Part 13

The boys were blissfully happy living together.Dec had now left school and started a drama course at college.He'd set his heart on becoming an actor and Ant encouraged and supported him in every aspect of his potential career.

Dec signed up with an agency and eventually started getting small parts as an extra in various programmes,his boyish good looks didn't do him any harm in being offered parts.

Eventually he started getting speaking roles,only small to start with but Dec was over the moon at how things were progressing.

Ant was so proud of him,but he also worried alot as acting was such a fickle businesses with alot of rejection.He obviously knew how sensitive his Decky was,but he needn't have worried.

Over the next few years,Dec became a much loved household name which amazed Ant and Decs family,their darling,sweet Decky a famous actor!

Soon Decs 21st birthday had arrived!This time he wanted a huge party so they really went to town.It was held in a country mansion with a grand hall which had been elaborately decorated!

Of course Dec now being a celebrity meant he could afford it and had hundreds of friends on the celebrity circuit,but of course he was rarely interested in the glitz and glamour of that lifestyle,instead choosing to be at home with Ant.There was only the odd occasion when they attended any parties.

They still lived in Ants house across the road from Decs family,they could afford something bigger and better but Dec didn't want to move away from his family and just because they could afford something bigger,didn't mean they wanted or needed it!

They never got any homophobic comments anymore,people were more interested in getting a selfie with the cute guy off the television.

So on the day of the the party,Ant and Dec entered the grand hall hand in hand to cheers and applause from their guests.

Dec soon started mingling with his friends and family and had an amazing night.

Not long before midnight,the music went off and Ant climbed onto the stage,taking a microphone from the DJ.

"Ladies and gentlemen" he announced "can I please have your attention" everyone turned to face the stage and give Ant their full attention.

"I'd just like to say a few words for the birthday boy" Ant smiled and continued,

"Well,where do I start?" He gazed over to Dec "I can't believe that just over 4 years ago this amazing young man came into my life,he stole my heart and has never given it back"

Pat noticed Dec welling up with tears already,she obviously knew what a soppy little devil her baby brother was,so moved in closer and hugged him from behind,resting her chin on his shoulder and kissing his cheek,she held him tight as Ant continued talking,

"But that's ok Decky,my heart will always belong to you and I thank God every day for bringing you into my life,I seriously don't know how I lived before there was you!You are the most beautiful,kind,sweet,caring,loving,
amazing,funny and let's face it,pretty damn sexy and handsome person I know.You're kindness is endless,the way you care about everything and everybody,the world is a better place for having you in it and I am so proud to call you my boyfriend"

By now there was barely a dry eye in the room,everyone was so touched by Ants loving words.

"Decky" Ant continued "You beautiful,amazing,gorgeous man,I love you more than words can say,you complete me"

He blew a kiss to Dec and raised his glass,

"To Dec,happy birthday"

The crowd all lifted their glasses and repeated

"To Dec,happy birthday"

Everyone took a sip of their drinks.

"There is one last thing,if you'll join me up here please Decky?" Ant smiled.

Dec climbed onto the stage and Ant immediately saw how tearful he was and pulled him into a warm hug,

"Oh Decky,you big softie,I do love you so" he whispered into Decs ear.

"I love you too" Dec murmured back through his tears.

Eventually they pulled back realising the crowd were still watching them,Dec grinned sheepishly at the sea of faces.

"Decky" Ant smiled "I love you more than you can ever Imagine,you're my life"

Dec had tears streaming down his cheeks once again,Ant gently wiped them away with the back of his hand,his other hand gently holding on to Decs.

Suddenly be got down on one knee while pulling a small box out of his jacket inside pocket.He opened the box.

"Declan Donnelly" he smiled as he held Decs hand with his left hand while proudly displaying the ring in his other hand and gazed up at his true love,

"I have never known such love like I have for you and the fact you return that love tenfold blows me away,I want to spend the rest of my life with you"

Ant took a deep breath,

"Decky,my beautiful baby boy,please will you marry me?"

The crowd were clapping and cheering but for a few moments it seemed like Ant and Dec were the only people in the room.

Dec was so overcome with emotion,he could barely get the word out that Ant was waiting to hear.He knelt down to be level with Ant and wrapped his arms tightly around his neck and whispered in his ear,

"Yes" he sobbed "i'd love to marry you"

Ant then got up,pulling Dec up with him,lovingly wrapping one arm around Dec,turned to the crowd and punched the air,

"He said yes!"

The crowd went even more crazy and Ant and Dec both laughed uncontrollably,happy tears rolling down their cheeks.

Ant then nodded to the DJ,took Decs hand and led him on to the dance floor.They held each other tight as the opening chords of 'everything I do' by Bryan Adams filled the hall.

Dec buried his face into Ants chest and Ant held him close,inhaling his scent and kissing his head softly.

Ant then quietly sang along with the song,while pressing his lips near to Decs ear

"I'd fight for you,
I'd lie for you
walk the wire for you,
Yeah,I'd die for you
You know it's true
Everything I do
I do it for you"

The crowd had moved back to give them some space and they kissed lovingly as the song ended.

"Ant?" Dec queried

"Yes baby" Ant replied

"Can we have that song as our first dance at out wedding?"

Ant smiled and kissed Decs lips gently.

"That would be perfect"

"I love you Ant" Dec smiled as he snuggled into Ant,

"I love you too Decky" Ant whispered,

"My perfect little errand boy"

