1. Creepy Tree Guy

Murdering my dad? Probably not one of my best ideas.

I mean, it could have been much worse that it was. For example, I could have not made it out of the fire and burned to death, or I could have made it out of the fire only to be caught and serve time in prison. 

That's not the point though.

Right now, I was face to face with...a blank face? So not quite face to face. I, personally, had a face, but whatever was in front of me didn't.

It was a tall figure, maybe around 10 feet, who wore a suit. Its skin was a pale white, which was bright due to the moonlight shining through the trees.

Despite the fact that it didn't have eyes, I could feel it staring at me. It was like it was examining me, trying to figure out how much I was worth.

I knew I looked bad. My hoodie had been burned in various places and my hair was singed. I had blood leaking from various scraps across my body, and a large hole on the left side of my mouth.

The smell from my burnt hair filled my nose, making me cringe. I ticced, snapping my head to the side and slightly down.

The creature just kept staring.

I tightened my grip on the hatches that rested in each of my hands.

The air was still. I could hear the sirens in the distance, likely police officers, firefighters, EMT's, probably other people too. All of them taking care of the damage I had caused and people I had either hurt or killed. Other than the sirens, the only sound I could hear was the rustling of the leaves in the slight breeze.

As if coming to a final decision, the creature directed its 'gaze' behind me.

I turned around quickly, and instantly felt something come into contact with my head.

The last thing I saw before I gave into unconsciousness was a white mask.

My head felt like it was full of cotton when I woke up. My thoughts flowed as if they were lava, slowly drifting across my mind. I couldn't focus on anything in particular, though I heard some commotion around me.

There were some voices mixed in with various other sounds, like a radio, creaking of doors, and drawers opening and closing.

The fog that filled my head was slowly clearing, and as it was I felt more and more grounded, the sounds of what was happening around me becoming clearer as well.

I heard a distant thump, and then a man's voice.


There was a sound that followed which sounded like a slap, then a girls voice was talking.

"Shut up!" She whispered harshly, "You're going to wake him up!"

"Why does it matter if he sleeps longer anyways?" The man's voice asked, quieter this time, "He's been out for almost a full week at this point, I don't see why he needs to sleep any longer."

I felt my body tense. Almost a week?

"I would prefer him to stay asleep until I can remove his stitches. It'll be much easier if he's asleep." The lady replied.

There was some grumbling from the other person before a door slammed and all was quiet again.

I relaxed my body and tried to move my hand, though only ended up being able to lightly tap my fingers on whatever I was laying on. Since there was no reaction from anyone in the room, I assume they hadn't noticed.

I peaked my eyes open and scanned the room. My eyes took a second to adjust to the harsh light that attacked them, but after a second I could see that I was in what looked like a hospital.

Fuck had I been caught after all?

I saw a person with decently long, red hair. They had their back towards me and were messing around with something on the counter that ran along one of the walls in the room. There were three other beds in the room, each with a chair and a small table next to it. A wooden door sat on the opposite side of the room from me, likely leading outside of the room I was in.

I tried to stay discreet as I looked around, though in the end I betrayed myself. Kinda.

"That's gay!" I ticced out, in a voice slightly higher than my usual one.

The red haired person snapped around to face me with wide eyes.

"You're awake!"

When she faced me, I could see she was wearing a black mask with a red cross on it. Along with that, she wore long black gloves and a black dress. She didn't really look like a doctor to me.

I groaned slightly and squeezed my eyes shut, rolling onto my side. I then pushed myself up into an upright position. There were hurried footsteps and then I felt a hand being placed on my shoulder and another one on the middle of my back.

Immediately my eyes snapped open and I jerked away from the hands. Bringing one of my hands up and smashing it down on the arm of the stranger.

She muttered a quick 'fuck' and cautiously stepped away from me while rubbing her arm and cradling it close to her body. She pulled out a phone and typed on it quickly before tucking it back into one of her pockets.

"Looks like you're awake and alert," She said, moving towards the door. "There will be some people here shortly to talk to you."

And with that she was gone.

So I sat there and waited. For a really long time.

After what felt like hours, though was probably closer to 20 minutes, a person with a white mask came in, followed by another person wearing a black mask.

The first person wore a tan jacket that zipped up the middle and blue jeans. He had black boots on his feet and black gloves on his hands. Attached to the side of his jeans was a gun, which totally made me feel very comfortable and very safe.

His mask was white with black on the lips, around his eyes, and outlining eyebrows.

His posture was very tense, arms crossed and standing up straight.

The second person wasn't quite as tense.

He had a yellow hoodie with the hood pulled over his head and some jeans. There was also a gun attached to his hip, though his relaxed posture and the way he slouched with his hands in his pockets made me feel safer. I somehow knew he could still do just as much damage as the other person though.

The mask he wore was black and had a red frowny face on it.

"Your name is Toby, correct?" The man with the white mask asked me.

I simply nodded, on edge from their strange appearances and the whole strangeness of the situation in general.

"Great that makes my job easier," He huffed out. I realized he was the guy who was in here earlier. "So I'm not gonna spend a shit ton of time here answering all your questions, so just listen up. Don't interrupt me either."

I nodded again, my nose scrunching up for a second due to a tic.

"Great. So congrats, you killed your dad and now boss man has deemed you fit to serve him for the rest of time, fulfilling all his little murderous desires." He said, his tone flat. "You'll be sent on missions and asked to eliminate certain people. In return for working for him, he'll provide you with a place to stay and food to eat."

After he finished talking he just stared at me. I took in the information he gave me and went over it in my head.

So basically, I was killing people so I could live. How fun.

"That's it?" I asked.

"Oh so he does talk!" He exclaimed sarcastically. That pissed me off. "Yeah that's it. I can show you to your room and we'll get you settled in."

I didn't like him very much.

He gestured for me to stand up, which I did so with great difficulty. My legs felt like jelly from laying down for such a long period of time. I stumbled towards the two people on the other side of the room.

After I reached them, the man with the white mask gestured for me to follow him, to which I complied. The person with the black mask trailed after us, probably making sure I wouldn't try and make a run for it.

I wasn't exactly planning on it anyways.

I followed him up a set of stairs and then left. There were doors on either side of the hall, most of them had some sort of drawing or decoration on them. One of the doors had black spots all over it, which looked like someone took a paintbrush and flung paint at the door. Another door had gashes in it and red splatters. A third door had a simple black outline on it. There were a lot of other doors with a ton of other designs.

He stopped in front of a blank door.

"This is gonna be your room, my room is just a couple doors down. If you need anything, knock on it."

Then the man with the white mask walked away, the person in the yellow hoodie trailing after him.

I opened the door.

The room itself was extremely bland. There was a dresser against one wall, two doors on separate walls, a desk that hand been pushed into the corner, and a bed that was against one of the walls. There was a window on one of the walls that let in some natural light, though I could tell it was getting late in the afternoon because the sky had begun turning a pinkish color.

I walked over to the window and looked out it, examining the area. It looked like the building was in the middle of a very large, grassy clearing. There were dense trees that surrounded the clearing.

I saw people further out in the grassy field, some of them were sitting together, probably just chatting, while others were sparring with various weapons.

I sighed and turned to my bed. The clothes I had worn on the night I killed my dad sat there, fully mended and looking brand new. On top of the pile of clothes though, sat a mask and an orange pair of goggles.

I walked over and flopped face down onto my bed.

It had been a long day, and despite having woken up maybe half an hour ago, I was ready to go the bed.

Funky chapter ain't it?
