23: workhorse.

"Oh, blow it out your ass!"


"You seriously thought I would not figure out you're injured?" I hissed, glaring at Bret.

"Look...." He started gently.

"I am looking, asshole." I snapped.

"Can we talk civilly? Please? And not wake our daughter up?" He glared at me.

I shrugged my shoulders and crossed my arms over my chest as I watched him.

"It wasn't bad until recently." Bret started off slowly.

"How recent?" I pressed.

Giving me a look, he shifted awkwardly. Finally sighing.

"About a month."

I put my hand over my mouth and turned around shaking my head.

"A month? A month, Bret? Are you fucking kidding me?! You knew you have been injured and did tell me?" I hissed, my eyes watching him as he looked down at the floor. Eyes heavy with an emotion I couldn't make out.

"It's nothing I can't work through." He mumbled, begrudgingly.

"Yeah? What about in ten years when Melanie wants to know why her father can't walk to come see her? What about then? Can you work through it then?" I glared, shaking my head.

"Kat... I'm sorry. I just.... I just.... everything was going so good... and I didn't want to be the one to ruin it." Bret spoke stumbled over his words, refusing to meet my eyes.

I watched him with a heavy sigh. Moving towards him, I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. Closing my eyes, he kept his head at an angle to avoid my eyes. Gently tracing my fingers over his shoulders, drawing circles and other little happy shapes. I laid my head against his back.

"You didn't ruin anything, Bret." I spoke softly. He scoffed in return.

"Your injured. You need to take time off to heal. We can manage this, babe." I leaned up off of him, walking around to see the annoyed look on his face.

"I can't. I can't do it, Kat. I'm sorry." He shook his head.

"I'll just call Vince and tell him you need time off." I waved my hand, turning on my heel. Knowing it was pointless to keep talking, and to take matters into my own hand, I made my way into the kitchen.

Bret, however beat me to the phone. His face showed irritation and more. I raised a brow at him.

"This does not involve you, Katrina. It's my injury. I get to choose how I want to deal with it. No one else. Not Vince. Not Jim. Not my dad, and especially not you. So I'm going to say this once, stay out of it." He practically growled.

I laughed. Not in shock, or even surprise. In anger. Letting my blue eyes meet his own, I shook my head. "Fuck you."

"Be mad at me all you want, but I'm trying to make sure I can provide for my family. For Melanie, and for you." He said with the save force of tone I did.

"Fine! Work and break your leg and see if I care! I'm tired of arguing about it!" I threw my hands up, walking towards the stairs.

"Kat–" Bret was cut off by a knock at the door. I gave him a scowl. He threw a longing look my way. I rolled my eyes and stalked over to the door, opening it.

Revealing a bleach blonde young girl. Her hair was teased to the heavens, makeup done in a peacock blue eyeshadow all over her eyelids. I leaned against the door, giving an overall look of impression as I stared at the girl.

"You lost?" I hummed.

"Uh... I um... I'm here to see Bret." She said meekly.

I raised a brow at that. I hoped to the gods this wasn't the moment I found out Bret was cheating on me. We had been through too much for either one of us to throw it away now.
Turning back to see where my fiancé was. I seen him walking towards us with our daughter in his hands. My eyes turned to slits seeing him.

"It's for you." I spoke with venom laced in my voice as I grabbed Melanie from his arms.

"What? Who is it?" He asked, sounding genuinely concerned.

I turned back to the door, looking at the girl. "What's your name?"


"And what exactly do you have to see Bret for?" I shifted my daughter on my as her hands tangled in my hair.

"Dean told me to come by here. I work for a women's wrestling company called GLOW. He told me Bret had some old training gear I could borrow until I find some." The young blonde explained, I remained stoic faced, however nodding.

I turned back to Bret and quietly raised a brow. He looked skeptical as he opened the door wider.

"Hi. I'm Bret. You said Dean sent you?" He questioned immediately.

"Yes. Your brothers Bruce and Dean are helping train a few of the girls and well... I'm the only one without proper gear." Ursula nervously tucked a piece of hair behind her ear as she eyed Bret.

"Uh-huh..." Bret scratched his smooth chin.

"I don't have anything right now. I'm sorry, miss. Have you tried my dad's place?"

She faltered a little bit as he spoke. I scoffed out a laugh. Melanie began whining and reaching for her father as I held her.

"No... they said–"

"Check there. I'm sorry." Bret cut her off as he took Melanie back from me, smiling as she began cooing at him.

"Alright. Is this your daughter or niece?" Ursula nodded before smiling at Melanie. I felt my defenses begin to build as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"His daughter." I cut in.

Her eyes flickered to mine. She pursed her lips before clicking her tongue.

"She's cute."

"Thanks...." Bret said awkwardly, looking to me.

