Chapter 11: Blast to the Past!

A/N: Okay, I realized in Chapter 1 that Sonic didn't know what a human was. I'm retconning that, because it's a pretty stupid mistake. Not sure what I was thinking at the time.

It was about mid-day now, and Applejack and Sunset Shimmer were sitting in the barn at Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack was sipping a bottle of cider, and Sunset was writing in her journal.

"Dear Princess Twilight. Things have been pretty wild here as of lately. There's this guy named Sonic from another world, and there's these really powerful gems called the chaos emeralds. I think they might be stronger than the elements of harmony! I would have written to you a few days ago. but somehow it just kept slipping my mind. It's ironic, I know. Anyways, just figured I'd write while I wait for the others. Your friend, Sunset Shimmer."

Sunset closed the book, and it glowed for a second. "I wonder what Sonic wanted to show us." she pondered.

"Me too. But I also wonder what was up with Sonic, Rainbow, and Rarity yesterday. They seemed like they were in a rush." said Applejack.

"Hello girls!" Rarity greeted as she came in the barn. "I see the others haven't arrived yet."

"Nope. It's just us." Sunset smiled.

"Well in that case, I have something quite interesting to show you." Rarity sat down next to them and pulled out her phone.

"Does it have somethin to do with your new line of clothing?" Applejack said sarcastically.

"No, it is not." Rarity's smile widened as unlocked her phone and went to her gallery. "I'ts something you probably weren't expecting."

Rarity turned her phone around and showed them the picture she took of Sonic and Rainbow Dash kissing at the park. Applejack started bursting out laughing, and Sunset was also pleasantly surprised.

"Wow! Of all people!" Applejack held her stomach as she continued to laugh.

"Huh. Who would of thought it? I never saw Rainbow Dash as the romantic type. Although, those two do have a lot in common." Sunset said.

"Yes! And I must say, they look absolutely adorable together!" Rarity squealed.

"So, do you plan on showing them this later on?" Applejack asked, still out of breath from her laughing fit.

"And did you even spy on them?" Sunset added.

"Well, of course I'm going to show them at a later time. I wanted them to have a memory of their first date together." Rarity explained.

As time went by, more of the group showed up, except Sonic and Rainbow Dash, allowing Rarity to show them the picture she had taken.

But as Rarity was showing Twilight, there was a bright flash, and Rarity quickly out her phone away. She tuned around, and saw Sonic and Rainbow Dash, the former juggling the two emeralds in his right hand.

"Sup! Sorry we're late!" Sonic said.

"Oh, it's quite alright darling." Rarity said.

"So, what was it you wanted to show us, Sonic?" Fluttershy asked, breaking the silence.

"Well, now that we have two emeralds, there's this neat little trick I can do." Sonic smirked.

"And what would that be?" Twilight persisted.

Sonic stopped juggling the emeralds and held one in each hand. "I can show you guys the past as if it were a movie!"

"Really? How could you possibly do that?" she asked.

"It'd just be best to show you!" Sonic held the emeralds in the air. "Chaos control!"

Suddenly everything went black around them, and it seemed as if they were floating. A cloud of fog appeared in front of them, and it began to morph into an image.

"Woah... freaky deaky..." Pinkie said in amazement.

"How did you do this?" asked Rainbow.

"It's something that Silver showed me how to do. He said he did it by accident." Sonic shrugged. "Anyways..." Sonic aimed one of the emeralds at the rectangular cloud formation, and a video started playing, as if it were a hologram of some sort.

The video was of a young Sonic, in his mobian form, running through a forest close to the speed of sound.

"That's you in your normal form?" Fluttershy said in shock.

"Yup. I'm a hedgehog, and prouuud of it!" Sonic slicked his hair back and smirked. He was met with deadpanned expressions, except from Rainbow Dash, who just smiled.

"Um, anyway, this was quite awhile back. I was tasked with the mission to destroy a shield around a city that Egghead had taken over, so that the air force could bomb it into a crisp."

"Air force? You mean you mean you were fighting in a war as a child?" Rarity asked.

"Yup. But it's not like I had a choice. Back then Egghead occupied almost 80% of the entire world!" Sonic replied.

"So you've been in two wars in your lifetime already?" Applejack said.

"Yup. But I don't dwell on it too much. As bad as those times were, it made me who I am today." Sonic smiled. "So, in the end, I wouldn't really have it any other way."

Sonic aimed the emerald back at the screen, and it skipped to a few minutes later, where the young Sonic was sitting a cliff where the city was visible. He watched as buildings were ripped apart, bomb by bomb, explosion by explosion. But it didn't matter to Sonic much. The city was devoid of life anyway. It was simply a place for the evil Eggman to gather and distribute his robotic forces.

Suddenly they heard a bang as they appeared back in Applejack's barn. The roof was torn off, and a giant robot was looking down at them. In the cockpit, which rested inside the robots face, was an egg shaped man laughing hysterically.

Sonic frowned. "Finally decided to show yourself, huh Egghead?"

Eggman just smiled evilly. "You're the one that brought me to this world, and now you're going to pay for it!"

A/N: And after about 42 days, it's finally done. I was close to just calling quits on this story, but then I saw someone else had commented, and it rekindled my inspiration to at least finish this half-assed chapter. However, I am unsure if I want to continue this story. Which is why when this goes up, I'm also starting a new poll. (For FanFiction users anyway.)

It has four options. A- Continue this story, B- Redo this story with a plot set before Sonic forces (Right after Sonic Lost world), C- Redo it with a plot set during Sonic Forces (Like this one, but not at the end.) or D- Redo this with a plot set after Sonic Forces (Mostly cannon timeline, except for a little headcannon between humans and mobians.) If you care, vote to state your opinion.

Also, thank you for the support, It means a lot.
