Chapter 1: Revelations

  The corridor was dark and humid. Aside from the echoing footsteps of the two young men, it was silent. The flame in the prince's hand emitted flickering shadows on the stone walls and pillars. They approached the main chamber of the forgotten temple, adorned with the red and grey banners of the city. Prince Althyc stood at the top of the steps and stared at the banners, focusing intently on the sigils of his family. Those sigils always felt as if they towered over him,  glaring down on him in judgment. He felt a hand land on his shoulder, making him jump slightly, almost putting out the flame. His dear friend, Dorian, smiled at him and chuckled, “Everything ok?”

Althyc smiled slightly and spoke nervously, “Yeah… yeah sorry about that. Just got lost in thought.” The two approached the center of the room, walking down the steps that surrounded the inner circle. Althyc flung the flame from his hand and sent it flying towards the braziers around the room. The two watched as it flew from one to the other following the circular path. Before reaching the last brazier, the flame went out. Dorian flicked a small ember at it with his thumb and finger, igniting it. 

Prince Althyc stared at the fire burning in the last brazier. “You’ve always had my back, haven’t you, Dorian?”

“Ever since we could walk, according to my father.”

“Yes… I know it could not have been easy to be friends with a prince.”

“Well if they are truly your friend, it’s always easy.” Dorian reached over and gave Althyc a pat on the back. “Our families have always trusted each other.”

Althyc continued to stare into the fire. “Right. Always working together for the prosperity and future of the Kingdom of Theamentus.”

“Long may it prosper.” Dorian swung his satchel around to open it. He reached inside and pulled out a scorched book. Althyc looked away from the flame and at the book, then immediately averted his eyes and began walking away to one of the cushions near the center of the round room. Dorian watched him walk away and sat on the cushion near his feet, adjacent to his friend. He opened the book to the page Althyc had marked earlier before coming to Dorian's home. Dorian turned toward his friend and called out to him, “This is pretty advanced spellwork. Seems like a lot of work just to impress the council at our graduation.”

Althyc did not look back at Dorian but replied, “Don’t be ridiculous Dorian. It’s much more than that. If we do this right, our lives will never be the same.”

The Kingdom of Theamentus is home to the mages of fire. It is the largest kingdom on the planet Othos and thus has the largest army. The kingdom is well respected and its people are proud to live there under the rule of King Thallicus. Crime is minimal here, but, truly, this could be said of any of the five kingdoms. Isolated incidents typically occur by exiles of another kingdom.

At present, rumors have swept the kingdom regarding a secret meeting with King Hallow of the lightning mages, the most feared and ruthless kingdom of Othos. Citizens have wondered how King Thallicus could justify meeting with this evil man. The King has also raised taxes for merchants for the first time in decades and cut off all trade with the water kingdom of Yuuquo and the terran mages of Hoagmond overnight. An inquisition to the High Council has been made as to the rationale behind these decisions, but a wall of silence has been the only answer. Despite these uncertain actions, the people of Theamentus still live happily and well. 

The family of Dorian Galvuns has always been loyal and trusted advisors to the throne. His father Forian had been a close friend to the king, and was his right hand man. He was often seen standing next to the throne at the king’s disposal. They are one of few families in the kingdom to have a recognized sigil, without having any actual ties to a royal bloodline. Sadly, Forian died a few years ago due to an attack from a lightning mage. It was not declared an act of war, as the mages of lightning are known assassins for hire. Many wonder if the loss of his dear friend is the cause for King Thallicus’ questionable decisions. 

Prince Althyc and Dorian grew up together and became as close as brothers. The friendship they have is stronger than that of their fathers. Dorian never cared that Althyc was a prince, and this was something Althyc always appreciated. They did everything together, from riding horses, to fighting techniques, and learning different fire-based spellwork. Many peers felt that Dorian was just trying to receive special treatment and an easier life by befriending the prince. He had been attacked a few times by jealous classmates though Dorian always showed them firsthand his skills. Althyc was unaware of the attacks and of the feelings their peers had towards Dorian. Dorian sheltered Althyc from this information so as to not burden the prince further.

