Grover II

"When Mr. D says "assisting" it's more like SLAVERY! He makes us sayters wait on him hand and hoof. Who does he think he is? Some God? BHAAAAAAAAH! I'll believe that when Pigs Fly . . . There's honestly nothing worse than an old drunk showing you the traits and "benefits" of child slavery. >-<
Other than that, Camp is good.
The Campers are friendly and nice, besides the Ares kids. They take such offense so easily and they are always picking a fight. Hot heads. >-<
I haven't really met anyone I'd consider a friend yet, but I'm sure I will. :)
Ohhh Ohhhh! They have a nice shiny blue bin containing an all you can eat supply of aluminum cans.
You would love it. :D
. . . I wish you were here to share it with me. My favorite food doesn't taste as good without you around . . . But I know you're off searching for the great god Pan.
WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST TELL ME?!?!?! That's some amazing schiest. Oh, excuse my language Papa. Hehe.
But still, I had to find out from
MR. D OF ALL PEOPLE! I wouldn't
of minded if you had told me,
I would of been proud of you, I still am proud but I would of been even more proud . . . And the fact that I had to find it out from that old drunk doesn't help. >-<
He's really mean to us sayters and shows us no respect whatsoever. . .
You said that I would LIKE him.
BAHAHAHAHA! He scares the bajebious outta me. I just wish you would of warned me about him . . .
I wish you would of warned me about a lot of things. But I guess you didn't have the time because you had to leave when I was a kid,
a good five years ago . . .
I miss you more and more everyday.
I just hope to see you one day soon." Grover wrote.

"Goat Boy! This is the 100th time
I called you, get your furry behind over here!" Mr. D's angry voice filled the room. Grover yelped.
"On-one second Mr. D."
Mr. D kept yelling impatiently but Grover shut it out. He turned back to his letter.
" I love you.
Your boy, Grover."
Grover folded the paper in an airplane and tossed it off, the cloud nymphs knew where to send it by now, he'd been sending letters to his father as long as he could remember, Dad never wrote back of course, but the thought of him getting them was enough for Grover. He hurried out of the Big House (does anyone actually know where the satyers stay? (:/) )
and followed the trail of the curses, growing louder and louder as he got closer to the Wine Dude.

"God dam it Grover! What in the names of Hades took you so long?"
Mr. D. growled, his eyes were bloodshot like he hadn't gotten any sleep, he always looked like that and Grover just now wondered if Dionysus ever did sleep, keeping a look out for all these kids at a demigod camp, it's a miracle that he isn't always this angry.
"And why have you been crying Goat Boy? I don't see what all the blubbering is about." Mr. D didn't sound mad,
he just sounded like his usual irritated self.
Grover hadn't realized he had been crying but now that D pointed it out, his nose was sorta clogged and his eyes stung.
"I was writing a letter to my father sir.
I had to finish the last sentence.
I'm sorry it took me so long."
Grover chewed his bottom lip looking at the ground.
"That is quite alright. And there's word from your father." Dionysus didn't get to finish because Grovers head snapped up with his eyes big and full of excitement like the adorable seven year old he used to be.
"Really? He's okay. I knew it!
He must of found Pan. That's amazing! His life dream came true like I knew it would! So he's going to be back soon?"
"Chicken mcnuggets boy calm your schist. Don't get your hopes to high it'll only hurt more . . ." Mr. D trailed off.
"Hurt?" Grover looked up confused.
Mr. D cleared his throat.
"Yes well, we received word about your Goat Daddy. He started sailing into the Sea of Monsters months ago. Just this morning they found pieces of his broken boat floating in the sea.
This was all they found of him."
With not a hint or remorse and sympathy in his voice Mr. D tossed Grover a rasta cap, his Dad's rasta cap, the one he always wore . . . It brought tears to Grovers eyes and his head dropped showering the hat with floods of tears. He silently promised himself then and there there that he would continue the quest to find the wild god Pan, it had taken two members of his family that he cared about very much, but his Dad was the final straw.
I will find Pan, I will find Pan, for you and your brother. I promise on the River Styx. Grover whisper promised to his Dad. Thunder struck in the distance, the promise was now binding. If he didn't keep that promise-
"Yes yes. Very sad. But you have no time to morn over the death of your father. I have something I need you to do."
Grover looked up, "You're right. I should be stronger than this, that is what Dad would want." Grover sniffed and whipped his tears away. He looked up at Mr. D, a determined look spreading across his face.
"What must I do?"
A little pleased smile found it's way to the partiers face.
"Ever heard of Yancy Academy?"

