

My face hurt like a BITCH.

But I'm sure that girl who elbowed me is going to have a harder time recovering though. That guy too.

The crowd cleared when the siren for the curfew went off and I knew I couldn't make it back to the dorm without getting caught especially in my state so i stayed at the water refilling spot, trying to clean my nose under the dimmed lights.

I don't know but at some point during the fight, some savior turned on the brighter lights and that's what helped me fight back or I'd be in the emergency ward by now.

I can't imagine the chaos my mother would rain down because i LOST. Even though I fought back, she'd be mad i allowed myself to get beat up.

I gently nursed my nose and washed off any blood on the outside to the best of my abilities but there were a few missed spots. I'd have to get it checked with the doctor on campus tomorrow.

I straightened up from my hunched position when I saw a beam of light in my periphery. The rounds had begun and I needed a hiding spot. BADLY.

Only problem? I didn't know the layout of the campus that well.

While I was mentally preparing myself for a 'strike' and the punishment that followed, a hand grabbed mine and I nearly shrieked if it wasn't for the finger on my lips and the very familiar face.

"What are you doing here?" I whisper at him.

"Saving you clearly. Come." He whispers back and raises me to my feet. Contrary to how harsh his resting face looks, his actions were pretty gentle.

He leads me through the trees and to the building where we'd have our classes. We climbed up three floors and stopped at the rooftop.

"They won't find us here?" I ask between pants.

"There's a good chance they won't." He nods.

I let go of his hand and lean against the wall and stare off into the black canvas of the sky.

"Rough day?"

I set my head up straight and look him in the eye. "You have no idea."

He gives a slight smile and looks down at his shoes.

"Now do you want to tell me why you saved me?" I ask, fully sitting down against the wall.

He looks up at me in surprise. "Wha-"

"Nothing's for free here is it?" I raise my eyebrows in an obvious manner.

He comes to sit down opposite me with his legs crossed. "I do need something from you."

I nod. "Go on."

He releases a steady exhale as people do before they're about to say they're dying or they're pregnant but obviously he's not the latter.

"Let's form an alliance." He says and looks at me intently.

"Dude." I deadpan. "Are you playing a prank on me right now?"

"No." He shakes his head. "I just think you and I would make a great pair and we could survive the time we have remaining here."

I stay silent. He had a point. But,

"What's in it for you?" I further prod.

"The same thing that you get if you agree; power and influence in this hellhole." He says casually.

I give him a look of suspicion. "Hey, if you want an alliance you gotta be honest. What else is in it for you? You already have the power and influence from what I've heard."

The boy who's name is still don't know, sighs in frustration, clearly not expecting me to be this difficult.

"Fine." He scoots closer. "Listen close,"

"This is no ordinary school and I'm sure you've already caught on to that. There are missions they send us on every now and then and I want you to be my partner in them."

My mind is swarmed with questions but I remain silent to let him comtinue.

"This is because, like your family my family too has many enemies and if i pair up with any one of them they might leave me to die. You on the other hand, don't have a history with my family. I just need backup and that is all you are to me." He explains in one big breath and then goes quiet waiting for me to speak.

"Give me some days to think over it?" I ask and he agrees.

"And thank you for saving me today. Though you might have to do me another favour and help me get back to my dorm." I sheepishly chuckle.

"Alright but you owe me, red face."
"Are you seriously making fun of me at worst?"
"I don't know you well enough to make fun of you at your best."

"That is true but wait," I stop. "I don't know your name."

"Kang Taehyun." He turns around and says and somehow it suits him. He's very much a Taehyun.

"Na Jieun." I nod. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance."

He smirks.
"The pleasure is all mine."


I alr love them wth
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