
Why Hello!I'm Sorry,I Didn't See You There.Let Me Introduce My Self.I'm Imelda,The Author Of This Book.Nice To Meet An Ever After High Fan!

First Of All,Thanks For Reading This Book.I Hope We'll All Have A Hat-Tastic Time!So Feel Free To Send Us Questions Or Dares So The Whole Ever After High Gang Can Play Truth Or Dare With Your Question&Dare!

So I Ho-What's All This Boring Dilly Dally?You Need A Little Madness In Your Life!You're Just Like Those Two Boring Narrators I Talk With!

*Clears Throat*

First Of All,I'm Just Making A Prolouge That Is Supposed To Be Boring.Second?Maybe We Should Just End This Chapter Since A Little Mad-Girl Interrupted Us.

Maddie:Hey,I'm Here You Know!
Female Narrator:Serves You Right!
Me:Hey,Narrators Aren't Supposed To Do That!
Female Narrator:Well,I'm A Fellow Royal So I Believe In Proper Manners.
Me:Proper Manners You Have!

Maddie:Hey,Do I Need To Be The Adult Here?
Female Narrator&Me:No M'Am.
Maddie:Good.Now Let Me Handle This.
Maddie:No Buts!

Maddie:Now,Don't Forget To Send Us Questions/Dares And Join The Truth Or Dare Game.
Me:Wait,That's It?You're Just Gonna Do That?
Maddie:Yes,Gotta Problem?
Me:Uh..No M'Am.
Maddie:Ok.Bye Peeps!
