2. Now - The Frailty of Friendship

"Hershel!", you exclaim.

You both smile, genuinely happy seeing each other.

"What a pleasant surprise, Hershel! I would never have expected to see you here, in the flesh."

"Me neither. It has been far too long since our last meeting. You look well, (Name)."

"So do you. Are you on leave with your family?", you enquire, looking at the young woman and the small boy next to him.

"Hardly. Emmy, Luke, allow me to introduce you to (Name, Surname). We've known each other since our school days."

"How do you do? I'm Emmy Altava, the professor's assistant!"

"And I'm Luke Triton, the professor's apprentice! Pleased to meet you!"

"Likewise. Professor Layton, uh? I had heard of you becoming a world renowned archaeologist and could not believe the news. What an unforeseen turn of event!"

"You're close, but not quite! I'm actually a professor of archaeology at Gressenheller University in London."

"Wonderful! We're practically neighbours. I live in the Kent, right outside Canterbury."

"Oh, the Kent is undoubtly a lovely place, surrounded by variegated fields of wild flowers and viridescent pastures. It suits you.", compliments the professor. "Did you come all the way to Monte d'Or in search of inspiration?"

"I'm doing a book signing event tomorrow."

"Wait! When you say you're (Name, Surname), are you meaning that (Name) (Surname)?! The famous writer?", exclaims Emmy.

"I can confirm I'm an writer, however I won't comment on the famous part..."

"You wrote the novel 'Beneath the Sky of Wayfaring', several anthologies of poetry, even children's literature and illustration books, correct?", she remarks with excitation.

"That's correct, Emmy."

"Oh!", Luke suddenly blurts out. "Are you the author of 'Lettera'? It's one of my favourite books of all times! The drawings are marvelous."

"Well, well, (Name)! If that is not the definition of fame, then I don't know what is! I also happen to have come across some of your works, and I must say you haven't lost your touch and sensitivity after all these years."

You smile gracefully.

"I stand corrected. I'm humbly grateful for your kind words."

"Our pleasure, (Name). Are you having a good stay here?"

"I've only arrived early afternoon."

"What a coincidence! We've barely arrived ourselves. However, we've been taken aback by tonight's events."

"Yes, that was awful. I wasn't directly involved, but the sight of people's screaming and trampling was frightening indeed. Who was it again? The Masked Gentleman, apparently? The name was on everyone's lips at the hotel, so I thought it was some sort of show."

"No, unfortunately. The Masked Gentleman is very real and dangerous. He's been performing his 'miracles' all over the city for about a month, or so I've heard."

"Like paintings popping out of their frame and starting wandering around!", describes Emmy.

"Or people getting petrified!", adds Luke.

"Now that's unsettling... To me, it sounds like terrorism..."

"As a matter of fact, we're currently investigating the nature of these miracles.", explains the professor.

"Oh, Hershel, I don't believe in miracles.", you say bluntly. "Something very wrong is going on here. Are you assisting the d'Orian police?"

"No, we're not. To be fully honest with you, we came here to help in the case at Angela's request."

You wince at this mention, which does not escape Professor Layton's sharp eyes. He says carefully:

"As you may already know, Henry and Angela Ledore founded the city of Monte d'Or."

"Yeah, hard to miss the news.", you reply tersely and cross your arms.

The company senses that the mood has abruptly turned sour. Luke and Emmy glance at each other, shifting uncomfortably.

"Are you... planning on visiting them?"

"Highly unlikely."

"I thought you and Angela were best friends?"

"Were, Hershel, thank you for using the correct tense. We were friends."

"What about Henry? You two used to get along too..."

"Yes, we used to.", you interrupt curtly. "Haven't been in contact with any of them since I left Stansbury."

"I see."

An uneasy silence fills the air and the professor speaks up again:

"It must have been hard on you."

"Oh, that was nothing compared to Angela's pain.", you brush his remark off, turning your head in the other direction to avoid looking at him in the eyes. "But well, now she's right as rain, that's what matters. I'm glad, honestly."

And that statement is true, despite the twinge of sorrow you feel deep within your chest.

"We... we are on our way to the Ledores' mansion.", Luke admits shyly. "W-would you like to join and say hello?", he suggests.

"That would be a good idea.", agrees the professor. "Perhaps seeing them again would bring back some good memories and rekindle your friendship, just like it did for us this evening."

You smile faintly at his encouragements.

"That's a nice sentiment, Hershel, but I'm unable to remember any happy memories from that time. Just like you, I left this town and everyone behind to forget."

Hershel slightly bows his hat and you realise that you have involuntarily hurt him.

"I regret you feel this way about me.", he sounds remorseful.

"Oh, Hershel, I sincerely don't blame you. That would be so hypocritical... We've both suffered so much, we had to move on. You and I made the right decision."