Althyc, himself, resented being a prince. He never asked for it, and felt that such an important role such as ruling a kingdom should be decided by the people, not by a bloodline. Althyc would often tell Dorian that he would make a better prince, something that Dorian thought was confusing and a bit afflictive. The prince seemed to enjoy spending more time with his mother than his father, which would at times anger King Thallicus. The king felt that Althyc was too close to her for his age, and some in the castle felt their embraces to be too long and too often. Dorian tried not to judge his friend, but would also become uncomfortable with the way Queen Feyajus occasionally gazed at her own son.

One day the two stopped on their way home from school and sat on the southern wall of a bridge. It was their final year before graduation and in two years they would have to decide on the next road for their magical skills. There was no need for Althyc to take his skills any further, being the prince prevented him from joining the military; however, his love for spellcasting gave him the desire to be the best in the history of the kingdom. Nothing could keep him from continually expanding his knowledge and ability. 

“So if you weren’t the prince, would you want to be a Grand Caster?” Dorian asked.

“Oh absolutely!” Althyc exclaimed, smiling. “They are the most powerful soldiers in the army. They have access to any spell in the kingdom! Can you imagine being able to wield such powerful spells?” 

“Well, not any spell.” 

“Right, but I don’t see why anyone in their right mind would want to cast a spell that would kill themselves.” 

“And even if it didn’t kill you, you’d be branded an exile and lose the ability to cast any magic of any element, just for trying the spell.”

The two stared out over the water that led to the ocean. On a clear day, you could barely make out the three spires that stood out above the water, marking the location of Yuuquo. 

“Speaking of learning another element,” Althyc said, “have you ever thought about leaving Theamentus and learning other spellwork?” 

Dorian looked to the sky and answered his friend. “I’ve never thought of actually leaving, but I have daydreamed about learning wind spells. I know they don’t have a military, but they still know powerful attacks. Plus, who doesn’t want to fly?” Dorian and Althyc laughed. 

“So then what is your plan for the military?” Althyc asked while giving his friend a slight shove.

“I think my fighting abilities are at a higher efficiency than my spellwork. I’ll probably just be a regimental soldier.”

Althyc looked at his friend, surprised. “Seriously? Your spellwork may not be the best but it’s definitely better than most. You should be a War Mage. Combine the two.”

Dorian looked down at his feet solemnly. “Yeah… like my father used to be. He loved showing off his skills to mother, making those weapons of fire… commanding the flames to swarm around him like a barrier. And mother just ate it up every time.” Dorian laughed.

Althyc sighed regretfully, he had forgotten that Forian was also a War Mage. “I know he'd be proud of you,” he said as he placed his hand on Dorian’s shoulder. “He would’ve been shouting out at graduation, ‘That’s my boy! My wife birthed him! He was made from the seed of my loins!’” 

“Althyc! Gods, man!” The two laughed hysterically. “Though yes, my father never was one for subtlety and did not have the best use of words.” Dorian sighed, smiling and shook his head.

“You better not become an elemental. I’ll have my father throw you in prison to prevent it.”

Dorian scoffed. “Never. I can’t begin to imagine the poor souls that give up their humanity for such a thing.”

“I agree. What kind of life were you living that you threw it all away to be a soulless, mindless embodiment of fire?” The two then sat quietly, each pondering the answer in their mind. To stop being human and serve in the military as a creature made of pure flames. Only the hopeless and desperate could think to become such a thing. “Well, we better get home. Mother hates it when I am late.”

Dorian almost cringed and hoped his friend didn’t notice. “Right, let’s go. We need to decide on something for graduation anyway.”

“Oh yes… about that Dorian. I know we usually do everything together, but I strongly feel we should work on our showings separately.”

“Oh…” Dorian said, feeling somewhat hurt and confused.

Althyc was quick to defend his decision, grabbing Dorian by the shoulder. “Don’t take this the wrong way, I just want everyone to see that you can do this on your own. I don’t want anyone believing that you didn’t come up with the spell on your own.”

Dorian nodded, “Yeah I understand.” Dorian knew his friend was right. He wanted to be able to use this to show everyone what he could really do. “We're still on for tomorrow evening?”

“Of course! We’ll meet here after dinner.”

“Sounds great, see you tomorrow then.”

“Goodnight, Dorian.”

“Goodnight, Althyc.”

