you Sadie thanks for having me man" he replies. Bailey and the man have been talking for 30 mins and Sadie is still not feeling well. "Baby I'm gonna go hang in the bus" she tells him. "Okay love you, be safe" he says kissing her softly.

She walks back to the bus and sits down on the couch. Still feeling nauseous and dizzy. She already threw up yesterday but didn't tell Bailey because she knew he would hold off leaving for tour. Bailey returns to the bus and Sadie is laying on the bed.

"Hey baby I'm back!" He says taking his hat and jacket off and setting them on the table. "Hey baby" she mumbles from the bed. "You ok? Still not feelin good?" He asks. "Nah I feel worse actually" she replies.

"You should go get checked out Sadie" he says with a concerned voice. "I'm fine Bailey I'm just gonna rest while your gone" she replies. "Okay just text me if you need anything love you" he says walking out the door.

"Holy crap am I?... no I can't be" Sadie mumbles to herself. She grabs her keys and goes to the car. She runs into CVS and grabs a pregnancy test off the shelf. And heads back to the bus. Sadie is too scared to take the test at first so she hid it in her suitcase.

Bailey walks in the door and greets Sadie who is cooking chicken Alfredo. "Hey baby, you didn't have to cook I know you didn't feel good" he says sitting his things on the floor. "I'm fine Bailey, how was your show?"

"It was great the crowd was awesome" he replied. "That's good did you like the new crew?" She asks setting a plate of Alfredo down in front of him. "Yeah they were great thanks for cookin" he says grabbing his fork.

"Of course" she says sitting down at the table. "You ain't eatin?" He asks. "Nah I don't wanna get nauseous again" she replies. "Oh ok" he replies. "I'm gonna go take a shower" she says walking away.

It's the next day of tour and bailey already went out for a meet and greet and let Sadie sleep in. Sadie didn't get any sleep last night thinking about taking the test. "I've gotta do it" she mumbles to herself. She heads to the bathroom and takes the test and lays it on the counter.

She spent her time pacing the hall nervously. "Oh my god I can't" she mumbles reaching for the test. She grabs the test and looks at it. "Oh my god" she says dropping the positive test on the floor. "I can't be a mother holy crap" She says bursting into tears.

She is on the floor crying when Bailey walks in.
"Oh my god are you ok?" He asks walking over to her. "I'm- im pregnant..." she replies sniffing. "Sadie, it's okay I'm here" he says wrapping her in a hug while she cries on his shoulder.

"No it's not Bailey this is terrible timing" she says crying. "I know it is but everything will work out, it's gonna be ok and if we need to hold off tour that's perfectly fine" he says hugging her tight. "I'm so worried right now Bailey"

"I'm worried too but everything will be okay, I love you" he says grabbing her a glass of water. "I love you too Bailey your the best thing that ever happened to me" she says kissing him.

~2 months later~
Sadie has been throwing up almost every morning and the smell of alcohol makes her sick so she stopped attending shows and stays in the bus. Bailey is always checking on Sadie and making sure she has everything she needs.

Bailey is asleep and hears Sadie up sick in the bathroom so he walks in to check on her. "You ok?" He says grabbing her a glass of water. "Mmhm, this morning sickness is killing me" she says slumped over the toilet.
"I'm sorry hun I wish I could help" he says rubbing her back.

"Are you wearing cologne?" She asks. "Yes do you like it?" He replies. "No it makes me sick" she states. "Oh sorry I won't use it anymore" he replies.

Later that day Sadie decides to attend tonight's show since she hasn't been to one in awhile. Sadie gets ready for the show while Bailey is doing sound check. She puts on a comfy pair of leggings and an oversized graphic t shirt along with her Carhartt jacket and hey dudes.

She gets backstage and one of the new crew members greets her. "Hey there I don't think I've met you yet" he says smiling and grabbing her shoulder. "I'm baileys wife Sadie" she replies uncomfortably.

"Oh really? He's married? I didn't know that" he says getting closer to Sadie. "Mmhm" she replies backing away from him. "Where's Bailey?" She asks with a stern voice. "Right over there but he's busy right now" he replies making eye contact with Sadie.

"Not to busy to talk to me" she says walking away to find Bailey. The guy following behind her. She spots Bailey and quickly runs to him making a barrier between her and the man. "Hey baby what's up?" Bailey asks wrapping his arm around her.

"Nothin much" she says visibly nervous and uncomfortable. "You ok?" He wispers in her ear. As she shakes her head no he walks away with her to their private break room. "What's wrong baby?" He asks. Closing the door.

"Jacob, the new crew guy, he keeps hitting on me even though he knows I'm married, and it's making me uncomfortable" she replies. "Hold up he did that? Hell nah I'm gonna kick his ass" he replies angrily.

"No Bailey don't, I don't want your reputation ruined especially at a venue this big" she nervously replies. "Fine I won't but I'm still firing him" he replies. "Thanks Bailey" she says with a smile of relief.

"Of course honey I can't let anyone hurt you or the baby" he replies. Shortly after he finds Jacob and walks over to him grabbing him by his shirt. "Listen here dumbass I know what happened and if you ever lay a finger on my wife or my kid your dead, don't ever come back here"

"What are you talking about" he says denying what Bailey said. "Oh so you wanna play dumb huh? You hit on my wife Sadie and if your dumbass couldn't tell she's pregnant with my kid, get out before I kill you"

Jacob quickly grabs his things and runs out the door. The rest of the crew walks over to Bailey. "Hey your on in about 20 minutes so get ready" They tell him. "Alright" he says visibly angry. "Everything alright?" Brandon asks.

"I'll tell you after the show just have mollie stay with Sadie" mollie is baileys stylist for his shows and is a girl so Bailey figured Sadie would be more comfortable with her. "Ok I'll send her over there" Brandon replies going to get mollie.

Mollie agrees to stay with Sadie during the show. "Hey girl!! How's the baby?" Mollie says walking in the door.
"Doing good just wish it would stop pushing my bladder" she says with a laugh. "So when do y'all find out the gender?"

"This week I'm so excited" she replies. "What are y'all hoping for?" Mollie asks. "We want a girl but as long as it's healthy we are happy" she replies. "Of course! David needs to put a ring on it so I can have one..." she says with a laugh.

"Don't worry he will your a great girl" Sadie replies. "Thanks Sadie" she says with a smile. "Oh shoot is Bailey playin fadeaway?" Sadie asks. "Yep sounds like it" mollie replies. "Help me up that ones my favorite to watch him perform"

They make their way to side stage and watch Bailey perform until he comes off and greets them. "Hey honey, hey mollie, hey baby" he says resting his hand on her small baby bump. "Bailey! It kicked!" She says excitedly. "Wait really?" He says surprised.

"Yes it really did! That's the first time" she says with a smile. "Wow that's crazy!" He says giving her a kiss.

