The next morning arrived with daylight breaking through the dorm windows. It was Kevin who opened his eyes first by the gentle morning rays. Stretching and rubbing the sleep from his eyes, Kevin shook Peter awake.

Aiden, who had experienced the bizarre events of the previous night, opened his eyes as well. He couldn't help but cast a glance around the room, his memory hazy from the surreal occurrences that had take place.

His eyes soon landed on a detail that instantly caught his attention. The glass that he had accidentally knocked over during his late night awakening was nowhere to be seen. It was as if it had vanished into thin air, unsettling absence in the room.

Aiden's thoughts raced as he considered the implications of the missing glass. It seemed odd and out of place. But he couldn't bring himself to mention it to his roommates just yet. After all, he didn't want to burden them with the strange and unsettling experiences he had endured the previous night.

Summoning his best casual tone, Aiden addressed Kevin, who was now fully awake. "Hey, bro, did you clean our room today?" he asked, attempting to keep his voice steady despite the unease that haunted him.

Peter, still in the midst of rubbing sleep from his eyes, murmured with a yawn. "We just woke up, man," he groaned and replied, not registering the importance of Aiden's question.

Aiden hesitated for a moment, a sense of isolation creeping in. He knew that sharing the details of his mysterious encounter from the previous night could lead to concern or disbelief from his friends. With that in mind, he decided to brush off the strange occurrence as best he could. "Oh, okay," he mumbled.

In that moment, Aiden chose to keep his secrets locked within, shrouding the strange events in silence. It was a decision borne of a desire to protect his friends from the otherworldly, even as his own mind remained haunted by the mysteries that had unfolded in the dark of night.

As the warmth of dawn crept in, Kevin and Peter stirred, their voices filling the room with casual chatter between those two. They had an air of anticipation about them, the kind that often accompanied carefree days spent without the weight of academic responsibilities.

However, in the laughter and banter, Aiden remained unusually quiet. His thoughts were still stuck on the strange events of the previous night, the surreal encounter with Principal Charles Johnson, and the wolf-like creature who seemed very close to Aiden that had left him with more questions than answers. He sat there, a silent observer, content to listen to the words exchanged between his friends.

Suddenly, the sound of the doorbell of their dorm started ringing and changing the atmosphere. The roommates exchanged puzzled glances, as this was a morning where they should have been in class. Yet, it was a maintenance holiday, and the unexpected interruption left them confused.

Peter, with curiosity getting the better of him, rose from his seat and approached the door. As he swung it open, he was met with an unexpected sight. A man with a platter of food in his hand stood at the door, his eyes bright with a charming smile. His head was cleanly shaved, and he exuded an air of geniality that was as disarming as it was surprising.

Kevin and Peter exchanged astonished glances, never having anticipated the arrival of such a visitor. They had been unaware of the existence of this particular facility within the university. The man, with a Japanese accent, introduced himself, "Call me Chef Albert from Japan. It's my pleasure to prepare the best food for you gentlemen and by the way I am famous for my sushi I can make that soon if you want." He punctuated his statement with a hearty laugh, a genuine warmth around his aura.

Aiden, who had been quietly observing the interaction, finally spoke up. "Oh, it's like we didn't see you on the orientation day, so that's why we didn't know," he remarked with a faint hint of curiosity.

Chef Albert chuckled in response. "I understand, my childrens. No need to fret about that," he replied, his voice carrying the wisdom of experience. "You might not see me as frequently as some of the others, but let me tell you, I'm actually the oldest worker here at the university. In fact, I used to be the personal chef and roommate of Mr. Charles when we were young."

The mention of Mr. Charles, who had been at the center of the previous night's surreal encounter, sparked a wave of fascination to Aiden. The roommates listened, their curiosity peaked by the unexpected connection between Chef Albert and the principal.

With a knowing smile, Chef Albert left them to enjoy the meal he had prepared. It was a spread of delicious food that filled the room with speechless faces. The roommates, their appetites by both hunger and curiosity, eagerly dug in, savoring each bite as they have never eaten that kind of food before.

The morning sun had bathed the university campus in a soft, inviting light, and the roommates-Aiden, Kevin, and Peter-decided to seize the day and explore their new surroundings. As they ventured out from their dormitory, they were greeted by a sea of unfamiliar faces.

