Our song

Alice was driving down the Riverdale town streets. She had never felt so strange in her truck before. Well, it wasn't only her car. It was Hal's too. They got the new car from Hal's parents as a pre-wedding gift.

Right, the wedding. I'm getting married tomorrow.

Once this thought crossed her mind, she clenched her palms around the wheel immediately. It felt weird to be someone's fiancé, soon to be Mrs. Cooper. She didn't know why, but somehow it didn't feel right.

A shiver went through her spine when she thought about becoming a part of Hal's perfect Northside family. The dreamy one. Every girl in Riverdale town, at least the Northside ones, would want to be in Alice's shoes.

But was that what she wanted? Did she truly want to be a perfect wife and have a perfect life in a perfect house with a perfect husband? Was that what would finally make her happy and satisfied?

It wasn't the time to ask herself questions, that were too hard to answer. It was the time to enjoy the last day of being a Smith girl. The bad girl from the wrong side of the tracks.

And now? She was a different person. She looked different, she behaved differently, she even had a different taste. Sometimes she felt like she lost herself and desperately wanted to find a way back home.

Oh, how badly she wanted to forget about Alice that she became, just for one day. Forget about the perfectly manicured nails, beautifully curled hair, and light makeup in nude shades.

Was it truly her? No, it wasn't. and she knew about it too well. But somehow, she found it easier to believe, that she was the way she was supposed to be. It was easier to believe that she is happy.

Today, she was going to be Alice Smith one last time.

She made her way to a place where she had spent her childhood, to the Sunnyside Trailer Park. Her old trailer was located in the middle of the yard, but it wasn't the one she was going to spend the day in. Not today.

She was going to the last trailer, the one at the end of Sunnyside Park. Back in the olden days, she could've got there with her eyes closed.

Alice had always found it to be her safe space. Well, it hadn't been extremely safe with an alcoholic man living inside. But he wasn't the only one living in the trailer.

The mean drunk had a son. The dark-haired boy with chocolate brown eyes and the most charming smile in the whole wide world. In Riverdale High, he had been known as a school lover boy and she had been the lucky one to be close to him. At least for some time.

It was FP Jones.

Alice still remembered the day they first met. Their first date. Their first kiss. Their first intimate moment together. She remembered every single hook up, meaningless kisses, fights, hate, and breakups. And she still couldn't get over him.

He knew her like nobody else, even Hal. They had known each other since they were kids. He was the one, who helped her get over her fears and had been there for her when she needed support.

Oh God, this is a mistake.

She couldn't get over the thought when she parked in front of the familiar trailer. Her heart started to beat faster. All of the memories came back in this one moment.

She still had the time to change her mind, to run away again. Instead of going back to her house, she turned the engine off.

Don't you dare get out of this fucking car, Smith.

She did. She got out of the new truck and shut the car door behind her back. FP's motorbike was parked in front of the trailer as well. He had come back from work already, just like she thought.

"Now or never," Alice whispered to herself and took the last deep breath before walking towards the door. She was sure, she will regret it tomorrow. But it wasn't about tomorrow. It was about here and now.

Meanwhile, FP was changing his clothes after taking a shower. He was thankful, that Fred gave him a chance and let him work in Andrews Construction. It was a hard physical job, but he had never complained about it.

After he and Alice split-up for good, Fred was the only one, who helped him stay in human form. It was Fred, who dragged him out of the deepest shit and gave him a job after FP's father suddenly disappeared. Fred was his rock and best friend, the only friend.

Right after he dried his hair with the towel and put a pair of jeans on, he heard a soft knock on the trailer door. He didn't expect anyone, did he? There was a possibility that he forgot something from work rather than forget about the scheduled meeting.

He made his way towards the door and threw the towel to the bathroom before reaching the doorknob. The door swung opened and he saw the familiar girl standing in front of him

It was Alice, Alice Smith. The girl from the middle trailer, his teenage love. Her hair, which used to be longer and brown was much shorter and blonde now. Her makeup was much more toned than before.

Her clothes looked formal. Her baby pink blouse matched perfectly with high heels and black jeans on her long legs. Even though she had changed, he would always recognize her.

A shiver went down his spine when his eyes met her ocean blue ones. He was would expect everyone to come over, but Alice. What was she doing there in the first place?

"Alice? What are you doing here?" FP asked, desperately wanting to know the answer to his question. It wasn't a usual sight to see Alice Smith in front of his trailer lately.

They had used to be friends back in the teenage years. They even became lovers. Neither of them could've ever imagined, that they would lose each other at some point. Not after what they achieved together.

"Can I come in?" She asked insecurely if he would let her in or not. Even though she was standing shirtless in front of her with his hair wet, her eyes didn't leave his chocolate brown ones even for a second.

