Chapter 53

"Still working huh?" I commented as I walked in on my father writing on papers in the couch.

From the papers in front of him to my eyes, he delivered a nod.

"Especially since Wayne Enterprises' security was almost broken into" he scoffed and took a sip of his coffee.

"Such weak security" I heard him mumble.

"And what exactly are you working on?"

"Projects" he bluntly replied.

I internally scoffed. What type of projects? Does it hurt to be specific?

I really have to ask what that necklace is. It was now or never. Tim was right, that trade was sort of awful.

Daniel is right. Anthony is being suspicious.

"Does this project have something to do with that gold necklace?"

His body tensed, "Why do you ask?"

"I'm just wondering why you sacrificed me for a generic necklace" I shrugged, which only made him frown.

"I didn't sacrifice you, it was for business purposes" he placed his pen down, "Besides I'm returning it today, so the proposal between you and Sebastian is over"

That's... surprising.

"So," I rolled the word, "did you need it or not?"

Why would he be giving it back?

"It was useless" he continued to write on his papers.

Now I was just confused.

"All that trouble for nothing?"

"Yeah" he took another sip of coffee.

"Also, don't ever say I sacrificed you. Did you forget about our deal?" He sternly stated.

Maybe it's because I just began to suspect him, but now I see how he brings up the deal a lot.

"Sorry" I faked an apologetic look.

As I faced away, I saw the T.V. displaying the famous Bruce talking in a press conference.

"Hey" I called out, cueing him to turn up the volume.

"-projects will be delayed. So to address the rumors, yes, we were attacked. But the company has stood strong. Whoever this hacker may be," Bruce gazed directly at the camera, "I just want to let you know that you've failed"

His index finger was pointed against the lens, "The people of Gotham will not let you destroy anymore businesses"

In the mix of camera flashes, were the sounds of clapping.

"Look at him," my father started, "acting like a preacher and a savior"

He scoffed and walked away to wash his cup.

Maybe Bruce Wayne did something to anger him. What if he resents Bruce for something in the past?

Maybe its not about being the #1 billionaire, but about taking down Bruce himself.


After getting ready for the gala, Daniel drove us to the appointed mansion.

At the entrance, Daniel was told to park the car and to wait till he was called. He nodded and did as told once we were out of the car.

My father and I walked the red carpet with paparazzi being held back by several police men.

"Mr. Williams" they kept repeating through the crowd.

We just ignored them and continued to walk inside towards the ballroom.

A step inside the ballroom and a spotlight was moved to us.

"And our second billionaire and his daughter have arrived!" the announcer shouted, "We were just talking about you"

He turned to the crowd of business people, "Shall we give them a warm welcome?"

Everyone else started clapping.

"Well I hope it wasn't anything bad" my father said loudly.

"No!" the announcer flicked his hand and chuckled.

"Trust me, it wasn't anything bad" another voice chimed in.

That's when we realized that Dominic Fann and Sebastian were right in front of us.

I did a quick search around the crowd inside the ballroom, but there was no sign of Tim. I disappointedly glanced back to Sebastian.

"Dominic," my father began, "sorry to say this, but I'm no longer accepting the marriage between your son and my daughter"

A scornful expression made it's way up to Dominic, "And why is that?"

"I don't need this" my father broadly answered, taking the out a small black bag, which probably had the necklace inside.

With a bit of rage, Dominic took the bag out of his hand, "Why?"

"It doesn't work"

That necklace does something.

It seems that this piece of information is the closest I'll get to an answer.


I stared back at Sebastian who seemed to be lost for words.

Unless I ask him.

"What do you mean it doesn't work?" Dominic harshly held a grip on my father's arm.

"(Y/N), Sebastian" my father gestured us to leave him.

I didn't want to, but if I want answers, I need to be alone with Sebastian.

As we walked away, I heard Dominic say something else, "A deal is a deal!"

Hopefully they don't attract too much attention. Both of them seemed to be walking away from the ballroom.

My feet started to walk on their own and stayed away from Sebastian. Until I heard him call my name.

But thanks to the announcer, he was interrupted.

"Our number one billionaire and his two handsome sons have arrived!"


