What's In Your Coat? - Present EraserMic

Credits to for the idea

Yamada's POV

Today is mine and Shota's 5 year anniversary of our marriage, and I decided to get him a cat. The cat is black with orange-ish eyes and silky fur.

I hid the cat inside my coat and made my way home. Honestly, the only reason I got him the cat is because he's been bugging me for the past few months to get one. That, and I just love Shota. He's my favorite person.

Once I reached the door to our house, I twisted the doorknob and the flat, rectangular structure flew open. I walked in and the first thing I saw was my husband, Shota Aizawa. He looked at me sleepily as he held a glass of wine by the counter. I smiled nervously and he looked at me suspiciously.

"What's in your coat?" He asked after he took a sip of wine from his glass. "WHA- WHAT-? HAHAH." I asked, then the cat meowed. Shota looked at me, his eyes wide.

"I— Drugs, lots and lots of them. They're making my quirk weird, ya know, yeah, drugs." I sputtered. He looked at me.

"Can I have some?"
He spoke, clearly knowing that there was a cat buried beneath my coat. I smiled and uncovered the cat. He walked up to me and grabbed the cat.

"Hizashiiiii!!" He squealed, hugging the cat. "I love it when you get like this." I said, kissing the top of his head.

"I love you, Sho. Happy anniversary." I stated, grabbing his waist. "I love you too, Zashi, now go put something else on, we have a dinner reservation." He said.

No wonder he was dressed in a fancier attire than normal. A white button up, black pants, and brown dressy shoes. This anniversary must be more important to him than it is to me, which is saying something cause I was panicking when I got up this morning. But, either way, it's important to me. I love Shota more than I love anything else.
