Morning Mist creates Unknown bliss

I'm floating , I can vividly see myself floating in darkness, with a lightly dime light surrounding me. I feel calm and relaxed, most likely some where in my sub-conscience.

{ This photo is not related to how the character looks just an example of the float}

"where am I ?," I asked myself.

" You, my dear Luna are in our connected sub-conscious where we can communicate with each other without the interference of other people," Adrastos said, 

" oh, but what happened to me why did I blackout", i responded .

"You blacked out because you transformed for the first time, it takes a toll on your body and naturally because you are so powerful your body shut down to help maintain itself that is why you blacked out", said Adrastos.

"so when will I awaken",

"Well that depends on you, you can stay here for as long as  you like or you can wake up right now",

"But how do I do that " I asked.

"Easy, just simply get up like your getting out of a tub and you will awaken from this sub-conscious dream and I'm sure you would want to get up since you've been asleep for 3 days".

"3 DAYS", I yelled.

"Is this a joke" I said confused.

Adrastos laughed and said,

"No no it's not a joke that is how long you have been asleep".

"Well dang I'm sure my dad thinks I'm dead now". I responded

As sat there and think I realized that my body feels different and lighter than usual almost as if I've been completely healed of all my injuries.

"You have been healed my dear". A voice said,

"Who are you" I replied,

"Have you already forgotten, I'm the one Adrastos mentioned earlier...  My name is Neridine, I am the second half of your gift ",

"And I am the one who healed you as it is apart of our power" she responded.

"Gift..power what do you mean and why can't I see you like I can see Adrastos", I replied.

That is because it is not the time yet my dear we will meet soon enough, Now it is time for you to awaken from your slumber and do not fret for Adrastos and I will always be with you no matter what",said Neridine.

As she held my hand to help pull me up she said,

"If you are in need of help just call for Adrastos and he will be at your side in no time".

and with that she kissed my forehead,

When I opened my eyes I was in a room that I was not familiar with and all my senses came flooding in like a wave, I took in all the scents around me the flowers outside my window, the
different wolf scents surrounding and inside the house, the smell toast, bacon and eggs most
likely cooking in the kitchen, oh how i wished for some good food. As I continued to think about all the food I could eat my stomach growled, I took that as my cue to get out of bed to get some grub.

I hopped out of bed and started walking to the bedroom door, while on the way I looked at
myself in the mirror looking at all the bandages wrapped around my arms and legs and decided
to dismiss them and continue my search for food, I casually opened the door and strolled into the most gorgeous and long hall way I have ever seen in my life and I thought to myself,

" How the hell am I going to find the kitchen this place is huge".

With my now new founded wolf senses I settled with just sniffing it out until I find the Jack Pot
and so, with determination I started walking and admiring the scenery as I continued, as I was walking I had forgotten that I was in a new place that I knew nothing about, letting my guard down setting aside the thought that I was in a place full of werewolves.

In a split of a second I was  face to face with terror  again,


*Authors Note*

Hey everyone it's been awhile i apologize for that and I just want to wish everyone a happy new year and thank you for all the love and support i have gotten with this book, honestly i was told to let this book go but i have decided to keep going and see where it goes for the sake of myself and those who have actually encouraged me to continue and for that i thank you guys.

This chapter is also dedicated to a friend of mine and his girlfriend who really liked my book and i promised for so long that i would release a chapter but i was going through serious writer's block and i didn't want to rush it and cause it to turn out terrible but here i am and sorry if it's short. Thank you for your support and love for my story happy anniversary again even if it's late


Thank you everyone and bear with me :)