I turned towards the direction of the entrance and saw Bruce Wayne walking with a smile, alongside Dick who had the same expression as he fixed up his blue tie. To Bruce's right, Tim had his hands in the pockets of his pants, but displayed a smile as well.

Without a word or cue, everyone started clapping.

My mouth moved on it's on and smirked as I crossed my arms. The Wayne family really is loved.

I don't hate it.

On the contrary, good for them.

"Mr. Wayne, would you like to share a few words?" the announcer invited him to come upstairs to where he was standing.

Bruce Wayne accepted and walked up as Dick and Tim followed behind.

I was a bit disappointed that Tim couldn't save me from the guy who had his hand on my arm right now.

"Sebastian" I retorted.

"Just a second, I need you to explain something to me" he replied as he started to pull me away to a quieter corner of the room.

Too bad I won't be able to hear what Bruce has to say.


[Third POV]

As the Wayne family had the spotlight on them, Tim's eyes were wandering around the silhouettes of people below, searching for her.

Searching for the girl he promised to be her shield for in the gala. Unfortunately, he couldn't see her.

So he could only listen to what Bruce began to say. But it was hard.

Dick felt the same way. Especially after both of them were told something before entering.

°• Flashback •°

"Before we go inside," Bruce began, stopping Dick from opening the door handle from inside the car, making the paparazzi outside wait.

"There's something I need to tell you both"

"I didn't know whether to tell you guys or not, but Alfred helped me decide"

Bruce already had both Tim and Dick's attention with that worrisome tone on voice.

"Jason and Damian," he said, making his sons' eyes go wide.

"They're coming back to Gotham"

Dick was at the edge of his seat, "Where are they? A-And how do you know?"

"Jason sent me- no, Alfred letters from Infinity Island. He says Damian immediately came back there after losing Titus and Alfred"

"The cat" Bruce adds.

"It was too late for them to return wasn't it" Tim chimed in.

Bruce nodded, "Jason said that Ra's and Talia were keeping eyes on them, even more than before"

"We're helping them, right?" Dick questioned.

"Once the hacker is caught. We can't leave the company alone. Besides, Jason mentioned in the letter for us not to intervene. For now, they will have to continue to work together like they were"

Tim asked, "What do you mean 'continue to'? How long did you find out about the letters?"

As a response, the billionaire avoided the gazes he had on him and turned to Alfred.

Alfred knew Bruce didn't want to say it, so he said it for him, "About 3 or 4 days ago"

"Bruce" Dick sighed as he pinched the brdige of his nose.

He kept a secret, again.

"I'm sorry" Bruce apologized.

Tim and Dick switched glances before saying nothing as they exited the car.

For now, they wanted to focus on the gala. Later Dick wanted to inform him that when it's about a family matter, it's important to let them know.

°• End of Flashback •°

As Bruce shared his words to the people that cared to listen, on the other hand, (Y/N) found it hard to give her full attention to the boy in front of her.

"You think I did something to make my father change his mind?" She chuckled in disbelief.

She found it funny how Sebastian thought she had something to do with this.

"It's a business deal" she emphasized, "Whether my father wants to break it or not, it's his choice"

"I'm only a variable in the deal," she added, "I can't change his mind"

This only made him frown, "There's just no way your father would find the necklace useless. He's been bugging about it for a long time. And we made sure it worked"

(Y/N) kept this in mind, and found that this was a chance for her to ask, "What is the necklace for?"

Sebastian just stared at her, deciding whether to tell her or not. Whether it was a good idea or not.

"Tell me" she ordered.

Groaning, he gave in to his feelings, "The necklace has the ability to mind control anyone who wears it"

Her body froze from head to toe. She couldn't believe it.

Mind control. Why would her father need that?

At the very moment, she was glad they were in the secluded corner of the ballroom. And everyone else were busy on their own conversations or listening to Bruce.

"So a person gets to control someone else's body?" She questioned, wanting clarification.

"Well, not exactly" he avoided her gaze, but returned, "Whoever gave them the jewelry, gets to give them orders through a tiny microphone and chip, so there isn't a control device or anything like that"

"So a small chip is what creates this?!Why did you and your father even make this in the first place?!" She found it absurd that something like that exists.

