_____Just the start of a nightmare_____

I awoke suddenly and sat up quite quickly. I looked to my alarm which stated boldly: 3:21 AM

I took a steady breath before stretching. The thing about me, lets just say, I always wake up around this time and can never get back to sleep. Also, insomnia and all, I became depressed at 14, now 15 I have turned quite sad and lonely. I sighed as I thought. I guess I just felt depressed today, again. I get these random waved of depression when I wake up. I put my earphones in and picked my phone up. I guess there's no use going back to sleep, not like I can. I switched a song on, and lucky, one of my favorite songs. I walked downstairs as the song began.

Beware, beware, be skeptical

Of their smiles, their smiles of plated gold

Deceit so natural

But a wolf in sheep's clothing is more than a warning

Bla-bla-black sheep, have you any soul?

No sir, by the way, what the hell are morals

Jack, be nimble, Jack, be quick

Jill's a little whore and her alibis are dirty tricks

So could you

Tell me how you're sleeping easy

How you're only thinking of yourself

Show me how you justify

Telling all your lies like second nature

Listen, mark my words, one day

You will pay, you will pay

Karma's gonna come collect your debt

Aware, aware, you stalk your prey

With criminal mentality

You sink your teeth into the people you depend on

Infecting everyone, you're quite the problem

(Cringy ik ik)

I made my way to the bottom of the stairs and slipped my shoes on before making my way to the door. I opened the door and stepped out into the mildly cold morning air. Beginning my walki focused my attention to about 1 meter in front of my feet. Walking for a while without any clue where I was going I realized I was in front of woods. Might as well go, right? I began to descend into the woods. I slightly hummed the words before my internet began to become crappy from the trees. I sighed before taking one of my earphones out.

I wasn't breathtakingly gorgeous at the moment. People thought I was so beautiful, when I didn't become super pale, develop eye bags and self harm. I used to have fair toned skin, I was heavier then now, 5'7 and quite skinny, skinnier then before. I continued down the woods, my h/c hair flowed behind me. (Gonna make you have different eyes) One thing I was often noticed for was my eyes, a e/c eye and a dark c/o/c eye.

Just gonna update, need to wank lool.