Althyc walked into the castle, the guards lowering their heads and holding open the large wooden doors for him. Althyc shook his head, annoyed at being treated in such a way. The castle was well lit, as always, from the many flames floating high above the floor. The stone walls kept the castle from becoming too warm from the flames and were heavily adorned with red and grey banners. On the floor was a very large shadow cast by the moonlight. Althyc turned and looked up, seeing the moon centered perfectly in the round window above the castle entrance. Inside the window was metal work made by terran mages centuries ago, forming the flame and sword sigil of his house. He turned his gaze back to the shadow that covered the majority of the floor, nearly swallowing him in the presence of his family sigil. The prince closed his hand into a fist while staring at it, and began grinding his teeth together. To him, the flame and sword were just a constant reminder that he could never have a normal and free life. It was an emblem that he wore around his neck like a yoke, determining his every decision in life and preventing him from being what he wanted to be. “Father may as well have the Invokers brand it on my forehead,” Althyc said quietly to himself.

“Prince Althyc! Prince Althyc!” Althyc’s trance of anger was broken by the sound of his mother’s large butler running toward him and shouting his name. Althyc couldn’t stand this man.

“What do you want, Yollin?” Althyc asked as he started walking toward the stairs. 

“My Prince! Please wait!” Yollin begged while bending over and catching his breath. 

Althyc sighed and stopped halfway up the stairs and turned to Yollin. He watched Yollin stand up, placing his hands on his back, trying to crack it. “Prince Althyc, I have been looking all over the castle grounds for you. Your mother has been worried sick about you! You’re never this late coming home from school!”

“I’m ten minutes late, Yollin!” Althyc yelled in anger, “That’s two minutes more than I normally am!” 

“My Prince, you know how your mother worries about you.” Yollin patted his bald head with his handkerchief and forced it back into the small pocket of his ridiculously tight vest. “She told me to bring you to her as soon as I found you.” 

Althyc looked away and spoke softly, “Just tell my mother you found me and that I’m fine.” Althyc turned around and started back up the stairs. “I need to focus on my spellwork for graduation.”

“Prince Althyc!” Yollin shouted with great intensity while staring at the prince in anger. Althyc looked back with his own stare of rage and hatred. “I carry the words of Queen Feyajus and you will obey them this instant!” 

Althyc could feel his hands igniting with flames. Yollin took a step back, but never broke his gaze with the Prince’s. Althyc stared at Yollin as he slowly walked back down the steps and stopped beside him. “One day, I will be King, Yollin,” he whispered as the butler started to shake, “and when that day comes, I suggest you run. Run far, far away little piggy.” Althyc turned and walked down the corridor to his mother’s chamber, leaving Yollin sweating and frozen in fear.

Dorian entered his home, shouting, “Mother! Sorry I’m a little late! I’ll start on dinner right away!” He hung up his leather crimson jacket, lined with fur at the collar and cuffs. His black tank hugged him tightly showing off the outline of his toned muscles. The people of Theamentus tend to wear tight fitting clothing that does not cover much skin. With so many people inside the kingdom practicing fire spellwork, the temperatures outside usually stayed very high. Most mages and practitioners still wore jackets, as they felt cold whenever they were not actively using fire magic. As Dorian began to walk into his room, he stretched an arm back, pointing his fingers towards the kitchen, and snapped, igniting a flame in the large kettle.

“AAAAHHHH!!!!” Dorian stopped in his tracks at the sound of his sister, Lila, yelling from the kitchen. He ran out of his room and looked towards her and saw his sister staring back at him horrified. She was soaked head to toe in steaming broth, with small chunks of vegetables and noodles hanging on her skin. “What are you doing you idiot!?”

Dorian stood dumbfounded, realizing the flame he set caused the stew to explode from the kettle, “What are you doing? It’s not your night to cook!”

“Are you really going to turn this on me!? I was trying to do you a favor and let you focus on your graduation spell!” Lila grabbed a towel and began wiping off the stew from her skin and clothes. She screamed slightly into the towel as she wiped off her face.

“I’m… I’m sorry Lila. I was rushing and didn’t notice you there. I’m sorry. Thank you for taking care of dinner tonight. It smells delicious… even though you’re wearing it.” 

