~1~ Arguments


I woke up with no motivation to get out of bed so I just sat in bed, laying on my back until I smelt waffles and maple syrup coming from the kitchen which made me jump out of bed, running down the stairs still in my pyjamas. 

"Good morning Y/n" Bad said putting the waffles on the counter

"Moring dad" I replied getting a knife and fork form the kitchen draws and then sitting at the kitchen bench putting two waffles on my plate. 

"I'm guessing Nicks already left?" I asked 

"Yeah, I've asked him if he can have some family time together but said he was busy" Bad said sitting next to me as drenched my waffles with maple syrup.

"He probably isn't even busy, its probably an excuse to go hang out with his best friends" I said eating my waffles "Oh talking about friends, can I have Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo over today?" I asked but as soon as I said that, Nick and his friends walked in the house.

"Oh, hello!" Bad said changing from sad to trying to sound happy as they entered the room. "Nick you never told me you were bringing you friends over" Bad said closing the door. 

"Nick, can I talk to you for a second" I asked raging him into a seperate room and locking the door.

"What" Nick simply said

"You have had your friends over 3 days in a row now! When do I get to have my friends over?" I half yelled, Nick didn't reply he just stood there.

"Exactly! Never! So for once can I please have my friends over!" I was no yelling without realising.

"Geez calm down, your yelling" Nick said with no emotion. "And besides you can just go visit them, you can go somewhere else" nick said going to unlock the door but I grabbed his wrist stopping him. 

"No! Your not leaving! Please! Just let me have my friends over! At least once!" I yelled even louder, once again, not realising, along with tears streaming down my face. 

"Fine- this weekend you-" Nick tried today but got cut off by me again.

"What happened to our relationship we had when we were kids?! What happened to that promise we made! The promise that we would always be there for each other! What happened to that!" I  yelled falling to the ground.

"Y/n! I said you can have them over this weekend! Ok! You happy now? And I wont even disturb you this weekend!" Nick yelled back unlocking the door, and walking out slamming the door behind him.

"Where did our relation ship go? I need it back please..." I whispered to myself as my vision slowly went blurry.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter :) Drama has already started and its only the first chapter (not including the background chapter) 

I can't promise things will get better so you will have to read to discover if things get better, I dont know at the moment but maybe, maybe not ;)
