Family Reunion

Clover's POV

I woke up late, and walked into the kitchen, where my boyfriend was making breakfast. Bacon sizzled in a pan. I walked over silently and wrapped my arms around his waist, kissing his cheek.

"Good morning sleeping beauty," he greeted me. I smiled. 

I sat at the table and Qrow placed a plate of pancakes, bacon, and eggs in front of me. Recently, he had been taking lessons from his niece, Ruby, so that he can be a better cook. He was a natural and made some really good dinners for the two of us. 

As we sat down to eat breakfast, something smacked into the window. We looked over and saw a bird, a raven, peaking the window. 

"What is she doing here?" Qrow mumbled, and went to open the window. The raven flew in and immediately transformed into Qrow's twin sister. She looked panicked, a look I never thought I would see on her face. 

I stood up, standing in between Qrow and Raven, just in case. But she ignored me.

"Qrow, they came. They're at the camp." 

I looked over my shoulder at my boyfriend. His face had turned a pale shade of white.

"You're lying."

"No, they actually came."

"What's going on? Who came?" I asked, confused and worried. 

"We need to go, right now." Qrow grabbed his scythe, Harbinger, and headed out the door. 

We got to the camp, and the air seemed to be full of tension. Qrow hadn't spoken a word on the trip, so I was still incredibly confused. 

We walked into the middle of the camp and a bandit ran up to talk to Raven.

"They are in my tent," she said, turning to Qrow and me. Qrow nodded and stalked into the biggest tent. 

There sat two adults, probably in their sixties. The woman, who was holding hands with the man, stood up. 

"Are you two the children?" She asked. "Are you two the twins?" 

Qrow and Raven stepped forward. "We are," Raven said. 

The woman pulled them both into a hug. Both Raven and Qrow turned stiff. The man just watched, drinking out of a bottle of whiskey. 

The lady pulled away, but kept a hand on each of their shoulders, stepping back to examine them. 

"I'm your mom. This is your dad. We are so glad that we finally get to meet you." 

So this is what Qrow dragged me out here for, to meet his parents. I knew that Qrow and Raven had been left for dead when they were children. If it weren't for the bandits, neither one of them would be here. And even then, Qrow's childhood was terrible. The bandits abused him because of his semblance, while Raven was adored and trained to become the new tribe leader. Qrow hated talking about his childhood, and the people who had caused him the most pain were standing right in front of him. 

"What's your names?" The man asked, standing up. He took another swig of his whiskey. Qrow's face paled even more when he saw the man drinking, something Qrow had recently given up. 

"I'm Raven, and this is my younger twin brother, Qrow." 

"Well Raven, Qrow, we should sit down and have some tea, try to catch up," the lady, their mother said. 

Both of the twins looked hesitant, but Raven agreed and gave Qrow a look telling him to go along with it. I sat down as well, staying out of their way. I would stick by Qrow's side as emotional support.

Raven poured the tea while their mother asked about their lives. Raven shared stories of her and Qrow growing up and their teen years. Under normal circumstances, I would have loved to hear these stories, but these were not normal circumstances.

Qrow stayed perfectly silent, just drinking his tea. Once Raven had finished, their mother began talking, telling her story.

"Well, I'm a huntress. My name is Chandla, but people call me The Silent Huntress, because my semblance can take away sound."

"That's you?" Raven interjected. The Silent Huntress was famous, but she didn't show her face a lot.

I heard Qrow mutter under his breath, "Great, she's famous. Just what I needed." I took his hand and held it in mine. I couldn't possibly understand what he was going through, I was blessed with two amazing parents.

Chandla laughed at Raven's shock. "Yes that's me."

"I went to Atlas Academy, and not long after I graduated, I met your father, Stephan. He was just a small town villager, a regular man with a drinking problem, something I actually found attractive." At the mention of his father's drinking problem, Qrow squeezed my hand. He couldn't help but stare at the bottle of whiskey, a mixture of longing and disgust on his face. I knew that if he hadn't given up drinking, he would have drank that whole bottle because of stress by now. I was proud of him for holding back and staying sober in this moment. I made a mental note to tell him that. 

