《Chapter 5 》 "Fake Smile...."

Before you read the chapter, I would really appreciate if you read this first: Thank you.

I would just like to say thank you to everyone who commented on my 100 follower announcement. I really appreciate all the support. Honestly I do.

I wouldn't enjoy writing books as much without yours guys support and I just want you to know that.

I also want to say congratulations to the winner of the contest Strawbear494! Aka Ava!

Now onto chapter 5:

*Warning* May Contain Mature Themes*

"Woah...." Skylar breathed out in shock. "How did that happen? You didn't do anything Skylar?" Hailey asked. However Skylar stayed silent she was trying to wrap her head around the situation.

"I don't know, but we just saw something really personal...." Sean muttered. Skylar stood up straight. 'Theres only two ways this could have happened.....' She walked over to one of the blank walls.

She slowly put her palm up to it. Soon enough her eyes began to glow sliver grey, while her palm lit up. 'Ha! I knew it!' She smirked.

"Hey! No fair!" A voice cried from behind her. There were gasps from all the music freaks. "Who are you? And how'd you get here?" Daisy asked in a slightly worried tone.

"Oh um...." The mysterious girl stuttered. "My name is Ava... I'm like that girl over there!" She pointed towards Skylar. "Only my powers are a little different I have the power to show the future, not the past."

Skylar raised an eyebrow. "Wait... that wasn't you??? Then that means...." she trailed off.

Milly turned towards her confused. "Wait... what does it mean?" Skylar's eyes widened. "Jake was thinking about the memory..... which means he's most likely with Drew right now...."

A huge smirk appeared on her face. "Eckkk MY SHIP IS SAILING!!!!" Skylar started to jump up and down with excitement. The music club however looked at her like she were crazy.

"What do you mean?" Zander asked. "It means Drew and Jake are having a bonding moment right now. Which means there one step closer at becoming lovers!" Skylar squealed in excitement once more.

Milly raised an eyebrow. "I thought he liked Daisy? I mean I know Sean's dating her now, but you don't move on that qu-" "Wait WHAT!?" Daisy asked in a surprise.

"Jake likes me....?" Sean turned to Daisy. "Oh... yeah. Jake has had a crush on you way before he joined the club..." Sean told her as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

Her eyes widened. "Wait... how long have you known...." No one answered. They only looked down in shame. Daisy raised in eyebrow in anger. "Wait... your telling me you knew Jake had a crush on me, and still asked me out."

Once again she got no response. Daisy huffed out of anger, and sat in the corner of the room. All by herself.

Ava looked at her pitiful. She had been watching though the walls of the mindscape the whole time. And let's just say she wasn't very pleased at what she had seen.

They had no idea to what Jake has been though. And its not right to assume things about one other too.

She walked over to Skylar whispering in her ear. Skylars eyes widened, before giving her a stern look.

She nodded. And without warning played another memory.



"What did I tell you about singing that dam music!" Jake whimpered at the pain in his right cheek.

His step-mom was currently drunk. She was an alcoholic, and used his fathers hard earned money to buy all sorts of things. Mainly alcohol.

"I-im sorry..." Jake stuttered. "You better be! You dam brat! Just wait intill I tell you father of how you have been behaving. You'd be lucky he doesn't send you of to boarding school!" She spat.

She kicked him in the rib cage. "Now go to your bedroom before I give you a greater punishment."


"Are you sure your alright Jake? Your limping?". Jake turned to face Drew. "Its nothing. Really I'm fine!" He said we a reassuring smile.

Zander was watching with his eyes wide. 'No! You idiot he's getting abused! Don't let him walk away!'

"Alright whatever you say Jake..." Drew said looking a little unsure of himself.

"NO YOU IDIOT!!" Zander screamed and tried to run towards the limping Jake, but Skylar grabbed his arm. "Zander.... I know its hard... but you can't do anything its only a memory."

"If thats the case why hold me back. You said that if I ran in there nothing would happen. So why grab my arm?" Skylar held in a breath.

"I... I.... I don't know what talking about.... let's just continue watching the memory..."

The music club raised an eyebrow at her in suspicion. But decided against saying anything.


"I TOLD YOU NOT TO GET ANYTHING LESS THAN AN A!!" Jake slowly backed away scared of what his father would do to him. "AND WHAT DID YOU GET!?"

Jake backed himself up against a wall. "A-an.... A-" Jakes dad shoved his back into the wall. "Exactly. So thats why I'm going to teach you a leason..." he said with an evil grin on his face.

Jale coward before him. Scared he was going to be beaten to death.

This is the part that contains a mature theme. If you are not over the age of 13, or don't like the idea of blood.

Don't read this. If you deside to anyway..... thats on you. I warned you afterall..

Jakes dad grabbed his neck and shoved him into the wall. Choking him so he couldn't breath."Ugh...d....d....ad...l-l...et g-go...."

Jake's dad dropped him, and he fell too his knees. Jake started to cough trying to catch his breath. But unfortunately for him... he didn't get a chance. His dad kicked him in the stomach. Making it hard for him to breath.

Jake grabbed his stomach in pain, as he coughed up blood. "D....dad... please..... he beged, his voice now scratchy. But his father only looked at him in disgust. "Your supposed to be a man Jake. So take it like a man. Don't beg!"

He hit him, again, again, again, again. He wouldn't stop.

At this point Jake was bloody and bruised. He didn't know how he was going to hide all these scars.


After what felt like hours his father got bored and left. He left Jake in an awful condition. He most likely wouldn't be able to stand.

Jake's nose, wrist, and rib were broken. He had cuts all over his body, especially his face. Not to mention a black eye..... honestly it was a miracle he was still alive, even with all that blood-loss.

Jake coughed, then soon looked up to where his father used to be....

"I-im s....so....rry d....a....d..." 
