2- On Our Way!

Minna-san!! Heres chapter 2! Please comment and vote^

Natsu POV:
Im gonna die today. Mira told everyone that the car ride is 2 hours... i cant survive that long!

Anyways when i arrived there, i saw Luce with a a mini suitcase and i felt my stomach flutter. Why does it keep doing that every time i see her? I just ignore it usually but it keeps growing bigger and bigger.

Beside her is Levy and Erza, whos also, surprisingly, lugging a small suitcase behind them.

"Hey Natsu," calls a sweet familiar voice. I turn around faced Lucy.

"Luce! Im gonna die today!!"I whine.

"Natsu-san, i can help you and Gajeel." Wendy speaks up.

"Wendy thank you so much!!" I exclaim.

"Guys we need to go now" calls Mira, as Wendy casts Troia on Gajeel and I. Suddenly i notice that Mira's got that twinkle in her eye. Oh shit...shes up to her stupid matchmaking again..

Levy's POV:

"Everyone, here are the assigned seats. Jellal then Erza on his right then Natsu then Lucy then Gray then Juvia then Romeo then Wendy then Gajeel then Levy. Laxus and I will be beside Levy and Jellal, so its in a circle." continues Mira, who was now in her own little world of her favourite OTP babies.

Everyone sighed and got into their seating arrangements. The moment the car shuddered to life, Mira exclaimed,"Lets play truth or dare!"

I looked over at Gajeel and blushes. She knew Mira would literally FORCE her to do anything related to him. Everyone knows shes the Demon Queen, as in will kill anyone that doesnt agree to her OTPs.

"Ill start it off. Natsu, truth or dare?" She asks now.

"Dare,"he responds confidently.

Mira smirked. "I dare you to eat a cookie with Lucy together without using your hands."

Lu-chan blushes and looks away. Mira grabs an oreo from her bag and hands it to Natsu. He puts a corner of it in his mouth and leans over to Lucy, and she took a deep breath and bit the end of the cookie as well.

Mira squeals and claps. "Omg Nalu moment omg I want 20 Nalu babies omg so kawaiii!!!" She takes a picture with her camera and squeals again. Everyone sweatdropped, while the two leans closer and turned the color of Erza's hair.

Lucy was literally magenta until she let go and let Natsu finish the rest of the oreo. Natsu stammers," E-Er-Erza, truth or dare?"

"Truth," she replies, looking nervous.

"Who is your current crush?"he grins.

Gray snickers and juts a finger at Natsu. "Oi Flame Brain knows what crush means?!"he cracks up along with everyone else.

"What did you say Ice Princess?"

"Droopy eyes!"

"Slanty eyes!"

"If you dare say anything else you will not see the end of today," threatens Mira, transforming into her Satan Soul Demon.

"Aye!"squeaks Natsu and Gray, copying Happy.

"Now continue, who is your crush, Erza?" Mira transforms back and asks sweetly.

"Ummm... J-J-Je-Jellal..."stammers Erza as she reddens. Jellal blushes too and looks down, but everyone knows he's hiding a smile. Again, Mira fangirls and jumps around.

"A-Anyways, Gray, truth or dare?"

Gray pondered for a second and replies," Dare."

"Okay, I dare you to kiss Juvia for 5 seconds."she said.

Juvia lunges and Gray and screams happily. "Gray-samaaa!!" She presses her lips to Grays and they both turns red.

"Omg im going to faint this is soo cute!!" Mira fangirls and takes like a million pics.

The two finally parts and realizes its been a lot longer then 5 seconds. Everyone chuckles while Juvia daydreams in her own little world of her beloved prince.

Gray stutters," Romeo um truth or dare?"

Romeo smiles. "Truth."

"Do you like Wendy?"

"U-Umm yes..." he blushes not daring to look at Wendy. Wendy too reddens while Mira and some of the other girls squeal.

"If you ever hurt Wendy at all i will rip off your face,"Lucy threatens.

"H-Hai.." Romeo looked scared. I wouldnt blame him, some of us girls can be reallyyy scary."

"AWWWW CHILDHOOD LOVE SO KAWAIII!!!"shrills Mira, clapping in delight. "Lets stop for now, we arrived at MELON RESORT!"

I hoped you liked my book so far omg i already got a few votes and reads!! Im so happy please vote and comment for ideas, advice and opinions!! -squeals- im so excited to keep writing this! I love you all😘
