⌛⏰❌War for our Good Ending... Part 2 FINALE: Showtime...🔚⚠⏳

" All good things must come to an end......... but we are not good, so who says the fun has to stop? Believe me this is just the beginning! .... I'm losing myself in my own reflection that does not belong to me..... Help Me-" - Domino 

(Cyclock's POV) 

 I watched as the two sides got closer to each other, Flint came walking up to me, but I didn't attack " ..... the plan is coming together isn't it?" he said " .... yeah I guess it is..... you should go help them.... I'll help my side until there ready, I'll call Domino once you give the signal" I said to him. Ze teleported away as I headed down with the others, I can tell that they were all waiting for the battle to start as they both groups got closer to each other and soon stopped moving, It was quite for a while as Ice Finn started at the other group for an attack. He raised and whispered "go" and the blood shed began to raise as both side raced to each other whether it was shooting, stabbing, explosions, you name it! it happened in just about a few seconds into war. I rushed into the riot, crushing the head of one of the guards and then hitting two of them in the head, as much as I hate the sight of human organs and guts I had to be strong cause it's either win or lose now. Things can go crazy here honestly so is difficult to tell who is winning or who is not, I got shoved against by one of the soldiers which made me become back to back with Morty " .... took you long enough newbie , I'm not surprised your here.... why not show what you got if you really are strong" he said, as much as I wanted to punch his face we had to stay on the same side for this so we both began attacking in our ways from both sides. 

" your still as weak as ever but you were good enough to survive for now" I'm not surprised this came from him, we both went our separate ways as I began to burn a whole group of them alive. As I Tied one of them up ready to stab them I could see Atlas in the distance, we both looked at each other for quite a while as I killed the guy I tied up, we both walked towards each other.  We both stood there in silence for a while " so...... here we are again...." he said " .... let's finish this shall we?" I asked, he smiled and his hands lit up with fire as my staff did the same "let's do this" and we began to battle one more time. 

 (Bipper's POV) 

 Now when I wanted to go home I DIDN'T THINK I WOULD COME BACK TO A WHOLE RIOT OF A MESS- I'm getting ahead of myself with this book, shit I broke the fourth wall in the middle of a finale, god damnit Bipper! I need sleep after this. Anyways, what was I supposed to say? oh yeah, me and Beastie were heading there, he had to carry me because well let's just say the way home was a bit messy but he was glad I was ok, We both were walking onto the edge getting close to the house until we saw a literal war taking place. "oh shit" I said, I looked over and surprise, surprise I see Ice Finn right over there as he chops off one of the guys heads off " .... Bipper? Wirt?" I waved as Beast Wirt said "yeah we are fine..... but I'm not surprise that the moment we leave you in charge you start a war, I would punish after this but umm... I think they already did a great number on your eye" he said looking at the bloody side of his face. Blood dripped from Finn's left as he wiped it of him, that scar is for sure going to stick with him for the rest of his life " well, I guess I thought that we should just finish this once in for all...." he said as he froze one of the soldiers coming at him. " well Finn...... you did pretty well for once" I told him as Beastie looked at me surprised "....Really...?" said Finn "yep, just don't get ahead of your self cause next time your not doing this without us" I said to him. I began to burn some of the people there as Branches looked at me and said " Bipper you sure your going to be ok in battle..... cause I don't think you should" "do you want to new victims for your lantern?" I asked him, he dropped me and pulled out his axe and began to chop some guy in half. I smiled "I love that man" "yeah we all know that now, now KILL THESE MOTHERFUCKER!!!!" said Ice Finn as he flew up, I stood up as well and soonly enough joined the battle as well "huh... I could have sworn I had the book Alexis gave me...... probably not important" I said. 

( Cyclock's POV) 

 I looked through the book, It seems I'm missing just one piece, I'm not sure how clockwork did this before me but I appreciate the fact that I found this laying on the floor not sure why but ok. I started to form all the pieces together while Domino walked in on me "I got the other piece" he said "ah perfect, thanks! if we go according to plan we should be able to trap Time Baby here once more.... which apparently happened last time" I said as I finished forming the piece and placed it in the portal. " so..... are the others getting Time Baby here?" he asked "yes.... I just need to figure out how to work this thing out... how do I close it?" I said, Domino looked a bit scared but then calm himself with a deep breath " .... I know how...." he said right after wards "oh really, can you show me!" I asked "just.... once you get Time baby inside I'll take care of it..... believe me I did it before, and I'm willing to do it again for them....." I hugged him tight but Domino felt like he was about to cry I didn't understand why but he hugged back tighter than ever like if it was the last.  