She shouldn't have come. Why didn't she listen to her sense? She was just about to turn around and run away, but FP stepped aside to let her in. Alice walked into the small living room and heard, he shut the door after her.

Without saying another word, he left her alone for a while. She glanced around to see if anything changed. Everything was just when she had left this place a few years ago except for one detail. She didn't see any bottle of alcohol.

"So, what can I do for you?" FP's voice ripped her out of her thoughts and forced her to turn and face him. He put a shirt on so that both of them wouldn't feel more awkward. To be honest, it was hard to make this situation more awkward than it was already.

"I'm getting married tomorrow." She spat out and watched FP raising his eyebrows with a slight chuckle leaving his lips. Her cheeks flushed red the second she realized, what she said.

Shit. Good job Smith, good job.

"I know, so what?" FP answered shortly. He knew about her wedding but refused to think about it. For the past days, he did everything to get it off of his mind. Thanks to Alice, he didn't forget about this event.

"You do?" Her voice surprised. He nodded and shrugged his shoulders. It was hard not to know that the girl that you loved was going to become Hal's Cooper wife.

FP couldn't stand this jerk. Not because he took her from him or didn't treat Alice well, because he did. He hated him because he changed her. He wanted o to believe that she is happy with him, bit still didn't have enough courage to ask directly.

"What do you want, Alice?" FP raised his voice a bit. He couldn't stand the thought of her getting married to another man. He was hurt.

He still loved her, no matter how many times he would tell himself that he doesn't feel anything, that it's over. He hated her, but he hated himself even more. He hated himself for loving her.

"I just want to be Alice Smith for the last fucking time!" She shouted back and grabbed her bag from the old couch. It was a mistake and she wanted to leave. FP grabbed her arm softly, not wanting to force her to do anything.

The anger in her eyes told him, that it was still the same girl, he had used to know. The anger, he had always thought would be the death of him someday and he hadn't been wrong. He was more than willing to spend this day with her, no matter how bad the decision might turn out to be.

"Beer or tequila?" He asked with a slight smile on his face. She raised her eyebrow and watched him took the bottles out of a fridge. He didn't change a bit.

"Oh please! Don't act like you don't know. It's not like we know each other for ages, is it?" She smirked and threw her bag back on the couch before sticking her nose into the fridge.

"You, know, I thought you would rather want champagne or expensive wine." He joked and she poked his shoulder. He gave her the first shot, salt, and lime. When he took his shot into his hand, he looked at her with a smirk.



A few hours later the empty pizza boxes were lying on the kitchen counter right next to the half-empty tequila bottle. They drank a few more shots, but both Alice and FP were still sober. She was impressed, that she still got the stomach for drinking.

"Shouldn't you be at the hairdresser or somewhere else right now?" FP asked while looking at Alice who was enjoying another piece of pizza.

God, she looked so perfect. Her blonde curls were softly tickling her shoulders while she tried her best to eat the last piece of her pizza and not spread the sauce all over herself. She scratched her nose in the most beautiful way and took another bite.

"No, I will do everything tomorrow." She shrugged her shoulders while chewing the pizza. It was a lie. She had at least two important appointments, but she didn't care about them. Not at all.

He wanted to make a sassy remark about her wedding, but once he opened his mouth to speak, he heard a familiar sound. A familiar melody playing in the background led him off guard.

It was their song.

The one that had used to help both of them a lot during the rough high school times. There were so many memories connected to this familiar sound, neither Alice nor FP could count them.

Their night talks. Their walks near the Sweetwater River. Their first kiss. Their first intimate moment. Their fights. Their break up. Everything was somehow connected to both sound and lyrics of the old song.

Alice tried her best not to show how much hearing it touched her. Her eyes were stuck to the floor. Maybe it wasn't played by accident? Maybe it was a sign?

FP saw the sadness started to take over her and with a quiet sigh, stood up from the couch. There was no way in hell, he would let a bunch of stupid memories ruin their last day. The truth was, they weren't stupid, were they?

"Come on." He reached his hand for her to help her stand from the ground. Alice looked up and placed her small palm onto his. With one swift move, she stood up from the ground and caught FP's plans pretty quickly.

He brought her tiny waist closer to his body. He felt her body tensed a little when he did so, but it suddenly relaxed when FP started to sway in the rhythm of the music.

She rested her head on his shoulder, cuddling a little bit more to his chest. The scent of his cologne made her feel goosebumps all over her body. With her eyes closed, she let FP rock them at a slow pace in the middle of the small living room.

"Do you remember that summer of dreams, when you kept writing: "I feel so bad, come to me even right now, do something with me, don't leave me here alone"?" FP's voice was nothing more than a whisper into her ear.

