Chapter 7

Brian had tucked the poker away in his bag. He knew it was a gory thing to do, but he needed a weapon. He had lost all his various ones. Brian wiped a tear stain off his face, his friends and cousin were all plausibly dead.


Brian had, had, enough,"No!" He started running blindly, scenery around him swirled and swooned, suddenly Brian was aware that his surroundings had changed. He was in an underground chamber. A tomb, or something. There was a large sarcophagus standing against the wall, with two other smaller sarcophaguses around it. Brian rolled his eyes,"What now?" Then he thought, Hmmn.. I wonder how much money I could get if I walked out of here with one of these things? He tried to find a way out of the basement area, there was a door. It looked locked though. Brian started towards it when he heard the scraping of something heavy being moved. He turned to look behind him quickly, and saw the door to one of the smaller sarcophaguses opening.

He began to try to open the door again, except this time more urgently, "Come on, come on..."

Brian peeked behind him, and saw a mummy-girl getting out of her big stone coffin. She was wrapped in gauze all except for the eyes and mouth, and a blond ponytail. Brian giggled, what a joke. He had been scared of this? The other small coffin creaked open, and out popped another mummy girl, this one with a brunette ponytail. They both looked curiously at Brian.

"Um hi, I don't suppose you girls know the way out of this crazy place.. And maybe where I can find 4 guys... One's real tall with black hair, that's my cousin, and then another one's scrawny with a baseball hat on, and a big mouth, that's my friend A.J, and then a little short one with big curly hair, loves to talk., and a tall blond guy, with..."Brian's voice trailed off as the mummy girls turned their backs on him and went to the large coffin, and began to open it.

Brian gasped,"Oooh-kay, thank you girls, I'll be going now."

Brian went back to desperately trying to get the door open. He kept glancing back at the coffin opening behind him. Finally he stopped struggling. The big coffin was opened. A male mummy stepped out. He was wrapped similar to the girls except instead of a ponytail, tufts of blond hair hung loose from the bandages. It was Nick!

"Dang, Nick, where'd you get that costume from?"Brian looked Nick up and down with a laugh, then he got serious when Nick shrugged like he didn't recognize Brian, "Now knock it off! Where did you go, huh? Didn't I tell you to wait for me in that library? And then you go and leave that bloody poker for me to find? What was I supposed to think, Nick? Come on, we gotta find a way out of here. Do you know it, since you do look like you've been down here awhile? Well?"Brian looked at Nick impatiently. Nick looked back at Brian through his wrappings just as blank eyed.

"Nick stop playing around,"Brian reached out to grab Nick's arm and Nick swatted at him,"Ow! Fine, but still come on!"

Nick looked to his two girlfriends, and they looked at Brian, all three looked kind of hungry.

Brian blinked and stared,"Nickolas Gene Carter, you are not funny. Now you say good bye to your little girlfriends here and lets go. And while you're at it, take off this dumb toilet paper, man! You look stupid!" Brian reached out when Nick did nothing to try to rip the toilet papery stuff off. It wasn't tearing. It was almost like... like... plaster. "How'd you do this?" Brian tried to tear at another piece that wouldn't budge. Nick stared at him. Brian looked back at Nick.. His skin looked weird.. Kind of grayish green.... The last time Brian had seen Nick he wasn't grayish green. Maybe kind of blue... but not gray... And definitely not green too!

Nick took another swing at Brian.

Brian ducked and looked angry, "Ok Nick, I've had enough.."

"Well that's good, so have we.. Lets eat girls,"Nick said casually, he and the mummy girls all smiled at Brian... Gross.. Their teeth!

"Nick, man, when was the last time you brushed?" The three wrapped teens advanced on Brian, and began taking steps backward,"I... I'm gonna tell your mom if you try to eat me, man! I mean it! Don't think I won't! Man!" Brian charged to the door again and began beating it again with all his might, this time the door swung open. Brian scrambled out and slammed the door behind him. He found something to block the doorway for the time being and took off running,"Man.. Teenagers, you give em' an inch, they try to eat you!"

