39 | rhindon

The dwarf's name was apparently Trumpkin. He revealed to us about a coming revolution and how Prince Caprisun- or something like that was leading it. He also told us about what happened in the past thousand years. Very shocked on how Narnia had changed, We immediately planned our route by boat in order to join the fight.

We were rowing through Glass Water and I noticed the trees. They looked so empty and... gloomy. Lucy noticed and pointed it out, "Their so still," she said in dismay.

"They're trees. What do you expect?" Trumpkin said.

"They used to dance," Lucy replied.

"It wasn't long after you left that the Telmarines invaded. Those that survived retreated to the woods. And the trees have retreated so deeply inside themselves that no one has heard from them since," Trumpkin explained.

"I don't understand. How could Aslan have let this happen?" Lucy said, sounding like she was about to cry.

Trumpkin's eyes widened, "Aslan? I thought he abandoned us after you lot did."

"We didn't mean to leave, you know. And Aslan... he is not a tamed lion," I said.

"Doesn't make much difference now, does it?" Trumpkin replied.

"Get us to the Narnians and it will," Peter irritatedly replied.

I know he was angry at himself. I held his hand and he looked at me.

"It's alright," I smiled warmly.

"So you two, huh?" Trumpkin said.

I raised a brow, "What?"

"You two are married. Says it in the legend. Is it true?" He asked.

"Yes, it's true," I said and he nodded.

"Is the marriage tough?" Trumpkin said and Peter reacted immediately by almost punching him. I stopped him.

"You are very sarcastic, Trumpkin," I chuckled.

• • •

We arrived by the shores and we walked through the forest. Lucy, again, ran away.

"Lucy! Why are you always running away!?" I yelled out.

We immediately followed her and saw she was talking to a bear.

"Hello there!- it's alright, we're friends," Lucy said as she went close to the bear. The bear stood up and looked at Lucy.

"Don't move, your majesty!" Trumpkin shouted as the bear charges.

"Susan, Shoot!" I yelled.

The bear continued charging and Lucy was screaming. Just before it reaches her, an arrow hits the bear and it falls over.

"Why wouldn't he stop?" Lucy cried.

"I expect he was hungry," Trumpkin explained.

We all ran to Lucy and hugged her.

"Are you alright?" I asked and Lucy nodded.

"He was wild," Edmund said.

lI don't think he could talk at all," Peter suggested.

"Get treated like a dumb animal long enough and that's what you become," Trumpkin said as he draws his knife.

He continued, "You may find Narnia a more savage place than you remember,"

He then slashed open the bear.

• • •

We were walking through the forest with Peter leading us through.

"I don't remember this way at all," Susan said.

"That's the problem with girls. You can't carry a map in your heads," Peter replied and I was offended.

That's because our heads have something in them," Lucy replied and I laughed and patted her head.

"I've raised you well, Lu," I smiled.

"I wish he'd listen to the DLF," Susan said.

"DLF?" Edmund questioned.

"Dear Little Friend," Lucy said.

"Oh, that's not patronizing, is it?" Trumpkin chuckled.

Peter stopped walking which made us stop as well. There was a huge rock on our way so we couldn't really cross it.

"I'm not lost," Peter stated and I sighed heavily.

"No, you're just going the wrong way," I said.

"Trumpkin said he last saw Caspian at the Shuddering Wood, and the quickest way there is to cross at the river rush," Peter said with an irritated voice.

"But, unless I'm mistaken, there's no crossing in these parts," Trunpkin said.

"That it explains it then. You're mistaken," Peter said. He was irritated and angry at that moment. As we continued to walk, nobody said a word.

We walked until we reached a gorge. We looked down at the rushing water below us.

"Over hundreds of years, water eroded earth's soil..." Susan said.

"Oh, shut up. Is there a way down," Peter irritatingly said.

"Stop being an arse, Peter," I snapped.

"This isn't the time, Erin!" He replied.

"Okay- okay couple, calm thyself," Trumpkin said, "We can't go down we'll fall. There's a ford at Beruna. Any of you mind swimming?"

"Anythings better than walking," Susan replied.

Lucy suddenly said, "Aslan?...It's Aslan! It's Aslan over there! Well, can't you see? He's right..." She turns around. Her smile faded.

"...there," Lucy added.

"Do you see him now?" Trumpkin asked.

"I'm not crazy. He was there. He wanted us to follow him," Lucy said.

"I'm sure there are any number of lions in this wood. Just like that bear," Peter continued walking.

"I think I know Aslan when I see him," Lucy stated.

"Look, I'm not about to jump off a cliff after someone who doesn't exist," Trumpkin said.

"The last time I didn't believe Lucy, I ended up looking pretty stupid," Edmund reminded hs and Peter stopped walking and looked back.

"Why wouldn't I have seen him?" Peter asked.

"Maybe you weren't looking," Lucy said.

"I'm sorry, Lu," Peter said as he continued walking. We all then followed soon. I walked close to Lucy to comfort her.

I don't know what to believe in anymore.

We continued walking but then we stopped. We saw Telmarines building a bridge. We hid and watched.

"Perhaps this wasn't the best way after all," Susan stated.

• • •

We went back to the gorge.

"Where do you think you saw Aslan?"
Peter asked Lucy.

