Chapter 6- The Princess is Coming

Humiliation. What else could the count feel? Enjoying the moment until they came. It's not everyday you see the first prince hug someone like that. He expected the 4 younger princes to scuttle away after the tutor said this was very important news, but as nosey as the youngest is. He will not leave and neither will the others then. If it was the king, a maid or even a guard who said that, then they would go back to their casual routine but it was the royal tutor we're talking to. Everyone knows how much those princes revolve around him, so this news they had to hear. 

The tutor came closer as the steward tried to control his blush by the sudden interruption. Finally, having his professional mask back on, he smiled and politely bowed at the tutor waiting for the news.

"Forgive my unusual behavior, what is this urgent news?"

To the count's amusement the tutor gave a surprised expression at the count's controlled reaction, mumbling words like, "My word...".

Eins stepped forward as well as the other princes wondering what this "urgent news" will be.

"I have come to inform you that King Jeremiah from the kingdom of Virgil will be coming to visit Glanzreich in 4 days, with him will be his wife and his 2 daughters, Princess Blythe and Princess Ayleth. He insisted he needed to come to Glanzreich for this matter. Queen Mother already wants to hold a tea party to meet the princesses, she expects all 5 princes to be there along with Count Rosenberg, and me. They will be staying here for a week."

They younger princes just stood there not knowing why this was such a big deal. It was another visit from the neighbouring kingdoms. Licht blabbering on how he could make both of them fall for him in a second. The third prince was searching for some kind object to hit the back of his head for stating such a shameless comment. Leonhard help's his dearest brother search. Prince Kai trying to control everyone. Eins just watching this as if this was all a boring theater play. 

Eins slowly walked up to the tutor asking, "Is that all?"

"Yes.". The tutor was obviously entertained by this news by looking at the count. He was just standing there with his hand on his forehead, muttering, "Damn that persistent old man...".

The first prince not exhausted by this news at all, sharing the emotion as the tutor, secretly of course.  

"Understood, me and Ernst will be there to greet him. Ern, lets go, we have a meeting we'll be late to after all."

Ernst followed him back into the carriage with a glare still on his face.

Soon after they headed inside the carriage silence fell. 

"What do you think they do inside that carriage?" said Licht never failing to make the most flagrant note or question at the end.

"They do what we do inside a carriage of course! Ride it! What else would they do?" Leonhard asked, honestly Heine would love to help them but unable to find a place to intercept in. Prince Bruno's reflexes automatically covered his ears. Now who says he's not flexible?

"Leonie, you don't know anything! Remember they are lovers! They could do anything inside that carriage! Like ride it in a special way... Or instead of riding the carriage..."

"Shut up!", Prince Bruno trying to protect Leonhard's innocence.

The tutor came in only to be overlapped, "Now your highnesses-"

"Let me tell you a few...First they could- mggh.

A hand covered his mouth, soft hands, prince Kai's to be specific. 

"Licht. Bruno. Everyone. Enough. We have classes at 3."

"Ah, yes now if you will follow me.". The tutor leads the prices to a huge room wondering, what could they be doing in there?

....4 days later...

Count Rosenberg had found his new favorite hat. The hat picked by Eins. He could wear it today but that old man and his family was here. Especially princess Bythe, but he hasn't met her yet. Never judge one before you meet them. At the end he decided to wear it only to show off, ahemdisplay,  it to the princess. 

Ernst stood by Eins at the doors of Weissburg Palace, for the first time Eins actually evaluating his hat. Soon a carriage stopped and the palace guards, Ludwig and Maximilian stood up straight. A king with no beard but a mustache on his face came out. His eyes looked sharp as if they were always pointing daggers at someone. You wouldn't say he looks old, but just looks like he's 80.  He obviously wasn't because he is in good shape, somewhat. Then came his youthful wife and her 2 daughters. Princess Blythe looked around the age of Eins and was very beautiful, but instead of a smiling she was still frowning. Lastly came out Princess Ayleth who looked as beautiful as her sister and mother but a bit younger. She looked younger than prince Licht but she had a smile that was obviously strained. 

Eins and Ernst walked up to King Jeremaih and bowed. Soon after taking a secret peek at Eins princess Blythe finally smiled, and who else caught it but Ernst?


Count Rosenberg wished he could say that the visit of the princesses was fun but it was not. Even after 4 days of their visit, Ernst could not find any likeable traits in the princess or her sister. Ernst remembers exactly what happened  today that really pissed him off. 