"Are you a wrestler too?" The girl asked, looking me up and down.

I smirked, raising my brow slightly. "I don't know. Want to find out?"

"Alright. It was nice meeting you, Ursula. But my wife and I have to go start dinner. So if you will excuse us." Bret put a hand on my shoulder, practically pulling me backwards as he shut the door before the tiny blonde could speak.

Turning back to him, I huffed. "I could have taken her."

"There is no need to fight a girl I will never even see again." He smiled a little, his thing gently stroking the skin between my neck and shoulder.

"Seriously? What is with your brothers?" I grumbled, reaching out for my daughter who only babbled one, smacking her hands against Bret's chest in high amusement.

"I don't know... but I don't like it." Bret shook his head with a scowl. Before smiling down at Melanie.

"Dean wasn't even in town last time I talked to Diana." Moving into the kitchen, I began pulling things out for dinner.

"He's Dean. He probably came in on a whim at midnight." He followed after me, sitting Melanie in her high chair.

"Bret, he isn't that bad. He was there for me when I was pregnant when you left." I stated, turning back to him.

"He wasn't being nice. He was trying to lure you into a trap and be with him instead of me." He grumbled.

"That's a little much, babe..." I laughed a little, looking at him over my shoulder.

Bret only glanced at me before shrugging. I sighed. Moving towards him. Placing my hands on his biceps, I squeezed gently.

"I love you, Bret. It took me a while to realize it. To find the words. But, I really do love you. No one is going to come between that. I can only hope you feel the same..." I said with a small smile as his eyes flashed to me as I finished talking.

"What makes you think that I don't feel the same way?" He questioned rather harshly.

"I wasn't saying that. I was just saying I hope nothing comes between us. I've been stuck with you for so long now, if something happened.... I don't know what I would even do." I shook my head, letting my hands slip from him.

"Are you worried I would leave you for someone like.... Ursula? Or someone else? Kat... come on, babe." Bret chuckled a little before wrapping both his arms around me. I forced myself to barely meet his eyes as he looked at me.

"I hope you wouldn't..." I admitted.

"Katrina, no." He vigorously shook his head.

"I want to marry you. Get old and grey. Maybe have a couple of more rugrats. But, I want it all with you." His words sent tears to my eyes. I held back a sob while I just stared at him.

He held me tightly as I laid my head upon his shoulder. Melanie screeched from her high chair. Hitting her tiny hands upon the tray. I smiled at that and made my way over to her.

"Hungry, sweet girl?" I pushed her fluffy hair back a little bit.

"Have you seen her?" Bret teased.

"Hey! She is perfectly fine. Leave my baby alone." I smirked at him, before looking back at my daughter.

Melanie stared up at me, mouth parted ever so slightly. I grinned, grabbing a bottle from the fridge. She took it in her hands and put it to her mouth. Watching my seven month old baby, lean back as she drank her bottle. I felt nothing but happiness.

Bret took over watching Melanie. Taking her into the den while I cooked dinner. It was nothing special. Just an Italian dish of noodles, meaty marinara sauce, topped with mozzarella cheese, and parmesan cheese. And of course, I fixed a huge pitcher of sweet tea. After dinner, I took Melanie as Bret traded off to clean up the kitchen.

"Melly, can you say momma?" I asked, tickling her tummy. She giggled, ignoring my words as she babbled 'dada' repeatedly.

"I'm so much better than your dad. Come on, girl! I carried you for nine months!" I scoffed, pouting while she rolled onto her stomach and grinned at me.

"God, you're cute." I shook my head at her.

She screamed in response while sitting up. I laughed, taking her into my arms. Bret wandered into the den, leaning down and pressing a kiss to my cheek before holding his hands out towards Mel. She looked at him, grinning before lurching herself forward.

"That's my girl!" He cheered.

"Traitor." I rolled my eyes.

"Just wait until she's eighteen and can't stand either of us." He mused, I quirked my brow.

"Let's hope she doesn't turn out to me like Ellie and hate me." I half laughed out.

"Agreed." Bret nodded.

We played with Melanie for a little bit before I went to give her a bath and rub her down with lotion. Bret attempted to fix her diaper, only pissing her off and her spitting up all over him. I had to hide my laughter in the closet while he yelled my name.

"Coming!" I said shakily, clearing my throat as I took over, readjusting her diaper.

While Bret showered I got Melanie to settle down and almost asleep as I rocked in the recliner in her room.

"Feel better?" I smirked as my fiancée tip toed his way into the nursery. Sitting down in front of me in the floor.

"Ha. You look like you've been thinking." He deadpanned before looking at me with a tilt of his head.

I shrugged a little, sighing. "I'm just thinking about how old this cycle is. I wake up. Feed the baby. Eat myself. Exercise. Deal with a screaming baby. Get her down for a nap. Clean the house. Feed the baby again. And it goes on and on and on."