"Let's talk out-"

He couldn't finish his sentence because the announcer interrupted.

"Shall we start the royal ball, or... should I say the business ball!"

"(Y/N), let's just clear our heads and go dance, okay?"

She furrowed her brows, "No"

"You're going to tell me why you made it"

"Later" he huffed.

"We can dance as best friends okay? Like we were in the past" he offered his hand to her before he immediately wore a scornful look.

Not towards her. But to something or someone behind her to her right.

Out of nowhere, a hand intertwined with hers, "Sorry to be a bother, but I need to borrow her for a bit" a soothing voice said.

When she turned her glance, she was surprised to find that Tim was the one next to her. And holding her hand.

Her face began to warm up.

She felt like the feeling was familiar. Which she found it weird. If only she could remember what exactly happened before Sunday.

"You don't mind right? I mean it's not like you two are engaged anymore" he delivered an innocent smile to the boy who still had a frown stuck to his face.

"Did you overhear that from Mr. Williams and my father's talk?" Sebastian crossed his arms.

"How typical from an orphan. Always butting in where they're not supposed to be" he ended his sentence with a smirk.

Just then, (Y/N) pushed him back, "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"I'm an orphan as well, and let me tell you that Tim and I have a heart, unlike people like you" she glared at him.

"I don't even know why we were best friends in the first place"

Then she pulled the hand she held away to the garden.

She didn't realize where she was walking until Tim called out her name to watch out for the hedge wall she was about to run into.

When they stopped, they found themselves standing at the very entrance of the hedge maze.

She let go of his hand and rotated to face him, "I'm sorry you had to hear that and deal with him again"

"It's not your fault. Don't apologize. Actually," he paused, "I didn't really mind his comment. Besides, I failed at being your shield"

"No," she stated, "you came at the right time"

Although, she wanted him to come a bit later. She wanted Sebatian to explain why they made the necklace.

"(Y/N), why don't you just ignore him? That guy almost took adv-" he quickly shut his mouth.

What if she didn't want to get reminded of her past?

What if she gets mad that Dick told him about her past with him?

She slowly nodded, knowing exactly what he was going to finish saying.

"Dick told you, huh?"

While cursing himself for bringing it up, he nodded with a despondent expression.

"It's alright" she held a smile for a bit before weakening it, "I'm..."

"I'm still hiding something else from him"

Before Tim could say anything else, a loud explosion was heard coming from a room inside the building.

The ground vibrated for a second, and sincronized, (Y/N) and Tim turned to look at people running towards the entrance doors.

She started to take note of the smoke coming out from one of the hallways.

Rotating to Tim, she saw him nod at something or someone at the top of the building. However, when she glanced there, there was nothing there.

Tim was confused himself. Natassia had said she was going to deactivate the bombs. So why was she at the roof of the building?

He knew Bruce was definitely going to ask for an explanation.

Rapidly, he gazed at the confused girl next to him and sternly instructed her, "Run, as far as you can. Not towards the entrance though. Don't let Two-Face get to you"

"Two-Face? Why does-" then she was interrupted by a smaller explosion.

Tim frowned. Did Natassia end up lying after all?

"Just don't let Harvey see you" he said as he started to step away.

"Wait, where are you going?"

"To see what's really going on" he gave a sly smile and started running inside.

Now she was completely dumbstruck. To her, it looked like Tim knew what was really going on, but now, it seems like he doesn't.

But she did as told, and ended up waking inside the maze. She has to find another exit. If she doesn't end up finding it, she thought to herself that she'll rip the hedge apart.

For some reason, she didn't like the feeling that the hedge maze radiated.

[End of Chapter 53]


Word Count: 2,595

Hopefully the chapter wasn't too long to read.

Anyways, what do you think the necklace was made for? And why does Anthony need it?

Bruce be hiding secrets as well... looks like Jason and Damian are stuck in Infinity Island. Too bad the hacker can't let Bruce go.

They'll just attack Wayne Enterprises at once if they know Batman is Bruce 👀.

So... where did Titus and Alfred the cat go?

You know, if Sebastian was a real character, I would punch him for offending Tim like that.

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