Brian ran up the stairs and found himself in a dining hall, like the one he had seen earlier. There was a party going on. A whole lot of pretty girls in long elegant red dresses were sitting around a table, having dinner, or breakfast... or lunch.. Who knew what time it was anymore? All Brian knew was that he was hungry! The girls at the table still hadn't noticed him yet, he looked to see who was at the head of the table. It was A.J.! Would you look at the get up he was wearing! A.J. looked like a real phantom of the opera. He wore a black tux with long tails, and half his face was covered by a silver mask. He looked very serious and even elegant himself. He wore white gloves over his hands, and he appeared to be speaking in a very sophisticated manner. The girl seemed to be doting on his every word.

Brian walked to the head of the table,"Hey A.J, nice suit. You think you can hook me up with some eats?" Brian looked down the table,"Uh... never mind. Gross man. What is this stuff? Busted fruit, bones, spider webs, rats! Is this even wine man, it looks rancid... Ugh! It's blood!" Brian tilted a wine glass. A.J. looked at Brian in a cold, analytical way. He held his perfect gentleman composure.

He raised his hands, and the girls at the table rose.

"Hey, I like the power thing man, but uh... Come on. Nick's gone koo koo and tried to have me for dinner, and I have a sneaky feeling the others are around here too. After we find them all, we can go and...untie Nick... and then get out of here." Brian was going to say tie Nick up, but, he already was tied up. Hmm...

The girls began to close in on Brian.

"Fresh meat tonight girls,"A.J said in a deep voice.

"Well that sounds tasty, I think I might sit down and have some myself,"Brian said,"Do you mind if I take this seat right here. Since you're standing and all- Oh!! You guys want to eat me! I'm the fresh meat! What is it with you kids today, and trying to eat folks? First Nick, then you... Oh man!"Brian broke through the crowd and ran from the girls.

"After him girls,"A.J.'s voice said smoothly.

"Oh man!"Brian was being chased by the girls in a curved path around, and around the table, while A.J. sat at his head chair at the table looking on,"Help! A.J. call them off! A.J.!"

There was a door, Brian took a detour, and dove under the table, then ran for it. It was stuck! No! Brian began banging against it. These doors needed oil!! The caretaker of this place should be drug out into the street and shot! Or maybe something in here ate him. Open, open, open! The door exploded open. Brian tumbled to the other side and shut the door quickly. He spotted a hammer and nails, he grabbed for them and began nailing the door shut along with a few of his fingers.

He slid down the door when he was done breathing heavily. He could feel the girls banging on the door from the other side. Man, what has gotten into these kids lately? Trying to eat people and all... Nick had it wrong, it wasn't the crazy- bus-driver-zombie-monster-thingy that probably ate Howie... It was probably Nick who ate Howie, or A..J.! Stupid greedy kids! If they were that hungry they should have eaten before we left the bus! Brian wiped the sweat from his forehead, then he looked up to finally examine his surroundings. It was dark in this room. It was done richly with lots of velvet. A red velvet carpet led to... to... a coffin... Oh man! Brian had had it with coffins! If he saw Nick again today, and he tried that eating thing again, Brian was gonna karaticize his behind. Brian got up and crept quickly by the coffin, he didn't want to wake up whatever was inside of it. And as it turned out he didn't have to. What looked like a whole brigade of undead maids and one butler came out of one door. Brian dove under the table and pulled a chair infront of him. The undead maids dusted around the coffin, they fluttered around the room. Then oddly enough they left... Weird, Brian thought, he came out from under the table. He decided to inspect the coffin. He still held the hammer he had used to nail the door shut. He looked and there were nails in the coffin, nailing it closed. Hmmn... Brian didn't have to worry about whatever was in this thing, it couldn't get out through all these nails unless it was inhumanly strong. Something began to bump around inside the coffin. Brian jumped and stared at the thing. Slowly one by one the nails began to fall out. Brian watched in horror then made the quick decision that he didn't want to know what was inside, so he got his hammer and started hammering the nails back in. The nails started coming out faster than he could hammer. Brian hammered frantically, but for every one nail he hammered back in, 2 more popped out. Brian was still hammering when he heard the creaking of the coffin opening, and he heard the door to the room opening, he dove for his hiding place under the table with the chair.

Bam! The lid to the coffin fell off, a short vampire guy got out. He was dressed all in black, like something from a Dickens's novel. He had a gold pocket watch hanging from a gold chain on his pants. He wore a top hat, and he had long hair, this dude even had a cane... He was.. He was Howie! Howie is a vampire! Oh man, I suppose he's gonna try to eat me too! Brian rubbed his temples, think Brian, how are you gonna get out of here? Brian saw his escape, he could crawl out from under the table and get behind the large red drape, he could travel behind that to the door, and no one would notice him. There was a scraping noise and then Brian was looking at a pair of glowing eyes,"Uh, hi... Juicy Fruit?"