"We got married and soon, were expecting you two. But we were young, really young. Children were not something we wanted, so right after you were born we left you. I admit, the middle of the forest probably wasn't the best idea. But everyday since then, we regretted our choice. All our friends watched their children grow up, so a few months ago, we finally decided to start searching for you."

"After forty years, you suddenly care. I'm calling bullsh*t," Qrow finally spoke up. 

Chandla's eyes watered with tears. "I know we weren't here for you and your sister, but we want a chance." 

"The hell you do. Because of you, I had the worst childhood ever. I was left for dead by my parents, you two. Then we were adopted by bandits, who abused me for having a sh*tty semblance while they worshiped my sister. Then I was forced to go to a huntsmen academy so that I would know how to kill huntsmen. When I left the tribe, I was cut off from everything I had ever known. My sister deserted me for the tribe, my best friend's second wife died, and I was stuck watching it all. My life would have been very different, probably a lot happier, if you had just done the right thing and taken care of us. Or better yet, killed us." Qrow was sobbing at this point, unable to contain his pain and anger.

Raven stared at her bother, unsure of what to say. 

"You're right." Their father spoke up. "We were dumb. Look at how you turned out, killing you would have been kinder." Chandla stared at her husband in shock. Qrow stood up and left the tent, and I followed him. He sat on the steps, placing his hands in his face. I sat down next to him.

"Hey, I'm here if you need a shoulder to cry on." I wrapped my arms around him. 

"I'm sorry I reacted so poorly."

"You did not react poorly. You spoke how you felt. I'm proud of you." 

"We should probably go back inside."

"Not unless you are okay. You shouldn't go in there again unless you think you can handle it."

Qrow stood up and held out his hand for me to take. I took it and we headed back into the tent, hand in hand.

"-I'm just saying that if we had killed him, then we wouldn't have to worry about having a fag for a son!" 

Chandla and Stephan were arguing. Raven just sat and watched. Qrow stiffened when he heard what Stephan had said.

"Excuse me?" I said, stepping forward, leaving Qrow in the doorway. "Would you like to rethink what you said about Qrow, my boyfriend?" 

Stephan stood to stand face to face with me. He was much shorter than me, but that didn't scare him. I could smell the liquor on his breath and it took all my energy not to gag. 

"You heard me. He's a fag. You're a fag. Maybe if we had raised him, he would be better."

"There's nothing wrong with being attracted to guys. Qrow is the most amazing guy I've ever met and being bisexual does not detract from that." Stephan pulled back his arm as if to punch me, but I grabbed it and brought him to the ground, something I had learned in my military training. 

"Raven, I think I should take Qrow home now." Raven nodded and I pulled Qrow by the wrist out the door.

"What you did back there was great." Qrow told me, resting his head on my shoulder as we headed back to Atlas.

"I'm sorry I lost my temper. After everything they did to you and then him saying that, I lost it."

"Well, seeing you bring him to the ground that quickly did make me smile, so I'd say it was worth it." 

"Anything to see you smile." I kissed his forehead and took his hand in mine. 

"Let's just hope we never hear from them again." I said, pulling Qrow onto my lap and resting my head on his shoulder. He stroked my hair. We sat there, cuddling and not talking for the rest of the trip home. Even though the day was stressful, it was so relaxing sitting there with Qrow, forgetting it all.


A/N: This is a story that came to me late last night and I just had to write it. Tell me what you guys think.

I'm considering doing a second part, where it's the exact same thing, but from Raven's POV. Tell me if you guys would want to read that!

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If you have a story prompt, leave it in the comments or send it to my inbox! I'll write is as soon as possible!

Thank you for reading and I hoped you enjoyed it!
