Chaeyoung's ears started ringing, feeling nauseous all of a sudden. Suddenly feeling like the crowd was all staring at her - when really, they were looking at her father.

As soon as those words escaped from his lips, everyone started looking around. She felt transparent, like anyone could see right through her and immediately figure out that she was the one he was looking for.

Chaeyoung kept her head lowered, trying to hide herself while bubbling up her anxiety.

" Angel, I think you should go up." Jaemin's voice rang through the earpiece, sweet and melodious.

" The hell Jaemin, that's putting her in danger!" Haechan spoke while the others hummed in agreement.

She felt her palms sweat, lips turning dry as she listened to the argument happening through her earpiece. She had thought it would be easy - that her father didn't know what she looked like, but it was the complete opposite.

" Don't you guys trust her? I think she can handle it." Jaemin said, voice firm.

The rest started arguing again till the point where Chaeyoung wondered how she couldn't hear their yells in the quiet room.

She took a breath, forcing her eyes to glance at the man that stood in the limelight. Immediately regretting it when her gaze was met with his piercing deep brown hues. " Shit." She cursed under her breath.

It wasn't like she had much of a choice, the man that was the sperm to the egg that had created her already staring right at the girl.

It was either she went up and face him or she ran - but the doors were locked and the rest didn't seem to exactly have a plan.

She dropped her head, looking down as she fiddled with her fingers. The voices from the earpiece drowned out by the rapid pounding of her heart.

And with that, she took a deep breath as if her mental debate was coming to an end. " I'll do it." She softly said into the earpiece.

The arguments came to a halt upon hearing the girl's timid voice speaking.

" Okay then it's finalized if Chaeyoung wants to do it, she can do it." Jaemin concluded, the sound of doors opening being heard at the same time.

Ten sighed, " fine." He said, defeated. The rest just stayed silent, just allowing the girl to do what she thinks is best.

" Good luck, angel." Jaemin said, his voice soft - Chaeyoung could almost imagine a small smile on his face as he said it, immediately lifting up her mood until the sound of gunshots resonated before Jaemin got cut off.

Chaeyoung felt a wave of panic, the calmness she had gotten from the boy now gone.

The area he was at was probably sound proof for the ballroom area to not hear a single thing at all - especially the sound of loud gunshots which would have whizzed through the whole room.

But she had other problems to do with now. 'One problem at a time.' It had seemed to become her favourite lines to chant or say.

With a final breath, Chaeyoung finally looked up daringly, eyes staring back at her father's.

Holding his gaze, she tried her best to not feel intimidated, trying to be brave and courageous.

A devious smirk painted on his lips, he raised his hand up, index finger pointing upwards before moving it back and forth like a sign that said 'come here.'

Everything seemed like it happened in slow motion, Chaeyoung taking a step forward - not a large one yet not small either.

But that was all it took for everyone to make a pathway for her to walk through - leading her directly to where her father stood.

Without breaking eye contact, she continued to walk - step by step. It was like she was facing a monster, afraid that it might pounce at any second the moment she does something wrong.

If she wasn't walking towards her death right then, she would have said that she was doing a good job at distracting her father without talking to him at all but this distraction was the least of what she had expected she was going to do.

Walking towards him felt like walking towards the gates of the underworld - hell, her father being Hades, the god of the underworld. His dark deamonour screamed "dominance."

Each step Chaeyoung took, she dreaded. The eyes she stared into were just blank yet full of plans for her - or like there was something he was hiding from her, the...truth.

The hidden truth decorated with his sweet lies - the kind of lies that you would tell to stop a kid from crying.

The audience just looked back and forth between the two with curiosity, finding resemblance between the father and daugther.

Chaeyoung finally stood before him on stage, directly standing in front of him as she stared into his eyes - it wasn't romantic or anything but instead it was full of hatred.

A burning flame dancing around in her eyes, as if needing to burn the whole place down to tame it.

The other pair of eyes just stared back at the girl that he called his daughter, blank yet full of surprise at the way she had changed.

" Well, nice to meet you again, my daughter."

stan me updating 3 days in a row ah

we're almost at chapter 30 how we feeling? :>