In the bustling crowd, the roommates encountered two familiar faces: Macy and Sara. Macy, ever the enthusiastic soul, approached them with a beaming smile that seemed to radiate positive energy. "I never thought this university would be so good," she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine delight.

Kevin, perhaps influenced by the newfound sense of excitement that had begun to grow among the roommates, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's not bad at all," he remarked, his tone surprisingly was good with Macy. The tension that had once was intense now replaced by a sense of mutual understanding at least for now.

Peter, always eager for adventure and exploration, couldn't resist the urge to venture further into the unknown. He turned to Kevin, a mischievous look in his eye, and insisted, "Come on, Kevin, let's go explore together. There's so much to see."

However, before they could make their way into the heart of the campus, Kevin had an idea. He halted Peter in his tracks and turned to Macy, who stood nearby. "You seem a little too excited about all this," he observed, "Would you like to explore the campus with us?"

Macy, taken slightly aback by the unexpected invitation, hesitated for a moment. Her enthusiasm seemed to waver, but she finally replied, "Yeah, sure. It would be nice to have some good company, of course you needs me." Her words carried a subtle undertone, as if there was more to her excitement.

With that, Kevin, Peter, and Macy embarked to explore the university campus. They left behind Aiden and Sara, who stood there watching their friends walk away, the morning sun casting long shadows on the ground.

As the trio ventured further into the campus, they discovered a world teeming with activity. Students bustled about, engaged in animated conversations, and the various buildings and facilities seemed to hold untold stories and secrets. Macy, her initial excitement slowly returning and trivia about different parts of the campus, adding depth to their exploration.

Back with Aiden and Sara, the atmosphere was quieter, but not devoid of its own intrigue. Aiden regarded Sara with a thoughtful expression, the events of the previous night still fresh in his mind. He couldn't help but wonder if she had experienced anything similar.

Sara, who had been observing the interactions of the group, finally spoke up. "You seem to have quite the adventurous friends," she remarked, a hint of amusement in her voice.

Aiden, still processing the mysteries that had unfolded, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, they're something else," he replied, his tone tinged with a mixture of admiration and bemusement. "But I can't help but wonder if there's more to this university."

Sara's gaze met his, her eyes holding a glint of curiosity. "You're not the only one who's been thinking that," she admitted, her voice low and contemplative.

As they continued to observe the bustling campus life around them, Aiden and Sara couldn't shake the feeling that Texas University held secrets and mysteries that were far from ordinary.

As Kevin, Peter, and Macy ventured deeper into the heart of the university campus, their exploration led them to a familiar location-the library they had encountered on the day of orientation. However, today, the library wore a different face. The doors that had been open then were now closed for some undisclosed reason.

Curiosity piqued, the trio tried to peek through the glass doors, their eyes scanning for any clues as to why the library was off-limits. A notice board nearby read, "Please visit again soon," adding to the mystery of the situation. The fact that the library was closed while the doors remained unlocked puzzled them.

It was Macy who decided to take matters into her own hands. She extended her hand to the door handle and gave it a tentative push. To their astonishment, the door creaked open, revealing the interior. The unexpected access left them with a mix of excitement and intrigue.

Kevin, cautious and wary, instinctively stopped Peter from entering. But Peter, driven by his insatiable curiosity and love for chemistry, disregarded the warning and stepped inside. As he crossed the threshold, he was met with a sight-the library appeared to be untouched for a considerable length of time, like a forgotten time of the past.

Intriguingly, Peter's eyes were drawn to a particular section of the library. Behind sealed transparent walls, two tubes were suspended, each filled with an otherworldly glowed with an ethereal green, while the other shimmered with a serene blue. Beside these tubes stood a solitary book, its title inscribed as "The Making of Chimera." The significance of this peculiar discovery, leaving them in a state of bewilderment.

Without hesitation, Macy decided to document their strange find. She retrieved her camera and snapped a picture of the book. Perhaps, capturing this moment would help unravel the mysteries that surrounded them.

Peter, meanwhile, couldn't resist the allure of the book. His fascination with chemistry led him to inch closer to the sealed section. He intended to break the seal and to look into the contents of the book, hoping it might shed light on the peculiar tubes and their contents.