Alice's heart melted when she listened to him tenderly repeating the lyrics of the song. She knew every single line of it and realized, how they could relate all of these words to their life right now.

"Everything was so simple those days." She hummed back as they kept swaying, holding each other tightly.

"The day drove me out, at night I returned once again." FP smiled the second he brought back one of the old memories. He had used to sneak into Alice's bedroom at late night hours. The following mornings he was leaving her bed quietly, early in the morning.

He couldn't count all of the nights they spent like this. What's more, they had never got caught. FP hadn't bumped into Alice's or his parents even once. But even if he had, the nights they had spent together were worth every sacrifice.

"We lived in a big bathtub and so rarely crawled out onto the dry land." Alice chuckled a little and swung her ass like a cat, making FP laugh as well.

It didn't take long for their grins to fade away. They knew what was coming next. Instead of letting her go off of his grip, FP tightened his arm around her just to feel her warmth for a little bit longer.

"I still don't know why it started like that, why it faded - no one knows either." The second these words left Alice's soft pillow lips she felt her eyes started to fill with tears.

She wasn't the only one getting emotional right now, though. It was hard for FP to admit that to himself too.

The main difference between them was, that Alice was nearly married and she would start a new life soon, while he was still in the same place as if she had left him yesterday. Even though Fred helped him to put his shit together and get his ass to work, it wasn't what FP had in mind.

"There are still many women around me. I don't wake up alone, but nothing is simple these days." His voice trembled the second he confessed the sad truth. There were no other women, who could make him feel the same way as Alice did.

Alice raised her head from his shoulder and looked directly into FP's watery eyes. He expected her to say that she needed to go home, but instead, she just kept melting into his chocolate brown eyes.

FP traced his fingers on her porcelain cheeks with a slight smile forming across his face. She didn't remove his hand. Quite the opposite, she followed his moves and did exactly the same.

They didn't even realize when their foreheads touched as they were still slowly swaying. If it was just about FP, he wouldn't even need to think twice and just let their lips met in a soft kiss. But It wasn't.

It was about Alice. She was the one getting married the following day. FP needed to know if she wanted anything to happen. It was the most important to him.

Alice lifted her head a little and brushed her nose onto his tenderly. She wanted to feel like this was enough for her, but with FP? Nothing was enough with him.

She couldn't resist anymore and leaned closer to his lips with a huge grin on her pretty face. They finally melted in the softest of kisses. She wrapped her arms around his neck while pressing another bite on his lips.

Alice knew, that she was the one in charge and FP wouldn't force her to do anything. But he didn't force her, she just wanted it to happen. She was hiding her real feelings for way too long. If there was anything she wanted to do so badly before getting married, it was spending the last night with FP Jones.

When FP deepened the kiss, Alice's hands moved inside his shirt to feel all of the muscles on his torso. He didn't change a bit. Without waiting any longer, she pulled his t-shirt over his head before wrapping her legs around his waist.

"Don't stop." Her voice was nothing more than a silent cry of pleasure when FP started prepping love bites on her neck. It was enough for him to know, that she wanted this to happen, and carried her to his bedroom.

It was hard for both of them to explain what happened next. Maybe it was the spark, that had always been between the two of them? Or maybe it was just alcohol, tiredness, and old memories taking over them?

It didn't matter.

All that mattered was here and now.


Their naked bodies were covered with bedsheets. Alice's head rested on his bare chest, listening to FP's heartbeat. Her fingers traced small circles all over his torso.

We did it and it was a mistake.

She felt the lump in her throat when the guilt started taking over her. What the hell was she thinking? Did she believe that it was the right way to solve her fucking problems? To resolve her doubts?

It shouldn't have happened.

Alice wanted to say something so badly. To apologize, to somehow excuse herself. It was impossible to find the right words to express her feelings, even for someone like Alice.

Once she turned her head to face FP, she saw him sleeping peacefully. His breathing was steady and calm. he was looking so innocent she didn't have the heart to wake him up and ruin anything. Even though she knew it was too late.

It was getting dark outside, and Alice had no other choice, just come back home. To her new 'dreamy' life. To Hal.

She carefully got up from the bed and started to collect her clothes strewn around the bedroom floor. She put them on and glanced around the small room for the very last time.

Her eyes were glued to FP. After a longer while, she finally moved towards him to place the last kiss on his soft lips. Thankfully, he didn't wake up when their lips met and Alice's stroked his beard softly.

It is time to let go.

Alice silently got out of the room and grabbed her bag before leaving the trailer. She closed the door behind her back and walked towards her car. In just a minute, she drove away.

She had no idea that she will show up in front of FP's trailer door 25 years later and they will find happiness together.  