"To this day, I still wonder whether that was the right thing to do."

"To put it in a nutshell, please, go without me."

"Understood, (Name). Any message you would like to pass on to Angela or Henry?"

"None. Thank you very much for your concern, though. Much appreciated."

"Truth be told, I'm a little nervous. This is the first time I've seen Angela in eighteen years.", concedes the professor.

"I can't imagine how long eighteen years must feel!", exclaims the apprentice.

"It feels as long as rowing a boat across an endless ocean.", you sigh, lost in thoughts.

"Wow. I don't know whether I find that metaphor beautiful or depressing...", observes Emmy, puzzled.

"Yet, I can sense that will to go on. What would be the point of rowing, if not because of hope?", intervenes the professor with his index pointing up, smiling at you.

"As perceptive as ever, Professor!", praises Luke.

You chuckle at their reactions and say with content:

"Well then, friends, I bid you goodbye. I'm going back home tomorrow after the event. I hope you enjoy your stay in Monte d'Or, and good luck with your investigation. It was lovely seeing you again, Hershel, and making your acquaintance, Emmy and Luke! I know! Let's catch up soon over tea! I often travel to London for official purposes, so I assume it would be easier to meet you there?"

"It would be my pleasure. Come visit us at the university any time, (Name)!"

"Cheers, Hershell."

The three of them wave at you before setting off to the mansion. After crossing a few alleys, they eventually arrive near Oasis street.

"You know so many great people, Professor! I'm impressed!", chirps Luke.

"I never would have imagined that you and (Name) (Surname) went to school together! It's a small world!"

"Indeed, Emmy. It has been far too long since I've met (Name), Angela and Henry. I'm delighted that all my friends have been succeeding in their career and life."

"Pardon my curiosity, Professor... If I understood correctly, the four of you used to be very good friends many years ago. However, (Name) looked pretty upset when you mentioned the Ledores and it seems to me that it took you by surprise. Any thoughts on what's happened?", asks Emmy.

"I believe I may know the reason why (Name) was so... reluctant to greet Angela and Henry."

"Right... It shocked me that someone with such vivid imagination could be so... sad. Though, I did hear that artists were tortured souls. Despair sells, after all!"

"Sad is definitely the word, Emmy. I can relate to this. But what struck me as odd was that I most certainly did not expect such despondency. Anyway, let's not dwell on this any further. I can see the Ledore estate."

"Yes, it looks as though we're finally here!"

They enter the front gate and gaze at the sumptuous and modern red-brick mansion. An off-white staircase crosses a canal passing through magnificient gardens with neatly trimmed shrubs, leading them to the entrance. The professor then notices a slim figure leaning over one of the balconies right above it.

It is Angela, gazing at the city below her with worried eyes.

She glimpses at the bottom of the yard to find Hershel looking at her. Recognising her old friend, a feeling of relief envelops her. She hurries to the front door to welcome him in.

"It's so wonderful to see you again, Hershel!"

"It's good so see you again too, Angela."

Once the introductions are made, Angela leads them to the parlour and invites them to sit down and discuss the matter at hand.

"My husband, Henry, isn't here just now. He has meetings until late."

"Ah, Henry! How is he? I can hardly believe that the two of you are married now. Extraordinary how time flies."

"It passes in the blink of an eye... but it still feels like an eternity.", replies Angela before placing her hand on her cheek, pensive.

This reminds Hershel of your attitude earlier.

You and Angela look as if you were both longing for someone.

He speaks up, breaking the silence.

"Angela, I'm sorry to broach the topic so soon, but I'm anxious to discuss your letter..."

She goes on describing with fright the unusual events that have started a month prior, coinciding with the appearance of the Masked Gentleman and the theft of the Mask of Chaos.

"Wait a moment, Angela. How is it possible that this Masked Gentleman could possess the Mask of Chaos? I was sure the mask was lost forever. I saw it... along with...", trails out the professor, suddenly hit by a pang of guilt.

"Wait a second! Professor, you've actually seen the Mask of Chaos?", enquires Luke, disconcerted.

"Yes... A friend of mine - my best friend, in fact - discovered it back in our school days."

"What?! You never mentioned this before!", cries Emmy, frowning at the thought that the professor has kept it a secret all this time.

"So you haven't told them? About the mask? About Randall?", asks Angela with stupefaction.

"I haven't..."

"Randall? He was your friend? The one who found the mask?"

"Yes, Randall Ascot, he discovered it. And I... It was my fault that he..."

"After the accident, Henry led several search parties down into the ruins. He never found Randall. But he did find the ancient treasure hidden down there. And the mask. He said he had stumbled upon it in one of the passages."

