Chapter 7- First Date

Chapter 7- First Date

"I think older people can appreciate my music because I really show my heart when I sing, and it's not corny."~ Justin Bieber

I groan to myself in frustration. I can't seem to find anything perfect to wear to this date with Bruce. I know he didn't exactly say that it is a proper date but he did ask me out. The urge to pull my hair out runs through my body but instead I scream into my pillow; my poor hair has been pulled over one hundred times this last hour or so.

Let me explain. It is now half six and I have been trying to find something, anything, to wear tonight. Don't get me wrong, I have plenty of clothes. Enough to last me a lifetime but I want to make an impression that Bruce won't forget. I know that I am behaving like a little teenage girl but I can't help it. I really like Bruce. Sure he is good looking but he has the most amazing personality, along with an award-winning smile... and those beautiful grey eyes that hypnotise me every time. Urgh! This is so hard!

"You okay hunny?"

"No. I don't know what to wear mom. Help me?" I pout at my mom pleading her with my eyes. I see eyes light up in amusement.

"I'll see what I can do!"

"Yay! Thanks mom! What shall I do?"

"Shut up, go and sit down on the bed while I work my magic." I laugh to myself before following her instructions.

Don't get me wrong. I am not those typical tom-boyish girls who can't do their own hair and make-up. I can. It is just when it comes to dates I don't really know what to do. I have never really had a boyfriend before so you can't blame me for being a lost case. I would usually go out with Justin or Justin wouldn't let me go out with any guy. Even though I had a brother- an annoying one at that- he still felt like it was his job to protect me. And no, it wasn't because he was jealous or anything... He had no reason to be.

Speaking of Justin... Me and him. I feel like we are slowly going back to normal. I have been spending so much time with him and I'm glad. I'm glad I gave him another chance. He is still same old Justin and that is what I love. Sure, he may have ignored me for almost a year but that is in the past and we have both moved on.

"Perfect." I look up at my mother holding up a black dress.


I stand up in my four inch heels. It is now 7:45 PM and Bruce will be here is 15 minutes.

"You look so beautiful!" My mom engulfs me into a very tight hug. Even though I know she is being a drama queen I hug her back; I mean her first and only daughter is going out on her first date. She pulls away and holds me at arm’s length. She wipes away her stray tears. "My baby is growing up."

"It's okay mom. Don't cry." She lets out a little laugh. "Er mom? Can I have a look at myself now?" Throughout the entire hour and a bit I wasn't allowed to look at myself even once. She wanted it to be a surprise. The entire time I was worrying about how I looked and what I would do if I looked horrendous.

She moves out of my way and I walk into my bathroom full-length mirror. I gasp at myself. I look so simple yet so elegant! Light bronze eye shadow is coating my eyelids accompanied by black eyeliner and both the top and bottom. Blush colours my cheeks while my lips are painted a beautiful red. My hair is up in a quiff and then brought to my right side in bouncy curls. My dress starts off with lace at the top. The arms go down to my elbows; all lace. The bottom of my dress a beautiful black silk starting from just under my breasts to just above my knee.

I turn around and hug my mom tightly. "Thank you so much!"

"It's okay baby girl. I have always wanted to dress my daughter up for her first date."

I blush at my mom's comment about it being my first date and just before I can comment the doorbell rings. Butterflies start swarming around and I can feel the nerves settling in.

"I'll get it. You get all the things you need." I smile at my mom and watch as she disappears through my door. I quickly grab my black clutch bag and all the necessities. I quickly stuff them into my bag and then slowly make my way down. I take a few deep breaths in aims to calm my nerves down. I make in down the stairs and join my mom by the door. Going to greet Bruce hello you can expect my surprise when I see Justin standing there talking to my mom.

"Hey. What are you doing here?"

"Great to see you too Amber," He rolls his eyes, "I came by to drop something off to your mom." I see my mom giving him a look but covers it when she sees me looking.

"What exactly?"

"Amber! Stop being so nosey! Are you all ready?"