"I wish you'd all stop acting like grown-ups. I didn't think I saw him, I did see him," Lucy confidently said.

"I am a grown-up?" Trumpkin said and I chuckled lightly.

Lucy said, "It was right around..."

Lucy was about to say something when all of a sudden the ground collapses below her. We all panicked but then we see her safely sitting just a few feet down.

"...here," Lucy said.

We looked down and we saw a steep and narrow path going slantwise down into the gorge between rocks. We walked down the path and crossed the gorge.

• • •

When night fell in, we all settled in a grassy spot to rest. I was distant from Peter because of our fight earlier. We've been together for years but sometimes we're both stubborn. I still think he became an arse after going back here in Narnia.

I was laying down with Lucy looking at the beautiful night sky filed with stars and moonlight.

"Lucy, you awake?" I asked.

"Hmm," She replied.

"Why do you think I couldn't see Aslan?" I asked and she sits up.

"You believe me?" Lucy asked.

"Well, we got across the gorge," I replied sitting up.

"...I don't know. Maybe you didn't really want to," Lucy said.

"You always knew we'd be coming back here, didn't you?" I smiled.

"I hoped so," Lucy replied.

"I have always hoped for someday, we'll all be here again," I said.

After that short talk, Lucy cuddled close to me and fell asleep in my arms.

I was sleeping peacefully and dreaming about my comfy soft bed when Lucy woke me up.

"Erin, get up!" Lucy said.

"Five more minutes," I replied.

"Come on! Get up." Lucy said and I eventually got up.

Lucy and I heard a growl.

"Aslan?" She and I said in unison.

We went inside the woods and looked for the source of the sound. But then suddenly I felt two figures behind us, I was going to turn around but then it put its hand on my mouth to cover it, and then dragged me along with Lucy. I squirmed as the unknown figure struggled to keep me in its arms.

The figure let me go and I turned around to see it was Peter.

"You shouldn't wonder around without me!" He whispered.

"What do you mean!? I'm a free woman-"

Edmund was the one that dragged Lucy too and he went away to see how Susan was doing.

We looked over and we saw that the sound was coming from a minotaur. Peter signaled us to be quiet. He draws his sword and slowly starts walking where the minotour is at. I watched intensely as I was worried for Peter. I drawed my sword just in case of an emergency.

Suddenly, a man with a semi-long hair came out of nowhere. Peter and the man began to fight. Peter swings and misses. He lost his grip on his sword and it flew into a tree. The man kicked Peter and he falls.

I immediately rushed to them, sticking my sword out to the random person. I was blocking his path to Peter. The man's eyes widen, probably shocked a girl can carry a sword with her little hands. I like it when people react to that.

I felt Peter stood up.

The man was going to swing at me with his sword but then-

"Stop! No!" Lucy came out of nowhere.

The man stopped moving. I looked to see animals coming out. The person took Peter's sword from the tree and points it out to Peter. He breathed heavily.

"Prince Caspian," Peter said. I redrawed my sword.

I thought it was Prince Caprisun-

"Yes. And who are you, people?" Prince Caspian asked.

Oh man look at that hair. He should teach me how he keeps it smooth and shiny-

"Peter!" Susan yelled.

"Erin!" Edmund shouted.

They run up and saw us. Caspian looks at the sword to see a Lion head. He looks up to Peter and I.

"High King Peter and High Queen Erin?" He said in question like form.

"I believe you called," Peter said in a cool way.

"Well yes, but...I thought you'd be older," Caspian replied.

Peter then said, "Well, if you'd like, we can come back in a few years-"

"No! No, that's alright. You're just...You're not exactly what I expected," Caspian said as he looked at me and Susan.

"Neither are you," Edmund said as he looked at the minotour.

"A common enemy unites even the oldest of foes," A badger said.

"We have anxiously awaited your return, my liege. Our hearts and swords are at your service," A mouse stepped out.

"You're so cute," Lucy said and then the mouse drawed it's sword. He looked offended.

"I'm sorry," Lucy immediately said.

"Oh, uh... your majesty. With the greatest respect... I do believe courageous, courteous, or chivalrous might more befit a knight of Narnia," The mouse replied.

"You are great from what I see. You could have been part of The Blood Knights," I stated. The mouse then suddenly looked excited and happy.

"Well, at least we know some of you can handle a blade," Peter said.

"Yes, indeed. And I have recently put it to good use acquiring weapons for your army, sire," The mouse said.

"Good. Because we're going to need every sword we can get," Peter looked at everyone.

"Well then, you'll probably be wanting yours back," Caspian said then he throwed rhindon to Peter and he catched it.

"You're a good swordsman, Caspian," I said and he smiled, fluttered.

"Thank you, my lady," Prince Caspian bowed.

If he had lived a thousand years ago during my time, he would've been a good member of The Imperial Knights.

After saying that compliment, I looked at Peter and he was pretty pissed off. He looked at Caspian as if he wants to kill him and put him on a sack and throw it on a river.

I held Peter's hand and we walked away.

"I'm sorry, Erin, for arguing with you," He said, "I was just stressed out and irritated."

I held both sides of his face, "I understand. It's alright. I'm sorry for calling you an arse," I said.

"Hey, love birds let's go!" Trumpkin called out.