However, just as he extended his hand toward the seal, a sudden and unexpected force pushed against his back. Startled, he stumbled forward. It was none other than Chef Albert, the same chef who had provided them with food earlier in the day.

Chef Albert's expression was grave, a stark contrast to the warmth they had seen earlier. He urged Peter to leave the place immediately, his voice carrying a sense of urgency. "You don't need to know," he cautioned them. "You could risk your lives if anyone finds out. Just go, my kids."

The trio exchanged glances, their minds racing with questions. Why was Chef Albert so desperate about keeping them away from this place? What did the tubes and the book signify? They were left with a lingering sense of unease as Chef Albert's warning echoed in their ears.

Reluctantly, they complied with his request, stepping out of the library and into the daylight once more. As they walked away, they had encountered, and the unanswered questions that lingered in the air. Their college life had taken an unexpected turn, steering them into a world of mysteries that defied all reason and understanding.

On the other side of the bustling campus, Aiden and Sara found themselves alone, the distance from their friends granting them a moment of solitude. As Aiden quietly began to walk away, his mind seemingly lost in thought and the little grudge to Sara, Sara acted on impulse. She reached out and gently grabbed his hand, halting his departure. Her voice carried a soft sincerity as she spoke.

"Listen," Sara began, her tone softened by genuine regret, "I'm sorry for yesterday. It was rude of me to just walk away like that."

Aiden, his gaze still fixed on the ground, initially responded with an acceptance. "It's okay," he replied, his voice mumbled with a hint of resignation. "You don't like me anyway, so it makes sense."

Sara, however, was quick to clarify her sentiments. "I don't hate you," she admitted, her voice carrying a hint of vulnerability. "I just... I don't know how to talk to people. The last time I made a friend was when I was nine, and even then, he left me. It wasn't without leaving some scars..."

In that moment, a subtle tension hung in the air between the two of them. It was as if the admission of their vulnerabilities had bridged a gap, allowing them to connect on a deeper level. Sara's confession unveiled a layer of her personality that Aiden hadn't glimpsed before, and Aiden's understanding response seemed to signal a newfound empathy.

Sara, seeking to break the ice and change the subject, inquired, "So, what did you want to tell me?" With a silent nod, Aiden settled beside her on the steps near their dormitory, ready to share his thoughts.

As Aiden began to speak, he delved into the topic that had been on his mind about his own mother.

Listening attentively, Sara absorbed the details of Aiden's dream, her expression a mixture of curiosity and concern. She recognized the significance of what he was sharing and the emotional weight it carried. "You can't be weak now for your mom," she advised him gently, "She wouldn't want that. You have to be strong for her."

Aiden, moved by her words, rubbed his eyes, as if trying to clear away the fog of emotion that had descended upon him. It was then that he made an unexpected offer. "Hey," he began tentatively, "Do you want to see a picture of my mom? She was really pretty."

Sara's response was somewhat peculiar. In a murmured tone, she replied, "Yeah... sure." Her voice held an unspoken curiousity.

Aiden retrieved his phone and navigated to the image of his mother. However, as he was navigating to show picture to Sara, a sudden shock overcame him. His grip on the phone faltered, and it slipped from his hand, landing on the ground.

Startled, Sara picked up the fallen phone and examined the screen, her concern evident in her eyes. "Are you okay?" she inquired, her voice filled with genuine worry.

Aiden, his thoughts seemingly scattered, remained silent for a moment, struggling to make sense of what he had just seen. Finally, he found his voice, though it quivered with uncertainty. "What's up with these mannequins hanging around in the metro? Where is this place?" Sara asked, her words rushed and bewildered.

Sara, equally puzzled by the unexpected question, the image on the phone screen. It displayed a scene that seemed entirely disconnected from their current reality-mannequins hanging in a surreal, dreamlike setting. "That's what I saw in my dream," Aiden continued, his voice trembling. "I remember I clicked a picture of it, but it was just a dream. What's happening?"

Sara's brows furrowed as she processed the surreal connection between Aiden's dream and the image on his phone. Her voice held a note of astonishment as she asked, "So, you're saying your dream and reality are somehow connected?"

As the two of them grappled with the inexplicable link between Aiden's dream and the photograph on his phone, they couldn't help but feel that they were on the edge of something extraordinary-an enigma that promised to unravel the boundaries between the waking world and the realm of dreams.
