Chapter 15-Marriage fixed?

Abhishek finished feeding Cummins, he stood up, stretching slightly to alleviate the stiffness from sitting for so long. He glanced at Cummins, who smiled warmly at him, his eyes filled with gratitude and love.

"Thank you, Abhi," Cummins said softly. "You really are my angel."

Abhishek's heart swelled at the words, and he leaned down to plant a gentle kiss on Cummins' forehead. "Anything for you, Pat," he replied tenderly.

At that moment, there was a soft knock on the door, and Abhishek turned to see the rest of the team entering the room. Markram, Jansen, Natarajan, Phillips, and Head walked in quietly, their faces etched with concern but brightening slightly when they saw Cummins awake and alert.

"Hey, Pat," Markram said, his voice filled with relief. "How are you holding up?"

Cummins offered a small, reassuring smile. "I've been better, but I'm hanging in there," he replied. "Thanks for coming, guys."

Jansen stepped forward, his eyes scanning Cummins' injuries with a mixture of worry and sympathy. "We were so scared when we heard what happened," he said. "It's good to see you awake."

Natarajan nodded in agreement. "We've been praying for you," he added. "You're a fighter, Pat. We knew you'd pull through."

Phillips and Head stood at the foot of the bed, their expressions reflecting their support and concern. "We're all here for you," Phillips said. "Whatever you need."

Abhishek stepped aside to give them space, watching as his teammates surrounded Cummins with their warmth and encouragement. He felt a deep sense of gratitude for their presence, knowing that Cummins would draw strength from their support.

Cummins looked around at his teammates, his heart full of appreciation. "Thank you, all of you," he said, his voice tinged with emotion. "It means a lot to have you here."

Head placed a hand on Cummins' shoulder. "We're a team, Pat," he said firmly. "We'll get through this together."

As the team continued to talk, Abhishek quietly moved to a corner of the room, giving them privacy while still keeping a watchful eye on Cummins. He couldn't help but smile as he saw the camaraderie and bond between them all. It was a reminder that they were not just teammates, but family.

After a while, Cummins motioned for Abhishek to come closer. "Abhi, you should hear this too," he said.

Abhishek walked back to the bedside, and Cummins took his hand, intertwining their fingers. "I just want to thank all of you again," Cummins said, addressing both his teammates and Abhishek. "I wouldn't be here without your support. And I especially want to thank Abhi, who has been my rock through all of this."

The team nodded in agreement, their admiration for Abhishek evident in their expressions. "We're all in this together," Markram reiterated. "And we're here for both of you."

Abhishek felt a lump form in his throat as he looked at the supportive faces around him. "Thank you, everyone," he said, his voice filled with gratitude. "Your support means everything to us."

As they continued to talk, the bond between them grew stronger, fortified by the trials they had faced and the unwavering support they had shown each other.

After few hours the team left, Abhishek and Cummins were alone in the room. Just then, a girl entered, moving quickly towards Cummins. She hugged him tightly and kissed him, causing Cummins to look shocked. "Emma?" he exclaimed, recognizing his ex-girlfriend.

Emma stepped back, her eyes scanning Abhishek from head to toe. "Who's this?" she asked, her tone filled with curiosity and a hint of suspicion.

"He's my friend, Abhishek," Cummins replied, a note of pride in his voice.

Emma's expression shifted to one of mild annoyance. "Could you give us a moment of privacy, please?" she asked, directing her words to Abhishek.

A pang of pain shot through Abhishek as he nodded silently, turning to leave. His feet, covered in bruises, struggled with each step. Just as he reached the door, he stumbled and fell to the floor.

"Abhi!" Cummins called out, jumping out of bed despite his injuries. He rushed to Abhishek's side, holding him by the waist and helping him to stand.

Emma watched the scene unfold, a spark of jealousy igniting in her eyes. She moved quickly to Cummins, pulling him away from Abhishek. "Babe, you need to rest," she said, her voice dripping with possessiveness. She kissed him again, more forcefully this time.