"And you're burnt out." Bret finished for me.

"Yeah..." I said hesitantly.

"I could see if mom and dad want to watch her some–"

"That's not what I'm saying..." I bit my lip a little.

"Alright? What is it?"

"I want to come back out on the road with you guys. Manage you and Jim again." I spoke slowly, not meeting his blazing gaze.


"Just hear me out!" I shook my head. He sighed heavily and rubbed his hand over his face.

"I can handle Melanie. We can bring her along. Liz would watch her while we did whatever. Curt already offered to watch her with his life. Celeste has been traveling with Tom. She would help out too. I don't have to be out there every single match but just for segments and stuff. Please Bret! Let's talk to Vince about it... please?" I explained, adjusting Melanie to lay on my chest as I held her with one hand.

"I don't know." Bret sighed heavily.

"You will have Mel and I both with you. We can get a bus to travel in–"

"A bus?" Bret chuckled, smiling.

"Can you just... ask Vince about it?" I tried again, sticking out my bottom lip a little.

"Alright. We can try to convince him. I don't know what he will say though." He said after a minute of silence. I smiled warmly.

Getting up slowly and putting Melanie into her crib, I stayed beside her for a moment to watch her. Turning to Bret, I held a finger up to my lips as I moved towards the hallway. He did the same, quiet as he could.

"Does that mean I can see you in those hot little outfits again?" He asked, close to my ear, I shrugged, fighting a smile.

"Maybe. Baby weight is all gone." I pushed into the bedroom, pulling off my pants.

"You were hot either way, Kat." He said smoothly.

"If you're trying to butter me up for sex. It's not working." I deadpanned.

"Wasn't trying. Sooner or later you will give in." He said confidently, smiling while he stripped off his clothes, leaving nothing but boxers as he got into the bed.

"I think it's the other way around." I mused, pulling a string topped nightgown onto my body while I took off my shirt. Pulling the gown on up.

"Mhhmm. Goddamn I'm lucky." He said, still smiling as I laid down beside him.

"And why is that? Because I'm not biting your head off?" I smiled sweetly, adjusting my pillow.

"No, smartass. I don't even have the words for it, Kat." He half laughed, pressing a kiss to my lips.

I kissed him back, passionately, pulling back and laying my head against his chest. "I love you."

"Love you too, Kat." He mumbled into my head.

We laid in content silence for a while. I was almost asleep until I heard Melanie begin to wail. Bringing myself to roll over, I moved my feet against the floor as best I could to pad into her room.

As I approached my baby, she quieted down a little. I pulled her into my arms and walked over to the window. Melanie's tears soaked my shoulder, and I frowned, trying to soothe her.

"Melly... it's okay. Mommy's here." I sang quietly.

Slowly but surely she quieted down enough, only babbling rather softly. Decided to take her into our room was a swift one. But I did it. Walking in, I glanced up, seeing Bret hang up the phone by the bed.

"What's wrong?" I asked quickly.

No one called at night unless something was very wrong, or someone had died.

"I'll be back." He hissed, pulling on his pants.

"Bret... honey, what's wrong?" I tried again, patiently, Melanie had turned her interest to my hair, yanking on it. Wincing, I looked at Bret as he slipped his boots onto his feet.

"Dean showed up at mom and dads with trouble." He spoke so fast I barely caught his words.

"Are your mom and dad okay?"

"They will be. Davey and I are heading over now. I want you to stay here, alright?" He instructed rather pointedly.

"Alright..." I reluctantly agreed.

"Lock the doors. If I'm not back in an hour, call the cops and tell them to head to mom and dads." Bret stopped in front of me.

My eyes widened as he spoke. He pressed a kiss to Melanie's head while I processed the words he had just spoken.

"Bret... I'll just call the cops now if that's the case." I shook my head, he sighed.

"Look. If it gets bad, I will just tell Owen to call again, alright?" He stroked my cheek gently with his thumb.

"Be safe, please?" I said softly, starting to already pray to God something stupid wouldn't happen.

"Yes ma'am." He smiled, pressing an quick kiss to my lips before disappearing behind me.

I put Melanie on my hip as I made my way around the house. Making sure all the windows and doors were locked. Laying down in my bed, I switched on my record player. Letting it hum the tunes of Elvis Presley softly as I watched my daughter begin to tire herself out again, laying herself against my chest.

The phone began to ring, causing my breath to catch. I slowly picked it up, bringing it to my ear.


My body froze.

It was Owen.


Hi loves!!!
Yes, I'm alive, yes, I'm writing again!

We went on a little ride with this one eh?

Think we will see more of Ursula?

My boi Dean causing trouble? Couldn't be him....

How we feeling???
