P10~Keeping secrets

He told Harmony not to tell anyone...to keep it a secret. She should of...She could of. But she doesn't like secrets. What if they found out? Would they hate her? Despise the fact she got back with him? She decided to tell her closest friends so they knew and not tell anyone else. How wrong she was. Willow asked why and walked of at the end of break. Harmony spent the two lessons before lunch wondering if Willow was mad at her because she got back with him. But by lunch Willow said she wanted to have a chat with Diego and warn him not to hurt Harmony again. So Willow and another friend Dabria walked of together to him. Minutes later Willow and Dabria came back. 

"He said he doesn't care about our opinion on the two of you. I said that I care because you helped me in the past so I am not going to not care. Then he started yelling at me and Dabria

"ok, Well if he yells or say anything mean to any of my friends I will brake up with him"

"You don't have to do that."

"Your right I don't have to but my friends are like family to me and I trust them and they are the world to me so no I am not going to tolerate him doing that to my friends whether they are my closest friends or not I am not going to tolerate that." Harmony said. She didn't want no one even her boyfriend, Joking or not to say anything mean to her friends. The pipes went. Great last lesson. Walking down hill from the school to go to bike stand she heard her name getting called by willow. Again?


What do you think Willow wants? Also thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed.
