Chap 3

BamBam POV:
"Where the hell is Yugyeom when I need him?" I facepalmed.
I walked out of the his room "oh wait he is sleeping over at Jungkook.....BUT THAT IS STILL NO EXUSE. I'm gonna walk over there and make him clean his mess up" I walked out of our house

Yugyeom POV:
I and Jungkook walked inside the house "where is your brother?" He looked at me "oh he is at the doctor" we walked into the living room "let's watch some TV" Jungkook said and we sat on the couch.

I knew it was time to make my move. I pretend to yawn and starch my arms. I placed my hand slowly on Jungkook's shoulder. It didn't seem that he minded that much. I smiled and leaned closer to him "SO Yugyeom want something to drink" I jumped at his sudden action "yeah that would be great" he left and went to the kitchen

I started to plan my strategy. He came back with some water "so ughhh Jungkook. I was wondering. If you wanted to *cough* go on a *cough* date *cough*?"he tilted his head "a What?" I Blushed "ummm GO ON A DATE SOMETIME?" I yelled in his face. He just looked at me "sure why not" he got a cute smile "yay" I celebrated to myself "YUGYEOM WHAT THE HELL" we both jumped at the sudden yell and the door that was opened roughly "BamBam?" He walked over to me and dragged me by the ear "what is it?" I wonder "YOU FORGOT TO CLEAN YOUR MESS UP"

I was dragged away "bye Jungkook" he waved to me still a little shocked

BamBam let go of me "I was just about to make my next move" I crossed my arms "I DONT CARE IT SMELLS SO BAD FROM YOUR ROOM. SO YOU GO HOME AMD CLEAN THAT MESS UP. THEN YOU CAN GO BACK" I walked away angry, but I crashed into someone "sorry" I looked up to see Ji-yong/G-Dragon

(I'm gonna write G-Dragon in the fanfic)

"Watch it" he said and walked to Jungkook's place "umm where are you going "I'm gonna visit Junghyun. What does it look like" he knocked on the door "oh hi G-Dragon" I heard Jungkook sweet voice "hi Kookie" G-Dragon has a happy tone in his voice 'what the hell' "umm my brother isn't here yet, but you can come in and wait for him if you like" I stood there and just slapped myself "is this a dream" I looked around and saw BAMBAM giving me the looks "ROOM CLEANING NOW" I ran off

G-Dragon POV:
I sat down at the couch "so Jungkook how are you doing at school?" I smiled at the younger "well it was this test about history....." I was curious now "aaannnddd?" I asked "I got.....A+" I was shook and happy. I started to clap "good job buddy" a smile grew on his bunny face 'Junghyun your lucky to have such a sweet brother. I wish he was my brother' I smiled

Couple hours later:

I was still at Jungkook and Junghyun's place "where is he?" I was inpatient "i don't know" Jungkook said while watching his favorite TV-show Anpanman. I hadn't watched the show in ages so I started to watch with him.

An hour later:

I was so bored "Jungkook how much is the time?" I asked. He looked at the clock "ummm it's.....OMG. IT'S MIDNIGHT" I looked at the time with Jungkook "damn. When did I even get here?" I saw Jungkook think "probably around 4 or 5" I nodded "I should go home" I was about to leave, but Jungkook dragged me back "what is it?" He smiled cutely at me "you can sleep here. Since it's so late and it's a lot of kidnappings going on and I want you to be safe, cuz your like an older brother to me" I smiled "okay. I can stay here tonight, but I'll leave as fast after I have talked to Junghyun" he nodded

"You can sleep in my brothers bed for tonight" he showed leads me to the room "are you sure?!?. I can sleep on the couch you know" he shook his head "no" he pushed me in and gave me a bear hug "good night Ji-Yong" he left to his room that's on the other end of the hall "yeah okay. Night Kookie" I closed the door and laid on the bed sleepy. I drifted slowly to sleep

Jungkook POV:
'Omg I can't believe my idol is here. He is so cool. I want to be as amazing as him' I fanboyed to myself. I looked up at my ceiling and realized that it needed to be painted again

G-Dragon POV:
I woke up at the door opening down stairs "huh?" I went to see if Kookie was okay. I opened the door slightly okay thank god. Junghyun would've killed me if he was gone

I saw a bat by Kookies door. So I took at to protect me and Jungkook. I went to the stairs and slowly walked down. When I was down I saw a dark figure in the kitchen. I of course went closer and closer. I tackled him to the floor. It mad a huge noice

Jungkook POV:
I woke to the sound of a huge Thud "what's going on?!" I heard screaming "JI-YONG!!" I ran down stairs fast. I turned the lights on "Kookie call the police" I saw Ji-Yong bleed from the head and had stab wounds.

I grabbed the phone and called the police "hello what's the problem?" I was panicking "IT'S A GUY HERE. HE IS TRYING TO KILL MY FRIEND. PLEASE COME FAST!!" I wa sin such a panic "where do you live?" I explained where I was living and that said they'll come right away

After the police hung up I called the ambulance "hello what's the emergency?" I heard a ladies voice "MY FRIND HAS MULTIPLE STAB WOUNDS PLEASE CIME STARIG AWAY!!!" We talked about what had happened and where I lived.

I laid my phone down and saw Ji-Yong still holding him down "let me help" I ran to both and kicked the knife out of the persons hand "ha can't kill us now" I said cocky "you damn brat" he growled.

The mysterious man managed to get out of G-Dragon's grip when we heard the sirens of the police and Ambulance. I managed to grab the man so he don't run away. The police kicked open the door and rushed in.

G-Dragon POV:
I saw the mysterious man resisting the police. I smiled at his try, but that soon faded as I saw the knife he had mysteriously got "JUNGKOOK" I said to late the mysterious man had stabbed Jungkook in the gut "oh no" I ran to his side as the police dragged the psycho away "Jungkook can you hear me?!?!" I was panicking.

Jungkook POV:
I looked at Ji-Yong smiling while my vision was fading. The last thing I heard was "DON'T GO TO THE LIGHT BUDDY"

Next day:

G-Dragon POV:
I sat beside Kookies bed and saw his peaceful face "damn it" i was angry at myself not able to stop what had happened

At school:

Jimin's POV:
I had heard the shocking new about Jungkook from the principal. Everyone was there except for Jungkook. I felt guilty for some reason

Tae POV:
I was so sad about the news. I wanted to cry, but I had to be manly, cuz I was the badass at school. I looked at Jimin who was shocked rich bitch

Yugyeom POV:
I felt tears down my face how is this possible. Who would do such a thing to Jungkook?. He is the sweetest, most kindhearted person on this planet I looked around seeing some shocked and sad faces, but I was pissed, cuz there where many that looked like they didn't care at all, like Kim Taehyung. It was like 10% of the entire school that was sad and shocked. The rest didn't give a shit

At the police station:

Junghyun POV:
I sat in front of the guy who had stabbed my kid brother "so why did you stab him?!" I said crossing my arms mad as all hell. He started to laugh like a maniac, making me uncomfortable "that's what the world has come to now. It's kill or be killed. Face reality son. I may be your father, but that doesn't mean I need to love both of you. I actually went there to kill Jungkook, but a guy tackled me, but I still managed to stab him a little. Hahahaha Face reality. Jungkook will die Young" he was insane. He laughed and laughed out of the rooms. He turned once more and said


Hey guys I'm done with this chapter. The next will come soon

If there is anything I should do better or something. You can also send me suggestions for the next chapter. Just write a comment. I'm reading them all

