The Glass Slipper

"How are we going to get there?"
"Get where?"
"The ball of course. To get your slipper." Snow White said.
"From where we are," Cinderella answered standing outside of the OUTLANDER jail, "It is 50 km to Windspell, which is the town I went to the ball in. "If we start walking now, we should get there by sunrise." So they began the long, tiring journey to Windspell and after an hour of walking - still in the police officer disguises - finally made it to Windspell.
"What do we do now?" Snow White asked.
"We are on Poise road, so we should be about 1 km away from the ball."
"Seriously? More walking?" Snow complained.
"Do you want to find that slipper or not? Because I know I sure do!"
"Fine." She responded.
It only took the two villains 15 minutes to get to the ball and what a sight it was.
"It looks the same as it always does. The same snowy white horses whose coats resembled that of the moon, the same beautiful grand staircase, and the same gorgeous dresses and gowns." Cinderella noted.
"It is pretty, however, not sure if you realised but the King and Queen of Windspell are holding a royal ball tonight."
"Great, more disguises!" Cinderella groaned.
"Maybe we don't need disguises if we are already princesses."
"You mean lying, cheating, disguised princesses looking for a magical glass slipper to take over the world?"
"No!" Snow answered angrily. We are still in the officers' uniforms so we need dresses and shoes which will be a disguise, but people will still recognise our faces."
"They will but nobody from Windspell knows what we have done. They still think I am a sweet little princess who moved to a Fairy tale with her husband. They don't know anything!" Cinderella reaslied.
"Well then they will be very glad to see you," said Snow White.
"If we hurry we should be able to get to the dress shop down the street before the ball starts."
The both of them raced down the street to the dress shop and the owner of the shop welcomed them kindly. "It is so good to see you, Princess Cinderella. And I see you have bought a friend, but I think it is a little late to be buying a dress for the ball."
The old man waved them towards the door.
"Wait!" yelped Snow White. "We need two of your best dresses - pronto."
"I have only a couple more dresses left but it will cost you extra since the shop is closed."
"We don't have any money," said Snow disappointedly.
"Yes we do," answered Cinderella. "I, being the smart person that I am, stole some money out of Callum's pocket as we were heading down to the cafeteria." She held out a small sack of blue coins. "How much?" Cinderella asked the dressmaker.
"12 gobs." He answered. Cinderella put 12 small coins into his sweaty hand.
"Come this way," he said mysteriously.
And the two princesses followed him into a dressing room at the back of the shop. He handed one light blue dress to Cinderella that was so sparkly you could see your reflection in the glitter. Then he handed Snow White a pastel pink dress as fluffy as a cloud. The two ladies tried their dresses on and they fitted perfectly, and within about fifteen minutes they were walking to the ball.
• • •
"Good Evening, princess! It is so good to see you again", the lovely doorman exclaimed.
"The pleasure is mine Charles", Cinderella replied politely. Snow White and Cinderella walked very swiftly into the glorious ball. In the very centre hung a beautiful chandelier made of only the finest crystal. About two hundred people in beautiful gowns and suits were dancing with their partners.
"This is beautiful!" Snow said, shocked but glad.
"The slipper should be in the trophy room", said Cinderella. "If I am correct," she continued, "the trophy room is on the left to the great statue." She said pointing to a huge statue of a man cloaked in sheets of grey in the middle of the ball.
"Let's go!" said Snow White. They both danced their way across the ball dodging dresses and shoes, men and women, suits and ties until they reached the statue. And they slid behind the statue into a small room with many trophies.
"There it is!" whispered Cinderella. She slowly reached out her hand and swiped the slipper and placed it gently into a small pocket in the side of her gown.
"Well done." Puffed Snow White. They quickly waltzed their way out of the castle, extremely careful to not let the slipper fall out of the silk pocket on Cinderella's dress. Once they were outside a few guards were waiting near the doors.
"Good evening Princess Cinderella. Due to the King and Queen's orders, we need to do a random body and bag search.
"That's not good." Whispered Snow
"What was that madam?" The guard asked politely.
"Nothing," she answered a little too quickly. They both went to one guard each. Their brows were sweating and their bodies tightened immensely. "All clear." The officer said. "Sorry for the trouble Princess," The guard whispered something slightly into Cinderella's ear, "Nice job sweetheart."
"That's quite alright," Cinderella answered, trying not to sound too surprised. They both walked away with smiles plastered on their faces.