 I opened up the portal and testing it out, Domino just started at it " .... you going to be ok bud?" I asked, he was only silent for a moment and then said quietly ".....yeah" I was starting to get worried for him. I opened the portal as soon as I placed the final pieces in just to test it out, I looked through the pages of the book, didn't know Clockwork's work would be useful at some point but what is there to expect now a days? anything to be honest. " hey Cyclock?" asked Domino as I turned to him " ..... what do you fear the most?" I stopped and went silent for a moment, despite it being an odd question I answered it anyways " ..... well I guess just..... I'm afraid of many things but mostly just...... I'm afraid of what's to come later on for me Domino, I'm afraid of my own fate because if the things I've done.... I don't see a bright future for me or redemption of sorts, I just see a failure and regret...... even after you can out of the mirror I couldn't even face the man in the reflection...... I just fucking can't!" I told him as tears dropped from my eyes. Domino came up to me and gave me a hug "I don't want to ruin this moment by saying that you should really watch your language but..... Cyclock, even with time magic you can't control the fate that shall come to you.....no matter how hard you try to change it, you just have to face it..... face your fate I guess...... I don't have much to say..... but maybe try not to focus to much on the future and maybe more on the present? the past is the past, the future is the future.... in life you only 2 chances... when you live and you die.... for us it's complicated"  he explained to me. I tried to smile but I couldn't so I lay my head low as he patted me in the back and just looked at the portal " here" he said, he handed me three shards of mirrors for some reason " keep it, take it as some sort of last gift from me" he said. 

 I wanted to respond to that since I didn't understand what he meant by last but I couldn't since I heard iris running towards me " oh shit! is he already here!?" I asked as she nodded. I saw flint coming into the room as well " ok you know the plan! we lore him inside the portal and then trap him there for good once more! and this time we won't help him....." he explained as I typed into the coordinates as quickly as I could. "ok Cyclock! you and Domino lore him inside the portal make sure you leave before we some how close it, Iris will be looking out for any other soldiers, the other three are trying to hold them off outside, I'll do the rest" I rushed close to the portal as Domino said " I'll close the portal I know how" Flint look surprised and worried but I didn't understand why. He just closed his eyes and nodded to him, I heard Time Baby getting closer as we speak, I was getting ready to going in along with Domino by my side but the same flash from last time appeared again which it hurt my head a bit but it was more clear this time, still couldn't see who it was but I can confirm it was some sort of explosion in a glitch like environment, it felt like it was getting deleted or something. 

 I looked above me and see the man behind (THE SLATHERED- ok I'm Sorry) all this chaos ".... so your finally given your self in Cyclock?" said time Baby, I just smirked at him "well not exactly, but I think Domino would like to join me for this" I said as I stepped back a little bit into the portal, Domino came next to me. "so are you or not?" he asked angrilly, I began to laugh "if you want me..... come follow us bitch..." and soon I dropped into grabbed a hold of Domino and we both dropped into the portal where everything for me turned white so I guess I just white out or something. 