Lila dropped her hands to her sides and cocked her head at her brother. “Just get to your studies, I’ll let you know when dinner is ready.”

Dorian hesitantly went back into his room and closed the door. He could hear Lila mumbling something, most likely about him. He walked over to the middle of his room and held out his hands in front of him. Using spellwork, he ignited all the lights in his room, then sat down at his desk. Dorian opened up his notebook and reviewed his thoughts from this morning. Whenever practitioners graduate to become Mages, they must execute a spell that they have come up with themselves. If the spell already exists, they must show how they came to it in their research. Many people try to improve existing spells or combine it with another skill, such as art, metal-working, and even cooking. Those hoping to join the military however, usually combine spells with combat. Dorian’s plan was to combine an old spell passed down his family line that conjured flames in the form of a tiger, but have it appear and leave with the quickest strike of a punch or kick. The theory was to hit someone with two attacks, one physical and another from the flames. Adding the look of a tiger is just for show, but he knows adding that extra element will still show his control over the element. 

Dorian also wanted to honor his father in his graduation ceremony. It is for this reason Dorian chose the tiger as the animal he wanted to render with flames. When the King offered to give the family an official sigil, Forian chose a roaring tiger head. Forian always revered the tiger for its strength, discipline, and speed. He would explain to Dorian how the element of fire is similar; it is a very powerful element capable of causing decimation with swift actions of precision. Fire is also steadfast and difficult to extinguish. It deals stealthy, heavy blows, like the tiger waiting to strike. Tigers are not easily frightened and stand strong against all foes.

Whenever Dorian thought back to those explanations he couldn't help but picture his father like a roaring tiger, strong and proud, willful and determined. He only hoped his spell could fully live up to that image. 

Prince Althyc approached the door to his mother’s chamber but did not enter. He lowered his head toward the door and listened. He could hear the sound of water sloshing about as well as the voice of his mother and several maids. Althyc closed his eyes and sighed, defeated, he knew his mother was in the tub bathing. Reluctantly, he raised his hand and knocked on the door. A maid opened the door slightly, when she saw the prince’s face she opened it completely and stood to the side. Queen Feyajus was in the middle of the room, laying relaxed in a clear tub filled to the brim with water. She turned her head to the side to see who was entering the room, and quickly stood up at the sight of her son. “Althyc! Oh my sweet boy I was so worried about you!” 

“Mother…” Althyc slowly replied while turning his gaze to the side of the room, “I was only a few minutes late. I keep telling you there is no reason to worry.”

Queen Feyajus stepped out of the tub and walked toward her son. She was born and raised in the land of water mages. Like all the women of that kingdom, she was one of the most beautiful women in all of the known world. It is believed that the decision of a new head elder was always based on beauty more than anything else. The kingdom has always denied this speculation. “Althyc, you are the prince of a great kingdom. There are people who would want to hurt you to attack this land. I don’t know what I would do if anything happened to my sweet, handsome boy.” As Feyajus spoke she held her hand up and waved, signaling for her maids to leave the room. She stood in front of her son and placed her hand against his cheek and turned his gaze toward her. Her rich blonde hair and deep blue eyes always shined and entranced the prince, and she always took advantage of that fact. Althyc gazed helplessly into his mother’s eyes, frozen. It was as if there was a fluid that was constantly moving in the blue of them. 

“Althyc… you know this kingdom needs you. You will need to rule one day. The people look to you with hope and dreams of a greater future.” She spoke slowly and stepped closer to the frozen prince, pressing her breasts against him. “Oh my boy… you get more and more handsome every day…”

Althyc felt his mother’s hand land on his waist. His eyes grew large and he jumped back, smacking her hand away. He watched the look on his mother’s face turn to anger and spoke shakingly, “I’m leaving now.”

“You are not.” The queen spoke flat, holding her hand at the tub and swinging it toward the door, summoning the water to forcibly fly through the air and slam the door closed. The water spread and covered the doorway, preventing the prince from leaving.

