Jumping Woman/ Making Beds/ Colorblind Bulls/ Dreams

                                       In 1979, a woman jumped off the 86th floor of thr Empire State Building and lived. 29 year old Elvita Adams jumped off but a 30 mph gust of wind blew her back up and she fell on the ledge of the 85 floor. She suffered from a fractured hip.

                                         Not making your bed is actually better than making it. When you make your bed, it makes a safer environment for the dust mites living inaide your bed. An unmade bed is warm and dry conditions are harder for the dust mites to handle.

                                            The color red does not make bulls go crazy. Bulls are colorblind. The Mythbusters founs out that bulls were just as likely to charge at white and blue flags as they were to charge at red ones. Bulls just charge at whatever seems to move the most, regardless of the color.

                                                    The average person has between 1, 460 and 2, 190 dreams a year.