 It was quite and peaceful for a moment, but only for a moment as I found my self calmly floating up-side-down relaxing or something as soon as I opened my eyes to a familiar world, the same place Domino was when he was trapped in the mirrors, but something was wrong..... it felt glitchy, too glitchy. I tried to get myself into a piece of land to stand on properly to look for Time Baby or Domino anywhere, I look over from the distance to see if there was a sign of anyone nearby " Hey..... hey you there!" I heard a voice from below, I looked down to see a person glitching a bit and are almost about to fall of "oh shot! hold up!" I said as I grabbed there hands and helped them come up. "I'm not even going to ask how you got here.... uhh mister-" " H̷̬̠̦̳̜̦̱̿̾̊ͅ3̴̢̡̗̻͆͛̅͌́͐̔̍n̸̞̦͓̰̮̖̐̋̍̅̅͠Ŗ̸͚̺͕̱̝̘́̓̋͘ỵ̶͈̑̊̉͌ ̴̛͈̫͎̫̤̳̗̇̈́͒̀́͜..... my name is H̷̬̠̦̳̜̦̱̿̾̊ͅ3̴̢̡̗̻͆͛̅͌́͐̔̍n̸̞̦͓̰̮̖̐̋̍̅̅͠Ŗ̸͚̺͕̱̝̘́̓̋͘ỵ̶͈̑̊̉͌ ̴̛͈̫͎̫̤̳̗̇̈́͒̀́͜and you are?" he asked "oh I'm Cyclock...... ummm what happened here?" I asked "... I don't know.... it happened to fast, this world is falling apart, I was trying to run and almost fell until you came so thanks I guess..... I need to get out of this place" he said as I helped him up. As he was about to leave I asked "oh by any chance have you seen some one that looks like me but is a made out of stone or a giant baby or sorts?" ".... well the baby thing no but I did see some one that looked like you go over there" he said "oh well thanks uhh H3nry?" I waved as he ran jumping from one rock to the other, I got bad vibes from him but I brushed it off since he didn't seem important. 

 As I came closer I started to hear yelling from Domino, it seems like struggling or in pain, I rushed to him as fast as I could and once I came I saw the stains of black blood and pieces of broken stone. "DOMINO!" I yelled, his arm was broke, shattered and unfixable, with little life still holding on he said, calmly "hey bud, don't worry about it it's just a scratch" " a scratch? A SCRATCH!? YOUR MISSING A FUCKING ARM AND THAT'S JUST A SCRATCH TO YOU!?" I yelled as I picked him up from the floor. I was about to head out until I felt something come up behind me "where do you think your going?" said Time Baby as I turned around to see him "well shit-" I began to run as he chased me none stop. He destroyed whatever was in his way to get to me but I was still faster than him, once we got to the portal I said "ok, you said you know how to close it, well you might want to do that now since we are probably going to die right now!" Domino headed over to an old rusty lever, I came closer to me he just stopped me "..... Domino?" I asked, tears fell from his face despite him not showing any signs of sadness "forgive me Cyclock....." he said and I asked "for what?" "this..." he pushed me into the portal and I soon faded to white as I heard the sound of doors closing.  

 I woke up back in the same room from before with heavy breathing, I looked up at Flint "oh hey your awake now.... at least we still have you" he said "wait.... where is Domino!?" I looked around but only to see the portal closed. I went down on my knees as Flint grabbed my shoulder "I'm sorry....." tears just fell out, but they didn't last as the sadness just turned into rage, rage I have never felt before, I felt like snapping as Flint walked away still in the room, both of us were silent as I heard my clock ticking. 