The prince looked at the water and grew angry, clenching his fists. “I am no longer a child… I am no longer your sweet little boy!” He shouted while thrusting his fists forward, summoning a massive ball of fire hurdling quickly at the water. The sudden and powerful collision of the fire and water spells created a steam bomb that blew the door off its hinges. Althyc stood in the steam and began walking out of the room. He heard his mother coughing and looked back to find her knocked down from the blast. “I had told you before, I will never let you do those things to me again.”

As she watched her son walk away, a grin formed on her face and she whispered to herself, “Silly boy… you will always be mine.”

Dorian stood in the field behind his house with his eyes closed and hands at his sides. He took in a deep breath as he slowly moved his hands up and out in front of him. Following the motion of his hands, flames krept up from the ground and swirled into a ball in front of him. Dorian felt the heat from the flames and tried to stay focused on the image of a tiger in his mind. With his left hand palm down, he extended his index and small finger, while tucking the other two under his thumb. He then moved his right hand underneath the left, palm up and fingers spread out and pointed downward. With every movement, the swirling flames followed. Dorian carefully bent in the two middle fingers of his right hand, as well as his thumb. As he struggled to have the tip of his thumb meet the tips of the two fingers, the flames started moving and flickering violently. Trying not to lose his concentration, he keeps his eyes closed and tries to hold the image of the tiger in his head. The flames collide with each other and explode violently, sending Dorian flying through the back door of his room and onto the floor.

Lila ran into his room, shouting “Dorian! Are you ok? What’s going on?” She knelt at his side and looked at him concerningly, helping him lift his head up. 

“I’m alright. Was just working on my spell. Didn’t go well.” Dorian spoke between grunts.

Lila let out a sigh of relief. “Well, call it a night. Dinner is ready.” She helped her brother up and smiled at him. Dorian smiled back and thanked her, as they walked into the kitchen together.

Dorian looks toward the table and becomes confused, “Lila? Where’s mother?” 

“Oh! I completely forgot to tell you. The Queen summoned her before you came home.”

“Really? Do you know why?”

“Sorry, no. I didn’t ask and I didn’t hear what the messenger said. I thought she would have been home by now.”

“Ok… Well I guess we can wait a while longer. I’ll go out and look for her after we eat.”

Dorian’s mother, Julia, sat in the dining hall waiting for Queen Feyajus, when she heard the blast come from the queen’s chamber. She quickly stood up and ran out but was stopped by a member of the guard. “Lady Galvuns! Please stay in the dining hall while we investigate the blast.”

“The queen may be in danger! I can help!”

“Her Majesty would want you to remain in a safe location. Please M’am.”

Julia begrudgingly went back into the dining hall but was too eager to sit back down. A while later Feyajus entered the dining hall, wearing her gold crown and a red flowing dress with a black sash. “My Queen! Are you hurt? Is everything alright?” She asked as she rushed toward her.

The queen smiled and held Julia’s hands in her own. “Oh Julia please, don’t regard me as such. You’re too close a friend to not speak plainly with me.” She then hugged her and walked toward the dining table. They both sat down as the queen assured Julia about the explosion. “Althyc was just working on his spells for graduation. I asked him to continue his studies outside.”

Julia lets out a sigh of relief and laughs. “Oh my goodness. I was so worried.”

Feyajus sat at the head of the table, adjacent to Julia. “Thank you for coming here to meet with me this evening. I appreciate you missing dinner with your children. I know how you cherish every moment with them.”

“Of course my qu-... dear Feyajus. I assumed it must be of great importance considering the time.”

“Yes, it is.” Feyajus sat up tall and took a deep breath. She closed her eyes as she slowly released her breath, then met eyes with Julia. “I have new information regarding your husband’s murder.”

Julia was taken aback. It felt as though her soul was thrown through the back of her chair by Feyajus’ words. She looked at the queen with a mix of emotions; shock, confusion, sadness, and a glimmer of hope. “Wh- How? It’s been so long now…”

Feyajus reached out and grabbed her friend’s hand. “Julia, I told you I would never give up on locating your husband’s killer. We were unfortunately correct in assuming it was done by a user of lightning magic. However, though that will make it impossible for us to find the individual that actually ended Forian’s life, we now know without a shred of doubt who ordered his assassination.”

Julia gasped and held her hands over her mouth, breathing heavily. “Oh my… Feyajus… was it Yuuquo?”