"If he found the mask, then what of Randall? Surely they would have been together?"

"No, Hershel. I'm sorry. Henry has never stopped searching, though. He refuses to accept Randall's death. Apart from his work, it's really the only thing he thinks about. And also, maybe about..."

Angela closes her eyes and shakes her head, as if she was getting lost in her own train of thoughts.

"I can't say I blame him. I want to believe it too... that Randall isn't really gone...", she says while pulling out from her dress a pendant tied to a very old string, before showing it to Hershel as evidence of her claim.

"Isn't that pendant... ?"

"It's aged quite a bit now, much as we have."

"So I get that (Name) was also friend with Randall, isn't that right, Professor?", checks Emmy.

Angela gasps.

"Wait... Did you just say (Name)? H-how do you know about..."

"Angela, I forgot to mention the fact we had encountered (Name) by the Gallery Plaza earlier, on our way to your place."

She presses her hands against her mouth, obviously moved.

"Oh, (Name)! I can't believe it!"

"We've been infomed there would be a book signing event tomorrow."

"Indeed, it will take place at the 'Bookshore'! It is the biggest bookshop in the city, located right in the middle of the shopping district. The style is very unique and the mood buoyant, you definitely can't miss it, you'll see. The venue is just perfect for (Name)! Oh, the owner was so thrilled that he came to meet us personally to ensure there would be a suite booked in the best hotel in all Monte d'Or, the 'Reunion Inn'...", explains Angela with enthusiasm.

"You seem well aware of (Name)'s whereabouts."

"Henry constantly receives some news and updates on the calendar of events and festivals taking place in the city, therefore nothing escapes his notice."

"I recall you being quite a fan of (Name)'s writings.", smiles the professor.

"I still am! (Name)'s works are so... heartfelt, don't you agree?"

"I do. If I recall, (Name) won a professional writing contest and was awarded a very large grant, allowing the pursuit of a prosperous literary career."

"Yes! 'Beneath the Sky of Wayfaring' was the stepping stone! Can you imagine? I'm delighted to see that (Name) turned over a new leaf, such popularity is very well deserved."

"Will you attend the event, then?", Luke asks Angela.

The three of them notice her downcast eyes.

"No, I won't... I wouldn't be welcome there."

"Why not? You look as though you still hold your friend in great esteem...", tries Emmy.

"In (Name)'s eyes, I most certainly am the one who betrayed our friendship and dream.", she justifies, staring at the palm of her hands casually resting on her laps.

"I don't mean to pry, Angela.", the professor looks hesitant. "But I'm intrigued about that assertion. Could you please corroborate something for me? You two were childhood friends, correct?"

"We were, indeed."

"But (Name) and Henry were also very close, weren't they?"

"As usual, you're very attentive, Hershel. Did (Name) ever talk to you about it?"

"No, never. But I had my suspicions. Our friend was... pardon the pun, an open book - and I take it, very fond of Henry."

"Oh, very fond of is quite the euphemism... So as you suspected, (Name) didn't take it too kindly when Henry and I officially announced our engagement."

"I reckon the news must have come as quite a shock."

"Oof...", sigh Emmy and Luke, feeling sorry for all of you.

"I can't apologise enough for it. Both Henry and I felt very bad, I swear... Especially because (Name) has been so selflessly supporting of us in time of need..."

"That's very much like (Name)... I still remember our last meeting before I departed for London and the words of comfort I received.", tells the professor, cracking a nostalgic smile.

"Yes, (Name) is a beautiful person...", she adds in a whisper. "I also hope you don't see our union as a betrayal to Randall's memory..."

"Don't worry, Angela. I won't judge any of you. The heart has its reasons."

"You know, Hershel, I've wanted to apologise for our last conversation for so very long. I'm so sorry I didn't contact you sooner."

She inhales deeply, as if she was containing her tears.

"I knew it wasn't your fault. I just couldn't bear losing Randall. I want to say it was because I was young, but that's no excuse. I... I think I just needed someone to blame. I'm sorry. He was your best friend. You were in just as much pain as I was."

"I never held it against you, Angela. You had every right to blame me. I wasn't able to save him. It haunts me to this day."

"I'm so sorry, Hershel..."

A few more minutes pass in an awkward silence. They all hear very clearly the tick tock of the clock on the wall. Angela speaks up:

"Henry insisted we keep the mask here, to remind us of Randall. And I have my pendant... Once we catch this villain, I want the mask back. For Randall..."

"I promise we'll do all we can."

After agreeing to call on the Ledore the next day to inspect Henry's study and look for clues about the Mask of Chaos, Angela walks her friends to the front door and advises she has booked a couple of rooms for the three of them at the Camel's Hump hotel.