He was pulled out roughly by one of the undead maids and set on his feet again, "What shall we do with him?"

"Lets not drink him, he is a pretty one. We can make him one of us,"a beautiful girl in red stood next to Howie, she looked pleading with him,"Please my love, can't we keep him?"

"Yes, yes, I'm a pretty one, lets not eat me... we can.. What? No! I don't wanna be no vampire!"Brian was all smiles, then all terror.

"I will be the only pretty one here,"said Howie,"We shall feed on this one."

"Oh, I see how it is,"Brian said rolling his eyes,"I knew I should have listened to AJ when he said we should leave, but no, I agreed with Kevin,' we should stay and look for Howie!' ' We have to save Howie, he would do the same for us...' And here you are trying to eat me!"

Howie cocked his head at Brian,"He is a stupid one! He may give indigestion."

"Um... That's right! I give gas, bad gas! And I didn't bring any Tums with me, so you see, you can't eat me. I'd... I'd get stuck in your fangs, man! Why don't you go next door and eat A.J. and his stupid girlfriends.. And while you're at it, get toilet paper boy and the toilet paperettes too!"

The vampires crowded over Brian, hissing and showing their long white fangs, as Brian backed up and up, and up, until,"WOOOOOAAAAAA!"

A secret passage way in the wall, coolness! Brian let out a whoop of joy, he had escaped being supper once again! Supper for his own friends.. That is a shame. He stood up and looked down the dark passage, his poor flashlight was gone. Brian began to feel his way along the walls. Gross.. The walls were all slimy. Brian was lost, all his friends had turned against him. They had all tried to eat him! Gosh, I mean, Brian knew he looked good enough to eat and all, but this was taking it a bit too far!

The end of the passage came quick and Brian found himself in a laboratory. There were bubbling noises coming from the back area. Brian saw lights and lots of colors. He stepped inside and quickly ducked behind something. He didn't want to be seen. Someone was in here. Brian knew he couldn't stay hidden there forever, but for right now it seemed like a good idea. He saw an old fashioned dressed man; that was in serious need of an exfoliate... aloe or something, and another hairdresser, that electric pink on one of his head just didn't go. That was just tacky. That was just gross. That was just his cousin, Kevin. Oh man, Kev. Brian had learned his lesson from the first three tries. He didn't want his own flesh and blood pining after him to eat him as well. That just wouldn't sit right in his mind. What was wrong with everyone? They're all monsters! They disappeared and became what they are now. They didn't appear to remember Brian at all. They were totally in character. Brian was so tired and scared he decided to chill in his hiding place a little longer than he had planned on staying before. This was no time to sleep, but Brian needed rest... Disturbing thoughts came to Brian while he was resting. He recalled that dream he had had the night before. The one where he was a werewolf, a pimp daddy werewolf! Man, he had needed a tooth brush and some dental floss! Shoot who was he kiddin' he needed a jack hammer to get all that cheese off his teeth!

He remembered something weird that made him wake up. After he came out of his room heading for the front door he had ran into Howie. He told Howie about his dream, and Howie had told him about his. In Howie's dream he was a Dracula... Like now, only it's real.

And Nick mentioned something about having a dream that he was a mummy, and two girls. How strange. Both Kevin and A.J. had had dreams too, only they didn't describe them, besides A.J. saying his dream was a trip.

Brian really wondered. Did Kevin dream about being that monster he is? Brian peeked out to see the horrible monster Kevin had become and saw the other half of his face, normal... Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde . Kevin had looked at that book in the library! He could have dreamed it. And A.J. probably had a dream about being a phantom.

Oh man! That means if that crazy bus driver were to catch Brian, he become that nasty pimp werewolf with the bad hair and halitosis! Oh no way! Brian had to find a way to get out of here. He didn't know how to help his friends, or if they could be helped for that matter. He had to get himself out. He was filled with purpose, he crawled out from behind the brown couch, and slunk across the room, behind Kevin's turned back. He almost made it too.

"Stop right there,"said Kevin with an accent to his words,"Come here lad."
