• 10 • I won't give up on you

Third POV

Ping! An arrow came through Kuichi and his sword went right through Mikasa's head.

Eren didn't want to see who shot the arrow at him he was already horrified seeing his precious lover die before him.

Blood rushed down all of Mikasa's face, ran down to her chin, and streamed into her clothes and onto her lap.

Her body fell onto the dirt ground as Eren yanked himself out of the Zheng's grasp and held Mikasa tight in his arms.

He lied her head onto his lap moving her black silky hair out of her face.
Sasha, the person who shot the arrow rushed over with, Connie, Jean, Bertholt, and Reiner by her side.

"My precious Mikasa..." Eren combed Mikasa's hair with his fingers.

Sasha covered her mouth with tears rushing down her face.
Every one stopped to see the dead princess on the floor.

"RETREAT!!" Yelled the Zheng tribe running west.
"AFTER THEM! THEY'LL PAY FOR WHAT THEY DID TO THE PRINCESS!" Yelled both leaders of both kingdoms.

They both smiled at each other thinking maybe we can work this out.

As everyone charged towards the Zheng tribe Eren continued to hold Mikasa tight.

Just then the sky darkened, and rained drizzled getting harder by the minute.
"Mikasa..." Eren mumbled again.

The rain began to wash off the blood Mikasa's pale face.

Eren placed his forehead against hers and closed his eyes.

Eren saw darkness around him. Everything was black.
He felt like he and Mikasa were alone in the dark.

He then felt a touch, a tap on the shoulder. He turned around to see a women who looked similar to Mikasa.

That must be her mother...Eren thought.
"Thank you...May God bring your souls back together..." Said the women smiling at both Eren and dead Mikasa.

Suddenly he flashed back to reality remembering the ancient God Kuriochi.
He picked up Mikasa bridal style running away on the battle field.

"Eren!!" Yelled the others running after him.
"Where are you going?!" Asked Connie.
" I won't give up on her!" Eren yelled back.

"What?!" Reiner said continuing to run. Eren didn't care what was happening around him. All he cared about was not giving up on Mikasa as he informed.

Eren looked to the side realizing there was a stranded horse.
He ran over to the horse hopped on and sat Mikasa in front of him as Mikasa's feet were dangling on the side of the horse and her head rested on Eren's shoulder.

"EREN!!" The others continued to yell.
They stopped running watching him ride off the battle field.

"What do you think he's doing?" Asked Sasha. Connie shrugged. "He's not giving up..." Bertholt smiled.

Rain started pouring harder and harder that thunder started crashing and winds were blowing furiously.

He finally made it to the end of the battle field where there was many flowers and the grass was green.

There it was the Ancient God Kuriochi's shrine. It was a big shrine with rooms.

He entered the reviver room.
He took his shoes off as the same with Mikasa.

He bowed and placed her body on the revive bed.
It was made of stone with a soft pillow that Mikasa's head laid.

He bowed onto his knees saying, "Please powerful and wise Kuriochi please bring the love of my life back to me..."

Say the vows...

"She means everything to me. She is the most beautiful, kindest, smartest, and the most perfect thing to me..."

You dare to make her more perfect...?

"I'm very sorry my powerful god but she is..."

I see...

"She is the most important thing in my life. I will do anything for her! Even if it costs my life!"

Your pathetic...show me your love for her...

"I may be clumsy, dumb, weird, and pathetic...but..." As Eren spoke light was beginning to shine around the couple...around the whole shrine.

A whole circle of blue light surrounded the whole shrine, shining bright.
Sasha and the others watched the light glow.

"What's happening...?" Asked Sasha. Jean poked at it as he went flying and his body was shocked leaving a mark at the tip of his finger.

"He's doing something no one has never done before." Bertholt mumbled.
"What the hell does that mean?!" Yelled Jean.

"No one has ever been able to perform a rival by Kuriochi..." Bertholt smiled "he has his love strong enough for her to do it..."

"My love for her...IS REAL!!!!!!" Yelled Eren as light beamed bright.
Just then Mikasa's body started floating as blue light glowed around her.

Eren was filled with shock and amazement.

I will decided whether to revive her or not...

Eren's and Mikasa's necklace slowly started coming together as Mikasa's armor changed into the most beautiful light pink kimono. Her hair started to form a small pretty bun and a small Japanese cherry blossom.

The necklaces finally connected as the blue light shines so bright it turned white and glowed outside the shrine and blind everyone around it.

It was so bright both kingdoms can see the bright light and the soldiers on the battle field could see it too.

It was too bright...you couldn't see a thing.
Mikasa was finally placed down on the revive bed. Eren looked at her hoping she was okay.

"Mikasa? C-Can you hear me?" He asked looking at her.

"Mikasa..please come back to me my love."
"Please...don't leave me!!" Tears swelled up in his eyes as more silence filled the air.

"Mikasa! Please!" He begged as tears rushed down his face.
Jean, Sasha, Connie and the others rushed to the door staying silent watching.

"Mikasa. Listen to me. I never knew who I was with out you...I didn't even know how life was like without you...I may not be very good with words but please don't leave me alone...I don't know what I'll do with out you..." Tears rushed down. Eren could feel and hear his own heartbeat.

"Please don't..."

"She's not going to wake up is she...?" Asked Sasha sobbing onto Connies shoulder.

"I don't know..."

Eren sighed sitting on his knees and started sobbing.
He cried onto the edge of the revive bed.

"GOD DON'T YOU TAKE HER AWAY FROM ME!!!!" He screamed into the sky.
"DON'T YOU DARE!!" He screamed again.

Bertholt and Reiner grabbed Eren by the arms dragging him away from Mikasa.

As Eren was being pulled away Sasha noticed that Mikasa's half of the necklace was still glowing a small beam of light.

"NO! NO! NO!

It's not what you think...it's still not over...
-Tyler Lee-Chan
