Yandere x Error Story Six: Fresh ('Floof')

~Error's POV~

Fresh is still holding me by my hood. The silence between us is oppressing. I can't see Fresh's eyelights through his glasses, his smile constantly shifting between a smirk and a smug grin. I keep trying to get free, not wanting to remain so close to the parasite. Fresh eventually sighs, dropping the smile, a slight frown on his face.

"Stop." Instantly, I freeze, looking at Fresh's glasses. His glasses simply say ST-OP.

"W-wh4t 4r3 y0u d0ing h3r3?"

"You know your friends, the Evil Sanses, are looking all over for Dust, Cross, and you."

"N-n0...I didn't..."

"Oh. Right. You were locked up by Ink, and have been bouncing around/running away for the better part of several weeks." I remain silent, Fresh's glasses saying HU-SH.

"And now you've doomed Classic."

"Wh4t d0 y0u w4nt m3 t0 54y?! I kn0w I fuck3d up! I d0n't n33d y0u t311ing m3 I'm 4 h0rrib13 p3r50n! I kn0w I'm b3tt3r 0ff D34D!" I feel tears prick the corners of my eyes, but I don't stop.

"I c4n't c0ntr01 th353 p5ych05! If I c0u1d, tru5t m3, I w0u1d! 4 p4rt 0f m3 k33p5 w0nd3ring if I r3411y 4m t0 b14m3 f0r th3ir 4cti0n5! F0r 411 I kn0w, y0u c0u1 b3 4 p5ych0 in 10v3 with m3!"

"Would that change how you interact with me? To know if I loved you or not?" I blink, looking at him, studying him. He maintains the same semi-relaxed posture he's held this entire time, but his glasses now say CARE-FUL.

"U-um...w-w311..." He removes his glasses, showing his eyelights.

"Would it?" His heart is glowing with purple energy, his other eyelight focused on me exclusively. I can't look at his eyes anymore and look away.

"I-i d0n't kn0w, m4yb3."

"Oh." He releases me, and I drop to the floor, wincing. I landed a little wrong on an old break in my arm.

"Sorry." He is speaking in clipped and short tones, walking through the Anti-Void away from me. I slowly get to my feet, gasping quietly when I feel blood pouring from the old break.

Nononono....it reopened?! Damnit.

Fresh coldly looks over his shoulder, gasping and immediately rushing over to me.

"You didn't tell me you were injured!"

"I-it r30p3n3d...I-i'11 b3 fin3!" I push him away with my good arm, holding my bleeding wound and wincing. I walk past Fresh, going who knows where in this infinite expansive abyss.

~Fresh's POV~

I shake, feeling something.

Heh...is this what anger feels like? IT's amazing.

I narrow my gaze, opening my eyes and focusing on the skeleton tied up in front of me. Cross looks around, fear shining in his eyes.

"Hello Cross." Cross focuses on me, whimpering.

"D-don't hurt me.'

"See....tsss....I would do that, but you upset Error. So I can't let you go unharmed. I'm only thankful you drugged Classic and kept him alive." I walk over to the corner, the pile of bones known as Classic slumped in the corner like a pile of blankets, defeated and abandoned. I kneel down to Classic's level, lift Classic's skull, studying him.

"Classic and Horror are the only monsters I'll let near Error, since they aren't strong enough, and I could take them over if I needed to." I then stand up, walking back to Cross.

"But you. You have to die."

"W-wait! I c-can tell you information!" A bone stabs through Cross' soul, Fresh smiling coldly.

"I don't need your information." Once Cross completely dusts, Fresh gets to cleaning up the dust, and picks up Classic's sleeping form, coming back to Error.

~Error's POV~

I focus on puppets, making duplicates of puppets I already have, since I've run out of new Sanses to make into puppets.

A portal opens, Fresh stepping through. He sets Classic on the floor. I gasp, getting up and running over to Classic. I pull up his HP, finding it still resting at 1HP. I sigh in relief, looking at Fresh.

"Th4nk5." Fresh nods.

"Of course, brah. Why would I let your broseph Classic remain in the unradical hands of Crossy bruh." I nod, frowning.

"Wh4t w45 up with y0ur 53ri0u5 4nd n0t nin3ti35 1ing0 w0rd5 34r1i3r?"

"Oh, brah, I was just feeling unradically angry. I'll try to keep my anger out of the way from now on, broseph, does that work?"

"4ng3r...th4t'5 4n 3m0ti0n..."

"Ya brah, where are ya taking this?"

"Fr35h, y0u 4r3n't n0rm411y c4p4b13 0f 3m0ti0n5."

"....brah. Why you gotta call me out, man? Totes unrad."

"But Fr35h-"

"Drop it, brah." He turns his head, his glasses saying SHUT-UP. I look away from Fresh, dropping the topic. Silence descends in the Anti-Void as I continue looking over Classic.

"Is he going to be fine, brah?"

"H3 533m5 drugg3d but fin3. Y0u didn't drug him, did y0u?"

"Nah brah, it was the unrad Cross who did." The silence becomes suffocating, but thankfully, Classic wakes up.

"Uh....hey Error...what happened?"


"Cross unradically killed your paps, kidnapped you, and tried to force Error to love him. I dealt with the unrad Cross, and all up brought you to the anti-void, cause Error brah was worried about you." I remain silent, Classic absorbing all this information. Classic sighs softly.

"Can I have some time?"

"0f c0ur53." I open a portal to Undertale, Classic quietly walking through. I close the portal behind him, finding myself left alone with Fresh.
"So...brah..." The silence is awkward and deafening.

Was Fresh always this awkward?

"Y35 Fr35h?"
