Are We Enemies?


Oi....haven't updated in a while....sorry....

Well this is a WindScream one-shot from the Windblade comics! Just love this ship!! I was.really surprised there weren't many shippers...


Windblade sighed before knocking on the metal door in font of her.

Each time it came around to weekly reports, Starscream....correction Lord Starscream missed it, leaving her to do it personally with him.

Windblade swallowed down her pride and knocked.

" L-Lord Starscream?" She called.

No answer...

She repeated what she said, only to receive the same answer.

The femme mentally face servod.

Starscream was the most stubborn mech she had ever met.

If he wanted to play this be it.

Windblade ripped the panel from the wall and tempered with the wiring.

The door slid opened.

Windblade walked in, her peds making a clicking noise as she walked on the metal floor.

" You weren't invited...." said a agitated voice from the corner.

Windblade turned on heel, she whiped around to see Starscream staring out the large glass window.

His wings were down, tightly against his back.

They actually were down?

So they weren't permanently made to stay up....

The thought had crossed Windblade's mind before....but she had never seen them down.

She cleared her voice box

" You missed the weekly report.....again...."

The red mech continued to stare out the window.

" Don't care...just fill me in...." he said gruffly.

Windblade sighed and did so.


Even as they went through the reports she still couldn't believe this mech was her leader.

He was a pain, he was arrogant, stubborn, prideful and a real jerk...

She still had a lot of pride to swallow.....

About halfway through the report she saw in the glass his reflection.

His optics had a glazed over look.

He look tired and worn out.

" Your not listening are you.." she sighed.

Starscream gave his wrist a flick.

" This session is over....please leave... "

Windblade stood up, and would have left...gladly...but he being her leader and she the cityspeaker she decided to ask what was wrong.

" A-are you ok Lord Starscream?"

The mech gave a aggravated huff.

" I'm fine...please...leave...."

Windblade walked over to him and gently placed a servo on his dropped wing. She felt his wing twitch at her touch.

" You don't look fine.....what happened?"

Starscream raised his wings slightly in order to move her servo. Partly turning his helm he glanced at her.....

" Nothing of your concern....." he replied coldly.

Windblade sighed.

He looked like a wreck.

" Since your the ruler now....I have made it my what happened?"

Starscream's only answer was silence.

The femme gave a angry huff and crossed her arms.

Did he even give a scrap about his city?

Windblade glared at him.

" Do you even care?!" She asked.

Her question caught the interest, and he gave her a side glance but said nothing.....

This only enraged her more.

" Your in charge of thousands of bots!!! Not to mention you should have a general concern about them! About your city! About others!!! Primus Starscream-"

The mech whipped around and grabbed her wrist, his helm dangerously close to hers.

" Its not that I don't care...." he hissed.

He leaned closer and whispered into her audio receptors, she shivered when his wing brushed hers.

" Its that I choose not to show it......."

Windblade stood there froze, not sure what to think.

" Then why don't you show up to the weekly reports?"

The mech gave a heavy sigh.

" They bore me....." he answered with a heavy sigh. Windblade gave him a confused look.

What did that mean?

" But don't you always go over them with-"

A comm halted her sentence.

~ Windblade, your needed....~

The femme nodded, and clicked her heels together.

" I have over stayed....I must be going..."

Starscream nodded his helm and returned to his position in front of the window.

Windblade gave him a quick glance before leaving....

~ Time skip

Windblade watched as her friend Chromia left with Ironhide on a errand.

She gave a small sigh, she wanted to finish sparing....but oh well....

Windblade activated her sword. It shown brightly blue, surging with power.

She decided to practice her jabs and parry by herself, which she found to be quit unaffective alone.

The femme was about to leave when the sound of peds filled the room.

From the hallway Starscream walked past, glued to his port.

" My Lord...." she said with respect....forced that is..

The mech looked up at her.

He seemed to be relieved at the distraction. He gave her a half smile.

" And what are you doing Cityspeaker?"

She rolled her optics.

" I was sparing....until my partner with awol....."

Starscream gave a quit chuckle.

" Sparing by ones self is generally useless... mind if I join you?"

Windblade raised a optic.

" With me?" She asked.

The red mech glanced around the empty room

" Who else?" He replied with a smirk.

Windblade did not dare reject him....he was her his tantrums drove her crazy....

" If that is what you wish my lord...."

The sword from his arm came out.

He prepared a battle stance.

" It is." He answered smugly.

Before she could prepare herself, Starscream had already launched himself at her. He swung his sword. Windblade threw up her own to block it.

" Always be prepared." He stated mater-o-factly, his wings now flickered playfuly.

Windblade launched her own attach which he easily blocked.

As time passed the fight grew more intense.

Starscream extended his second sword, losing his playful side.

Windblade took a step back.

" Sir...we're only sparing....."

The red mech gave her a scowl.

" enemies don't spar...." he spat.

He launched a dangerous attach at the femme. Windblade moved in time, and blocked it.

" Enemies? We're on the same side?" She shouted. Starscream growled as he swung both his swords.

" no-one is on my side!" He shouted. He brought his sword down hard on Windblade's. She blocked it, but Starscream having the advantage, had her pinned.

He shoved against her, causing the femme to back up against the wall.

She tried to shove him off, but failed. Her thrusters didn't help when she tried to break way.

Starscream pressed her own sword dangerously close to her, she could feel for heat from her blade.

She looked him in the optics.

That glaze from before was there.

" Ok...." she grunted, as she unsuccessfully tried to free herself.

" You win..."

The mech didn't seem to hear her, and only inched her blade closer.

" I Said you WIN!!!" she shouted.

The red mech stabbed one of his swords into the wall next to her, as if to keep her from leaving.

He grabbed one of her wrist and pinned it over her head.

Failing at losing his grip she sighed.

" What?"

He dropped his other sword to the ground, which made loud clank.

She followed the sword with her optics.

" What are you-"

He put a digital under her chin and forced her to look at him, cutting her off.

She raised a optic in confusion.

He grabbed her helm and smashed his lip plates onto hers.

She gave a muffled cry of protest, but he only kissed her harder.

She squeezed her optics shut, not to sure what to do.

Statscream released his hold on her wrist and placed his servo on her waist and continued to kiss her harder.

Windblade's spark was racing.

What was happening?

The femme.dropped her own sword and placed servo on his forearm.

She kissed him back, doing so with equal force.

Starscream gave a pleased smile when she returned it, he pulled her closer, enjoying the moment.

Why in the pits did he even kiss her?

He didn't know....but then again...he didn't mind....

The red mech felt Windblade lean into the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck cables.

A content sigh came from her, not overly sure with what happened.

A voice from the hallway caused the two to break apart.

Both looked at each other with wide optics filled with surprise.

" Windblade?!" Called the familiar voice of Ironhide.

Starscream gently grabbed her servo and brought it his lip plates.

" If you ever feel like sparing...."

Windblade blushed and nodded.

The red mech winked and left before Ironhide walked in.

" There you are Windblade!"

Windblade stared in the direction Starscream took off in.

" And he said we were enemies......." she whispered to herself.....
