x | dragons can

Whitley Schnee's pov

Oscar reaches the station before he does and smiles "I won." He winks

"Hey you never said that this was a race!" Whitley protests, Oscar shrugs "I still beat you didn't I?" Whitley rolls his eyes and pulls out his newly made rapier. He added a little dust holder like Weiss' so he can use that power and his skills.

"Up ahead." Oscar says pointing at an incoming small group of grimm.

Whitley nods and gets in position. They get closer and Whitley notices that they are boarbatusk not beowolf.

"Oscar they're weak at their underbelly hit there and it's an instant kill." He says. Oscar nods and slides under one and thrusts his cane up.

Whitley smiles and grabs one by the horns and flips it over. He stabs his rapier into the boar and it fades like most grimm do.

Oscar deals with the other one and Whitley smiles. "You're getting better!"

"You're still leagues better than me." Oscar says walking back over to him. Whitley smiles and shakes his head. The street lights go out and his grip on his rapier tightens.

Oscar taps into their communications "Hey the lights went out."

"No they didn't." Marrow replies

"Well they're out for us." Whitley says

"Be careful guys." Jaune says

"Yeah, Tyrian and that Watts guy are still out there." Nora adds

"Don't underestimate Tyrian, he's very skilled in combat." Qrow adds

"And fast too I couldn't get a good shot." Ruby adds.

Oscar nods "Okay we'll be careful."

They log off so Watts can't track them but Whitley has a feeling they already know. "Oscar we should move."

Oscar tilts his head "But you said so yourself that we should stay so grimm don't go up to-" He looks down and there's a telson through his gut.

Whitley freezes and Oscar falls forward. Whitley catches him and applies pressure to his stomach. "Hang on." Whitley grabs his rapier with a free hand and points it at the man. "Ruby! Ruby!"

"Aw you think they can hear you?" He bends down and gets close to Whitley's face too close for him to use his rapier and he doesn't want to leave Oscar alone. "We cut all your communications to them." He stands all the way up and smiles "Now let's see what a Schnee can do."

Whitley looks down at Oscar and back to Tyrian. He sets Oscar carefully down and stands up. He gets into position. "Let's make it quick." He chokes.

"Aw you're still sad? Careful emotions can get messy in a fight." Tyrian taunts.

Whitley lunges at him but Tyrian blocks his attack. "See messing up already."

Whitley straightens up and decides to play the defensive approach.

Ruby Rose's pov

"Oscar! Oscar come in!" She yells. She looks at Weiss and she nods. Ruby grabs her hand and Ruby uses her semblance to get to the middle of the city as fast as she can. They stop and run a few blocks before seeing Oscar on the ground. "Oscar!" Ruby runs over to him and kneels to put pressure on the wound.

"I'm going to find Whitley!" Weiss calls.

Ruby nods and taps into their communications "Jaune I need you. Now!"

"I'm on my way what's wrong?"

"Oscar's down." Ruby starts to cry "Jaune get here quick!"

Ruby looks back down at Oscar who is starting to close his eyes. "No, Oscar stay with me! We need you."