  We both stood there in silence but soon Flint broke the silence " We're finally free, welcome home..... it's just you and me now, standing alone.... the world is ours-" I interrupted him with " No it isn't" he just looked at me "get back to the others" he told me. I stood up and spread my wings one more time "this isn't finished" he stood there in surprise "what?" and soon it began. I turned around to look at him " Even though he is dead I'm still seeing black, I'm just a shell of his from that his innocence shed!" "he lived a good life and he gave it to you" he said. " oh is that right!? you know it's not true! look at him showered in blood and flowers, now look at my eyes, HE STILL HOLDS THE POWER!!! After years and tears and confronting his fears, he's dead on his record for the world to hear" Flint wanted to stop me but he didn't. Iris was starting to get worried as well " And they'll think that it was suicide, but Flint I know It was you inside!" I yelled at him, he came up to me "I saved him, I helped him till the moment he died" I just snapped at him " YOU CHOCKED HIM OUT OF HIS OWN GODDAMN MIND!!!! YOU PROMISED THE WORLD TO HIM A GODDAMN LIE-" "WHAT DO YOU WNAT FROM ME!?" he asked. I then yelled " OH JUST LOOK OUTSIDE YOUR SELF!!!" He stepped away from me and took a deep breath " I won't help you take him down" I felt betrayed and disappointed as I put my head down. "Fine" I turned around and pulled out my staff and in rage I yelled " I̸̛̠̭͑̾̚'̵̡̼̜̰̿L̶̩̫̉̅͝Ļ̷̥̿͝ ̵̻̮͔͊͗̀̈D̵͚́̓̈Õ̸̻̻͚͂̍ ̷̖̺̠̾Ḭ̶̽T̶̢̙̬̋ ̶̙͙̺̠̒͑̉͝B̵͈̀̈̒̋Y̸̢̛̰̪̥̐̃ ̴̩̭̰͂́M̶̤̽Y̸̨͖̗͉̅̉̉̚ ̴̖͎̔͌S̵̥̭̥̚E̴͙͚͇̤̋͆́̅L̸̡̜̋͛͊F̷̖̉́͝!̴̧͚͛!̵̢͒͊̚͠!̵̨͍̯̉ ̴͈͍̊͌̕͠" Flint turned to me and said " YOU DON'T NEED IT-" " OH I KNOW I NEED IT!" "HE'S BEEN GONE FOR A YEAR I KNOW YOU CAN BEAT IT-" I grabbed him by the neck "NO LOOK IN THE MIRROR, YOU KNWO WE BOTH FEAR HIM!!! WE'RE ONE IN THE SAME, WE'RE AFRAID TO BE NEAR HIM!!! We utter the name with our spirits defeated, BUT YOU LET ME KILL HIM!!! YOUR WORSE THAN TIME BABY!!!" I let go of him as he said " I told you that ending it, it was all for the best!" I came close to him with my red eyes. " s̴̫̣̈ơ̴̖̥̜͈̒ ̶̧̧̭̫̉̋̽͘I̷̤͙̿̿̇͐ ̷͈͈̆̍h̸̺̟̭͉͛̆a̴̤̻̙̖͂v̶̧̰̦͆͒è̸̡̘̤͋̕ͅ ̷͇̃̓̍͝ẏ̸̪̈́̈ö̷̪̎͝u̴̲̭͚̎̃͜ ̸̘̎t̶͙̹̦̦́̚͠ō̵̢͓͛̌̈́ ̶̟̘̜̪̓̏͋b̸̧̞̂͐l̸̛̛͍̗̈́́ã̷͉͕̼̀m̵̹͈̦̿ë̵͎̟̱̙́̄ ̶͈̯͇̓f̸͙̄̃͊o̵̡̮̥̘̾́̀̕r̴̤͂ ̴̯̘̤̾̈́͒͠t̶̡̡̥̲͗͌h̴̨̧͗̀̕e̴͕̐ ̷͚̒͋ṕ̷̬͔̂͜ȧ̸̬͉̽͝ị̴̏̍ň̷̹̹̔̊̕͜ ̵̫̂̊̍i̵̟̬͘n̷̙̞͕̿́ ̴̡̡̝̪̔̓m̶̨͛y̷̺̿̏̊ ̴̫̿͝c̵̣͛̑ḣ̸̯̗̟͎̊̔e̸͉͙̗̐̐s̶̱̲̯̉̅͌t̷̥̆́.̸̧͍̙́͌̽͋.̴̭̫͂̆́.̵̘͑̂̎ ̶͙̀͝" he pushed me off and yelled "NO!" "if you won't go I will, to avenge a lost soul I kill" I said as I pulled out the three shards of mirrors Domino gave to me. 

 Your filling your heart up with hate, All The Same (NO!) As the friend (NO!) That you just left (NO!) Face Down on the (NO!) GROUND! 

 "SAVE IT!!" I yelled " It's time I made a statement, a pity the city has ruined us! We could've fooled The Bad ends just the two of us, but Time baby has made a fool of us...." "your lost" said Iris as Flint prevented her from coming any closer to me. 1, 2,3,4 "is this what love is really for? is this all I get for being yours!? THE REFLECTION IN FRONT OF ME IN BLOOD AND GORE!?" I yelled, 5,6,7,8 "YEARS PUT TO WASTE FOR ALL I HATE!!!" I began to open a portal with the mirror shards " THEY'LL ALL KNOW TIME BABY'S FATE!!!!" 

                           "show is about to start, don't be late..." 

                                                                   To Be Continued... 

                       .... The question I just have is: how are you enjoying this so far- 