"It's a little bit of walk, but I think you'll find it quite to your liking.", Angela tells them with a gentle smile.

"Much appreciated, Angela.", the professor thanks her and tilts his hat to salute her.

"Wait, Hershel! One more thing.", Angela interrupts all of a sudden with an apologetic face. "If you see (Name) again, could you please pass on the message that I'll always treasure our happy memories and be missing our time spent together?"

"Well noted. Good night, Angela."

Subsequently, Professor Layton, Emmy and Luke revisit Celebration Boulevard to look over the scene of the incident once more and to ask questions around, profiting that the situation has quietened down and hoping their investigations would alleviate some of Henry's burden.

Satisfied with their newly acquired knowledge, the company decides to retire for the evening and walks straight to the Camel's Hump. All of them rejoice at the sight of the fancy hotel, either looking forward to a good night's sleep or to tasting the succulent roast lamb whose smell embalms the front street.

Once inside, they contemplate in awe the infrastructure and the decoration.

"Well, Professor, it looks like Mrs Ledore is putting us up in style!", exclaims Emmy, excited. "Do you suppose this place is owned by the Ledores?"

"It's quite likely. Everything in this hotel is in its own neat little place. That's very like Henry."

"Welcome, welcome! Do you have a reservation?", enquires Pascal, the receptionist.

After receiving a warm welcome as special guests as well as their keys, the porters lead the way to the somptuous elevators and to the rooms. Emmy decides to join the professor and Luke for a bit in order to continue their previous conversation.

"Professor, how well do you know Mr Ledore? What's he like?"

"I remember him as a thoughful boy, very quiet and hard-working. I never really talked to him, though. We both lived in the same village, but he was just a friend of a friend. I never got to know him very well. (Name) would definitely be able to tell you more about Henry."

"I doubt your friend would blithely accept to tell us anything about Mr Ledore seeing how upsetting the Ledores' mariage is perceived."

"Perhaps, Emmy. Honestly, I was quite surprised myself to hear that Henry and Angela got married to each other. Angela... was deeply in love with Randall."

"Were they?! That would explain why she knew him so well!"

"That's correct. They had been dating since middle school."

"What about (Name) and Henry? What was their relationship like, Professor?", asks Luke.

"As the saying goes, 'two birds of a feather flock together'. They were very similar in nature - hard-working and always considerate to others. Since Henry was so busy training at the Ascots', (Name) was always elaborating intricate plans to see him. He didn't seem to mind, though."

"Oh, they liked each other a lot, all right.", acknowledges Emmy. "Was (Name) already a gifted writer?"

"Yes, very much so. (Name) had an innate and rare talent for writing, no matter the subject of the assignment, and our teachers were never stingy with praise. However, (Name)'s eloquence and powerful way with words only matched with an exceptionally discreet personality."

"It's true that (Name) seemed like a very approachable and humble person to me, definitely not the bragging type.", she confirms.

"More than humble, I would even dare to say... diffident. Reading outloud in class or showing a piece of writing were a tremendous ordeal. I think Angela was the only one with whom (Name) shared this priviledge."

"It's good then that (Name) overcame that timidity and chose to be published and became a prolific author! According to Mrs Ledore, she and (Name) used to be as thick as thieves! Strangely enough the later didn't reciprocate the feeling. You knew Angela quite well, didn't you, Professor? Do you really think their friendship began to turn sour because Angela married Henry Ledore?"

"B-but it's certainly no one's fault if Angela and Henry Ledore eventually fell in love with each other and got engaged, right? No matter how hard it is for (Name)... Though I can understand why it would be perceived as betrayal...", elaborates Luke.

"I can imagine Angela feeling lonely and desperate after Randall's... disappearance. Henry was like a brother to him, they knew each other like the back of their hand. It would probably make sense that Angela and Henry found comfort in each other, looking and waiting for Randall after all this time. And although Angela was definitely aware of (Name)'s feelings for Henry, I cannot imagine her attempting to hurt her friend on purpose. To be perfectly candid, I am a little baffled myself. I always pressented that (Name) and Henry would make a lovely pair. In any case, this is none of our business."

Luke's yawning leads to changing the topic of their conversation.

"I've been wanting to ask you, Professor. What was Randall like?"

"Yes, please tell us!"

"About Randall?"

"Absolutely! This mystery could have something to do with your past. You never know!"

"After all, Randall was the one to discover the Mask of Chaos, isn't that right, Professor?"

"I suppose... you may be right. Very well. It would be about eighteen years ago. Randall, Angela, Henry, (Name) and I used to leave in a small place called Stanbury, just beyond the desert. It was a quiet little village, the kind where everyone knows everyone else. Randall was my best friend..."

Professor Layton starts narrating a story of the past.


(19 September 2021)
