No good in goodbye

Cheryl's pov:

Should've told her sooner? Should've told her sooner?!? I read over and over the text. How the Hell was I meant to tell her sooner, my reputation at Riverdale would've been demolished if I had ever so much as hinted that I was gay.

Our friendship had lasted a few sweet weeks before the moment it all broke apart. It felt different with Toni than my other friends, I could be the softer version, the sweeter version of my self around her. I should've known it was too good to be true. I would've never admitted it but my crush on toni had started the day she tumbled out of breath into that classroom, her books stacked well above her head in her arms. I knew We had gone to pops together and I must have gotten drunk because the rest of that day was a blank. The day after was strange, Toni seemed instinctively weary of me and refused to speak much the whole day. We had held our friendship for three months until the day in the vixen Locker room. I should've known it was too good to be true.

~Flash back~

Ever since the pops incident, Toni had refused to speak to me and rarely even caught my eye. I knew I could be a little bit of a bitch when I was drunk but what did I do so wrong to deserve this silent treatment? I found myself pondering this thought more often than I would like to admit. In all honesty I miss Toni more than I had missed anyone before even if I had only know her less than fourty-eight hours.

I sauntered down the corridor. I rarely travelled without my pack of vixens and today I would be reminded why. I had been late for cheer practise and forgotten my ribbons in my bag. Now I walked alone down the dim lit corridor to the Locker room.

My head suddenly whipped back as a force ambushed me from the side. I let out a squeal as my head smashed against the locker.

"Didn't take you for a Dyke Blossom," came the confusing words as my head swimmed back into focus. There was a heavy weight on my chest and registered it was a hand.

"What.. W-what do you mean?" I stuttered, my head starting to throb slightly. It was a rare occurrence to be caught of guard and I curled my hands to fists to hide my trembling hands.

"Don't tell me you don't know, I have proof," my attacker spat. My vision returned and I vaguely recognised my perpetrator from the football pitch- he was definitely a bulldog. His dark matted hair was topped by a grubby beanie and his pale skin gave his features a pinched look. But even the most popular players knew not to cross tracks with me as I was dating their captain Reggie mantle.

"I don't know what the hell you are insinuating and quite frankly I don't care. Just let me go creep." I spat back at the boy. How dare someone put their hands anywhere near me without permission.

"So you don't care if I upload this?" he hissed into my ear and fumbled with his free hand in his pocket and retrieving his phone. A low quality video started playing on the screen but the content was unarguable. My blood turned to ice. The video showed me locking lips with Toni but why could I not recall the memory. 

"Where.. Where did you get that?" I stammered.

"I recorded it myself, outside pops a few nights ago and this soon wont be the only version unless you do as I say." he threatened with a cruel glint in his eye. My palms started to sweat. All boys wanted me sexually and If i didn't find an escape soon I'm sure I wouldn't be able to refuse.

"What the hell do you want anyway?" I asked, the contempt tone returning to my lips. 

"I want you to leave Toni the fuck alone. I know what bitchy girls like you do to her," his request was worse than asking me to sleep with him.

"Fine!" I snapped wanting to seem unfazed by his request. But I had so much unsolved business with her. Was it possible I had kissed her when meeting her that day? No she must've insinuated it. must've taken advantage of my drunkenness. An anger was boiling inside of me. She would've ruined my life if that kiss recorded had been released!

"She is all yours..." I said waiting for a name.

"Jughead. Jughead Jones and don't you forget it," he hissed once more before dragging his body off mine and sauntering down the corridor with an accomplished walk. Thats where I knew his from I remembered. The name Jones meant one thing and one thing only.. Leader of riverdale's notorious and infamous gang serpents. 

I walked the rest of the distance to the locker room thoroughly shaken. I shakily opened the door and took a tentative step inside. I couldn't cope with any further surprises today. I scurried over to my gym bag and rummage quickly through for my ribbons. A locker closed behind me making my heart lurch to my throat- I had thought the locker room was empty.

I turned in a matter of milliseconds and my heart went from my throat to my mouth. There was Toni dripping wet covered by only her towel gathering her bag from her locker. 

"ehhrm," I let out announcing my presence. 

She turned and I noticed her cheeks flush instantly, I was struggling not to blush myself.  What would she look like without the towel? No I must not have  those thoughts, that was what she wanted!   

"Cheryl I-" she begun but stopped her self as she met my stony glare. 

