Good as new

James woke up and found that Jessie was asleep right next to him. He tried to get up but then he remembered about his legs. He looked at them and and saw lots of blood over his trousers. Misty walked over and said "You know, I have just the thing to get those stains out." She pulled something small and cuboid out of her bag. After about 10 minutes of rubbing his trousers with it, they were good as new. "Thanks." he said and smiled. "You and Jessie are so cute together. She stayed by your side all night. That's true love." Misty said, sitting down next to him. "Can I ask you something?" he asked.
"Why do you trust me and Jessie?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well you have no reason to. We have been so mean to you for so long, trying to capture Pikachu and everything."
"I don't know. I mean, you have never really seemed evil to me. I think it's the fact that you physically put yourself in pain to propose to her. You didn't have to walk. But you did. And there is something I can trust about that."
"Oh. Misty?"
"How long was I in hospital for?"
"Well, me, Ash and Brock didn't hear from you for a few days. And then we found you."
Ash yawned and woke up. "Hello Misty. Hello James. How are your legs?"
"Quite hurty."
"We should find your stuff today." Brock said, emerging from his sleeping bag.
"But how will James walk?" Misty said, quite loudly.
Jessie opened one eye and groaned. She looked at James and thought 'Oh thank Arceus, he's OK.'
"Hello Sleepy Head" Ash laughed.
"I can walk just fine." James said, standing up then immediately falling over. Jessie moved as quick as a flash to catch her one true love. "You need to rest." she said, looking him straight in his eyes.

James' Pov

Jessie looked me straight in the eyes and I felt happy. 'Wow she really cares about me.' I thought. She sat me down and squeezed my hand tight. I shuffled over to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She blushed and pulled me into a hug. When she let go we saw Pikachu running out from the trees.
"Pikachu what is it?" Ash shouted, running in Pikachu's direction.