Abhishek felt a tear escape his eye as he saw Cummins still holding his hand, their eyes locked for a moment. "Abhi..." Cummins began, his voice filled with concern and regret.

But Abhishek gently pulled his hand away, breaking the connection. He turned and walked out of the room, leaving Cummins behind with Emma, his heart heavy with sorrow.

After Abhishek left the room, Cummins turned to Emma, his face a mixture of frustration and concern. "Emma, don't talk to Abhishek like that. He's been here for me through everything," he said firmly.

Emma rolled her eyes, dismissing his words. "Why are you here, Emma?" Cummins asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

Emma took a deep breath, looking him straight in the eye. "After the IPL, our families have fixed our wedding. They didn't tell you because they wanted to surprise you," she said, her voice unwavering.

Cummins felt a wave of shock wash over him. "What? I can't marry you. This can't happen," he stammered, his mind racing.

"It's already fixed," Emma insisted. "Everyone has agreed, so it's better if you do too."

Just then, Cummins' phone rang. He saw his father's name on the screen and answered it, still reeling from Emma's news. "Dad?"

"Pat, it's wonderful news, isn't it?" his father said cheerfully. "Emma's family and ours have arranged everything. Your grandma is over the moon about it."

"Dad, I didn't agree to this," Cummins said, his voice tense. "I can't just—"

"Pat, listen," his father interrupted. "This marriage is important for both our families. Everyone's so happy. Your grandma has been waiting for this day."

Cummins felt trapped, the weight of his family's expectations pressing down on him. He looked at Emma, who stood there with a determined expression. He knew this was far from over, and the decisions he made now would affect his life profoundly.

After the call with his father, Cummins felt a mix of frustration and helplessness. Emma, sensing the tension, decided to leave. "I'll go now. We'll talk later," she said, giving Cummins a parting glance before walking out of the room.

As soon as she was gone, Cummins called for the nurse. "Can you please find Abhishek and ask him to come back here?" he requested.

A few moments later, Abhishek entered the room, his face still showing traces of pain and confusion. "You wanted to see me, Pat?" he asked quietly.

Cummins nodded, gesturing for Abhishek to sit beside him. "Yes, please sit down," he said. "I need to talk to you."

Abhishek sat, concern evident in his eyes. "Who was she?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Cummins sighed deeply. "That was Emma. Our families have arranged for us to get married after the IPL," he explained.

The words hit Abhishek hard, and he couldn't hold back the tears that began to stream down his face. "But... what about us?" he asked, his voice breaking.

Seeing Abhishek in pain was more than Cummins could bear. He reached out and gently wiped away Abhishek's tears. "Abhi, listen to me," he said softly. "I don't want to marry her. I don't love her. The only person I love is you."

Abhishek looked into Cummins' eyes, searching for the truth in his words. Cummins took Abhishek's hand, intertwining their fingers. "I mean it, Abhi. You're the one I want," he said, his voice filled with conviction.

Feeling the intensity of the moment, Cummins leaned closer to Abhishek, his lips brushing against Abhishek's ear. "Stay with me," he whispered, his breath warm against Abhishek's skin.

The atmosphere in the room shifted, charged with a mix of emotions. Cummins pressed his lips against Abhishek's, kissing him deeply. He could feel Abhishek's hesitation melt away as their kiss intensified.

Cummins pulled Abhishek closer, his hands exploring, his touch both gentle and insistent. He could feel the tension in Abhishek's body slowly dissipate as he responded to Cummins' advances.

As they continued, the world outside the room seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them, lost in each other. In that moment, Cummins knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, his heart belonged to Abhishek, and nothing would change that.

Cummins whispered softly, "Just a few days, Abhishek. We just need to hold on for a few days."

Abhishek nodded, understanding the promise in Cummins' words. They clung to each other, finding solace and strength in their love, knowing they would face whatever came next together.