The queen laughed aloud at Julia’s assumption. “Yuuquo? Oh please you foolish girl.” Feyajus leaned forward and looked deep into Julia’s eyes, as the iris in her eyes began to dance around. “It was I who ordered his death.”

Julia sat motionless; words, breath, and life itself had vacated her body. Though she heard the words come out of the queen’s mouth, she was frozen in her gaze. With every bit of strength she softly muttered “What… why… I don’t… what have you done... Feyajus?”

“Your little family has been trying to seize control of this kingdom for too long, my dear friend. And I have worked too hard putting the perfect puppet in place. To be my voice and to carry out my every will.” The queen spoke, never breaking her gaze with Julia. 

“Your eyes… it’s true then…” 

“Oh yes, always a quiet hidden talent of mine. Not so easy to manipulate anyone, but truly effortless once their will is broken. When pieces of themselves become scattered; the mind, body, and soul all wanting to react differently at the same time. Only a few water mages can actually pull it off, dare I say, the most beautiful of us.”

“You’ve been performing outlaw magic… in a kingdom where you serve as its queen!” Julia spoke angrily, slowly clenching her fists as she began pulling herself back together. “You can’t do this!”

Feyajus got up from her chair quickly and brought her face close to Julia’s. “Oh but I can, Julia! I can and I will!” She spoke excitedly, her eyes growing large and a dark, twisted smile crawling across her face. “Neither you nor your children will be able to stop me!”

Julia screamed in pain as she broke her gaze from the queen and stood up. She quickly slammed her right fist against her chest, releasing an immense flame that exploded from within her. The burst destroyed the table they had been sitting at and sent the queen hurling back to the floor. Feyajus was cut across the stomach from the shrapnel created by the obliterated table. The queen turned towards Julia, still lying on the floor, still holding that crooked smile. 

Feyajus laughed, “One of the few tricks you learned from your dead, useless husband!?”

Julia held her hands in front of her face, extending her fingers to conjure another spell. “Yes, and here’s another!” Her eyes grew large as she felt the slight sting of a needle pierce the skin of her neck and several other places from behind. Once again she was frozen, but she could feel this time was different. This time was far worse.

The queen mockingly spoke as she calmly sat up on the floor, ignoring the small fires around her that were consuming the room. “Well? Aren’t you going to show me this other trick of yours?” She stood up and approached Julia, brushing Julia’s hair off to the side. “Oh my. Is something wrong dear? You don’t look so well.”

Julia couldn’t respond, she couldn’t do anything despite all her strength. Small sudden shocks began to go off inside her body, contracting her muscles and making her move in such a way that she resembled a puppet on strings. Her head was forcibly turned upwards and she could see the queen’s smile. 

“Well, since you can’t take a look around the room, I’ll help you out. After all, we are such good friends.” She took Julia’s hand and held it in front of Julia’s gaze. With her other hand she reached out above Julia’s hand and plucked a barely visible string.

Julia could slightly see the vibration of the string that appeared to extend from her own hand. In a very brief moment, she saw a light go along the string before stinging the inside of the hand. At the reaction to the sting, her hand curled up in a fist. With every moment, she became more and more afraid.

“Behind you is a lightning mage. No idea if it’s the same one that killed your husband, but I don’t care. Regardless, he or she is the one responsible for you not being able to move on your own right now.” Even if Julia could turn around she would not be able to see the mage. They were experts at hiding within shadows. Feyajus herself couldn’t physically see where the mage was standing in the room. A loud pop came from behind Feyajus, knocking her focus back to the task at hand. “Enough playing. Get her into position. The guards will be here soon.”

Feyajus carefully laid back down on the floor, avoiding the flames and shrapnel. Julia unwillingly stood over her and knelt down. Her hands reached out toward the queen’s neck before her fingers gently wrapped around it. Feyajus placed her own hands on top of Julia’s and she began acting as if she could not breathe. Suddenly the guards bursted into the room, shocked by what they were seeing. They ordered Julia to release her grip, and although she wanted to comply, she had no choice in the matter. The guards surrounded Julia and quickly pulled her away from the queen. The puppetmaster made Julia swing her fists at the guards, making her appear as if she wanted to continue choking the queen. All Julia could do was cry.