Today was the day Queen Mother was having a tea party with everyone. Eins and Ernst showed up last and when they arrived the tea and sweets were being served.  This was supposed to be a friendly, not bothersome tea party but princess Blythe was defying those terms. 

She sat right beside Eins and even on a round  table she leaned so close to him. You would have to be blind not to see her turn around to loudly whisper comments about herself. She had about the same manners as a goat, and always tilts her head to talk to Eins. 

Ernst who sitting on the other side of Eins, could hear what she said about Eins too. 

Looks like Eins wasn't lying when he said she thought Eins was handsome, suave, charming and whatever. She kept muttering on and on about how perfect they would be together, how she could be the queen of Glanzreich, how pretty she was, how food they served here was bland and how everything will soon change with her around. At first Eins actually glared at her, but seeing how she paid that no attention to mind he just sat there slowly trying to move his chair away from her and closer to Ernst. Ernst even heard Eins say, "Will you shut up for once?".

Ernst giggled a bit that was only heard by Eins and Blythe. Her face fumed as she looked at Ernst, then Eins, then the other way and after a few minutes she started again.

Ernst was eternally swearing on the inside.

Her sister was not eating a single bite. Her sister was the complete opposite of herself. At first glance Blythe looked like the quiet one and Ayleth looked like the chatty one. When you meet them they are the complete opposite. Though she is moody about everything, she is not as arrogant as her sister, she is modest and hates talking. She is also a very picky person as she hates more vegetables than Leonhard. Even Leonhard stared at her as she was picking out cooked vegetables out of her soup.

Ernst had a migraine because of this and really wanted to leave. Blythe wasn't helping the situation at all as she was now bad mouthing the unknown lover of Eins. It seems the news about Eins having a lover, and marking the person, spread to them, but not who was person yet. A sigh came from Ernst as Queen Mother asked if he was feeling well. The count affably told her he was fine but he was certainly not. He has learned to cover up his brash personality but at times like this it's hard.

Having a smile on your face and greeting a brat with courtesy only because of her royal birth. She is a royal and that should be the reason she acts more unpretentious. Royals get everything better than a noble or commoner. 

Ernst could see Eins finish his tea and started to close his eyes. Ernst felt so bad. He should console him somehow. He reopened his eyes when she hissed at him to listen. The dessert came and Eins relied on the Brauner that soon was served to him to live through this.

Ernst started to get up after the dessert was taken away. He was stopped by a hand that grabs his. Soon that hand started to play around with Ernst's sleeve and was able to take off his glove. Eins moves his hand away and mouths the word, stay. 

Ernst quickly put on his glove and decided he would stay for Eins. 

This must be the worst for him, he sits right beside the menace.


A sigh came from Eins as he entered the room. Ernst at a desk still working, in his night clothes. This day was the most exhausting day for Eins! He was the one she kept on annoying.

If today was this horrid then I wonder how tomorrow will be?

Ernst got up and said, "Eins you and I have to go to a meeting with King Jeremiah, the King, Royal Tutor, and Princess Blythe will be there also."

Eins flinched, he already knew what this was going to turn out like. 

"Such a pain..."


Ernst went to the desk cleaning the papers there, while Eins got into his night clothes. Eins turned around and went closer to Ernst. 

Maybe his headache would leave if he had some relaxation, at least that's what the books say.

How about I relax with Ernst?

Eins continued to walk, then stood behind him, Ernst immediately turned around and was kissed. A voice inside Ernst was telling him to push away, but he didn't have enough willpower for that anymore. 

Flashbacks filled Ernst's head. An immediate blush came to his face. Why was he thinking of this now? Eins only helped him. Nothing more!

His hands were grabbed by Eins and slowly pinned on to the table. They broke and Ernst said it a exhausted manner, "Eins do you know how much you made my ass hurt last time? And now you're doing this again?"

Eins couldn't stop himself from laughing at that.

Coming closer to Ernst's ear, he whispered, "That was 4 days ago Ernst. Plus, you can't say you didn't enjoy it~"

A crimson face and that was it. 

Eins smiled and kissed him once more, this time making sure he drained everything out of Ernst in that one move, only to warn him of what was going to be next.

Pushed on to the bed, Eins wonders when Ernst will actually fight back? That didn't matter, at least not now. He was trying to relax.

Looks like those books were somewhat logical after all.


(。◕‿◕。) Hello. The next chapter of The Royal Tutor will soon be out! On the 19th and I'm so excited! This will soon end so I'm going to post a One-shot series of Eins x Ernst around the 19th! Who else is excited about chapter 96? Looking at chapter 95, I want to know what chapter 96 will be about.   