"What?" I demanded, wishing for her to come up with an elaborate story to stop me from doing what I knew I must.

"Nothing, I just need to talk to you about something that's it." she said, her eyes avoiding mine.

"I know you kissed me..." The words tumbled out my mouth followed out by a silence that lasted an eternity. She shuffled her feet awkwardly- her brown orbs still refusing to meet my piercing eyes- this confirmed her guilt. 

"I kissed you?" she commented quietly and with heavy irony more to herself than me, following it with a harsh chuckle. My confusion fuelled my anger.

"What you think I would ever consider kissing you?" I asked abrasively, banishing any emotion from my voice. She just stared back at me with an unreadable expression. Flustered I turned back to finding my ribbons.

"I know what happened last night may be new to you but you don't need to hide from it." Came the voice just behind me, her hand squeezed my shoulder for reassurance.  

"Get you sapphic serpent hands off my body!" I almost shouted as I turned and pushed her toned frame away from mine.

"Cheryl just listen-" Toni said soothingly as she attempted to approach me again. I might've let her try if the door to the locker room hadn't swung open and half my cheer squad entered. They stood awkwardly in the entrance, their inquisitive expressions demanding answers from their captain in close quarters to this half naked girl. 

"Just leave me alone Toni. I'm not like you. I'm not a queer!" I yelled, my cheeks were on fire as i crossed the small area to my cheer squad and hid behind Veronica. 

"You guys here that? Toni's a dyke." Came the slur from Veronica's  lips. Toni took one last helpless look at me before being sprinting out of the room followed by jeering. I tasted my lips, they were salty. I was crying.  

                                                                         ~ End of flash back~

"Cheryl, darling there's someone at the door for you." Came the voice of my mother, Penelope Blossom, from downstairs. I froze. Could it be Toni?

"Go I'll help shove the last of your belongings in," insisted Betty and she glanced up from her own phone.

"Thank you dear cousin" I quickly mentioned as I dashed out of my bedroom and too the landing. My heart sunk to the pit of my stomach as I saw who was in our hallway. Reggie- my new ex boyfriend.

"I'll just leave you two," Said my mother quietly excusing herself from what must have been the awkward tension gripping the atmosphere.

"Hey" he said avoiding my eyes and fiddling with the box he had bought with him.

"It's the last of your things I found at my place," he explained lowering the box onto the hall floor. I refused to respond. How dare he show his face at the house of Blossom after ruining the one night I had waited my whole high school life for-prom.

"I'm sorry about last night," he commented sheepishly. I could tell he was desperately trying to start a conversation but I had said all I wanted to say to him through the yelling I had done the night before.

"Well you're not forgiven and if that's all toodles," I brushed up quickly and turned quickly to scamper back up the stairs.

"Wait. Cheryl," called out the flustered boy as he made an attempt to grab my wrist.

"What now?!" I demanded furiously, it had hurt me immensely the way he broke up with me and danced with another girl. The wound was still fresh.

"I just wanted to wish you luck for High smith college and say goodbye," he said earnestly. My stone approach softened for a second.

"Thank you, good luck at Riverdales community college to you to," I said in a slightly lighter tone and giving a half wave. Slowly he made his way out the door.

"What happened Cheryl, dear?" Came the soothing voice of my mother. I turned to meet Penelopes curios gaze.

"Umm, nothing. I guess everything's just ending now you know." I explained a pang of sadness welled up inside me.

"Oh no darling. You have it so wrong," said penelope with a knowing smile.

"Huh?" I hiccuped trying to keep the sadness at bay- my whole childhood was coming to a close.

"It's just starting for you. You have your whole life ahead of you, love and hope is waiting just around the corner you'll see." Penelope said grinning and pulling me into a motherly hug.

"I'm so proud of Archie and you and I know your dad would've been too," she smiled once more before releasing me and squeezing my shoulders.

"Now go do that last bit of packing" she said disappearing into our modern decor kitchen. I let my gaze follow her, she had been my rock in riverdale and now I had to let go of her and fly free.

Scampering back up the stairs one thought seized my mind, I needed to forget everything  here before I set out on my adventure. My mind was made up. I took my phone from the bed where I had tossed it and found the contact name. Toni Topaz. My finger wavered over the delete button, I didn't need this hesitation in my life anymore. My finger came down on the red letters. Toni was gone from my phone and my life.

Author's note: Well this is the third chapter done! Please vote for it and leave a comment :')
