“But it’s already time.”

“Today is Friday, right?” said Dorothy. She went back to the room and grabbed a VGA (Video Graphics Adapter) cable and plugged it in her laptop and connected it to the projector.

“Class, I’m sorry for the interruption; but I have something to show to you.”

“Do you know her already?” Shawn said to his students.

The students shook their head and shrugged.

“I am teacher Dorothy, a former Science Coordinator of this campus,” she said with a smile, as she played the first clip (checking if the VGA cable was correctly plugged in), “and also a batch-mate and neighbor of your dearest teacher.”

The students became more interested when they noticed that teacher Dorothy was preparing video clip documentations about aliens. Then, teacher Dorothyreplayed the first clip, and then the second, and then the third. Their eyes and mouth remained wide open like they were hooked by their own wonderment and amazement. They discovered many things outside the earth and galaxy and also they saw strange creatures that they have never seen before.

After the fourth clip, the students asked more, but teacher Dorothy responded sadly, “I would have been very sad to say that it’s already time. I promise I will still share it to you next week.” But the students didn’t agree. They begged like they badly need it. Dorothy turned her face to Shawn and saw him nodding. So, teacher Dorothy was quietly forced to present all of the clips inside her laptop until the time reached seven o’clock in the evening.

The students felt very happy and satisfied after they watched all the video clip documentations. They have learned many things that really covered the whole topic. Their heads were totally enlightened. In fact, all of them were discussing about aliens while going downstairs because the images and ideas were still fresh inside their minds.

Shawn thanked Dorothy for being concern to the students and so as to his class. They fixed their gadgets, put it inside their bags and left the room after they locked the door.

About two hundred paces away from the school gate, when they crossed P. del Rosario Street, Shawn’s phone unexpectedly rang. It was the school principal, calling him to get inside her office. It was no good for him because he was planning to ask Dorothy for a date.

Shawnwalked back to school and went to the principal’s office. When he opened the door, he met the very offensive voice tone of the principal as she raised her right eyebrow. “What did you do to your students, Mr. Rodriguez?”