I nod at her before going back to look at Justin. I see him taking in my appearance. "Where are you going?" Is he being serious?

"My date? With Bruce?"

"That was today?"

Duh. "Only you could forget after me talking about it for a day." He just 'hhmm's before a silence takes over. I just stare at our laminated wooden floor. The doorbell ringing causes me to jump. "I'll get it." I squeeze past Justin and my mom, take a deep breath and open the door. I am greeted with a huge grin which is plastered onto a face perfect for it. His hair is forward, covering his forehead, his eyes shining with that grey that always gets my heart beating at an abnormal speed. I take in his deep dimples and inwardly sigh at how good looking he is.


"Hi." Well done! Said one word without fainting. Even though I speak to him in school, this is different.

"You look beautiful Amber."

I blush. "Thank you. You look quite handsome yourself." He smiles at me genuinely. I can't help but stare at his face; into his eyes. We stay like that for a while because the next thing I could hear is someone clearing their throat. I turn around and see both my mom and Justin staring at us. Shit! I forgot they were here.

"Oh," I move to the side so they see one another, "Bruce, this is my mom and Justin." I state pointing to one another, "Mom, Justin this is Bruce."

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Jane." He offered his hand to her which she took.

"Ms Peirce and the pleasure is all mine." Bruce shoots mom his smile before letting go of her arms. He turned to Justin before greeting him hello. I look at Justin scrutinizing every little detail of him. I guess that still hasn't changed either.

"Hello." Justin nods at him. "Look after her or else."

Bruce chuckles at the threat before nodding. He turns back to me. "Ready to go beautiful?"

I nod at him and link my arm through his. I quickly turn back around and give a small wave. I see my mom giving me the thumbs up and a wink while Justin waves at me with a huge smile. At least I have their blessing. We both stand by Bruce's car. He looks at me. "You really do look beautiful tonight." I blush deeper. I hear him laugh slightly.


"We are both matching today." Confused I look down at my dress and then at him, and that is when it hits me. We are matching, He is in a black buttoned shirt and a pair of smart black trousers. Even his belt is black! He opens the passenger door for me and I slip in. He shuts the door before making his way to his side of the car. He gets in and lets out a huge sigh.

I laugh. "What was the huge sigh for?"

"You could have told me that Justin freaking Bieber would be there!"

"Oh." Honestly I forgot that Justin was famous now. "I forgot." I smile at him sheepishly.

"You forgot? How does that happen? How do you even know him?"

"Yeah... He is my childhood friend."

"How come nobody knows? You would be famous." I give him a knowing smile. "Oh."

"Yeah. Understand?"

"Yeah. Don't worry your secret is safe with me." He winks at me before starting the car and driving away.

I burst out into a fit of laughter. "You... You... Actually...” Not being able to speak I just allow my laughter to take over. I wipe my tears inwardly hoping that it hasn't left a trail of mascara.

"Yeah...." Bruce drags out slowly.

"Only you Bruce. Thanks for that! I really needed a laugh."

He smiles at me. "Glad you are having fun tonight."

"Thank you."

"It is all my pleasure. Really."

"Well thank you still. I was thinking that this would be awkward, but I'm glad we can still have a laugh together."

"Isn't that what being a couple is all about? Being able to be natural together? To be able to laugh and enjoy one another's company?"

"Are we a couple?"

"Maybe not now. But I hope one day." I feel the heat clawing its way up to my cheeks. "Only if you want to... That is."

"I would love that."

"Great." He smiles at me. "It doesn't have to be now. It could be days, weeks, months or even years from now. I will wait. And I know it has been just under a month but I do like you Amber, and I hope to be able to call you mine. But that is yet to come, and I pray it comes one day soon. There is no rush, let's start as friends and see how it goes?"

"I think that is a great idea Bruce." I smile at him and he smiles back at me.

Why do I have a feeling that, that one day will be coming very soon?

A/N: HEY GUYS! I am getting better at updating! :D HAPPY DAYS! You like it? Awesome. Don't like it? How can I improve? :/.



LoveYou x

