



N O T A S H I P, think of it as brotherly, if you will

Softblade (Soft Technoblade)

Mention of being controlled, a panic attack

More on the long side-

MY AU (Alternate Universe)

A n g s t ?

Potential bad spelling/grammar


Connected to my other fanfic with Ranboo Enderwalking lol

Italics in the story represent flashbacks and enderman sounds, just depending on the context

Ender-talk (because Ranboo speaks it while Enderwalking)

     Enderwalking was a... weird thing to say the least. It would get triggered by the simplest things or triggered by the most complicated things. The actions that would happen in the Enderwalk were nothing that Ranboo thought happened, though. From what he wrote down in his memory book and from what the Dream Voice told him, he did terrible things while Enderwalking. Since he had no recollection of it, he thought that he blew up the Community House, stole a bunch of things from everyone, and was being controlled by something or someone (he was pretty sure it was Dream). All of his tools and armor were damaged more than they had been, at least from what he remembered. He didn't like the Enderwalk, in fact, he despised it with a burning passion, but he didn't know how many people liked it.

~-~P.O.V. Change!~-~

     Technoblade, also commonly known as Techno, sat at his bench, sharpening his netherite axe against the quickly spinning blade. Once one side was deemed sharp enough, he turned the axe to its other side to sharpen. Even though he announced that he was retired, he never knew when someone could come out and attack him. It was always great to be ready. Techno had a whole chest dedicated to potions that would aid him if he needed it, and part of his enderchest also had items that would help him. His armor was in pristine condition. Technoblade always kept a sword at his side, just a diamond one, just in case he got ambushed. Even though he claims to be in retirement, and he isn't lying, doesn't mean that there haven't been others who tried to execute him.

     When Techno thought that his axe was sharp enough, he set it on its stand on the wall. Just when he was going to grab his pickaxe to sharpen it, he heard a knock on his door. At first, he thought it was Philza, but remembered that the other had logged off quite a while ago. The older would have just walked in, also. Quietly putting the pickaxe down, he rose from his seat. He put one hand on the handle of the diamond sword, the other hovering over it. Techno made his way over to his door, cautiously. Once he reached the door, he put his hand on the doorknob and pulled it open. His hands pulled the sword from its hilt and brought it up to a defensive position.

     But the person wasn't someone who was out to attack. They didn't even have armor on or a weapon in their hands. The person had a grass block, a whole block of grass. Techno also noticed that he wasn't looking at a face, but a two-toned neck, the person's right side black as night and the left as white as snow. The colors faded into each other in the middle where they met. Techno immediately recognized who it was, and put his sword back in its hilt. Technoblade didn't look up to meet Ranboo's eyes, as that would aggravate the other, or at least make him uncomfortable.

     "Greetings, Ranboo." Technoblade greeted. "What brings you to my home?"

     There was no answer, which made Techno confused. The enderman hybrid always said hello, and was normally the first to say anything. But he just stood there, grass block in his hands. Techno decided to look up, but not enough to look at the half-enderman in the eyes. From what he could see, Ranboo had a blank expression on his face. In his peripheral vision, Techno saw that the other had purple eyes instead of the heterochromatic green and red. There was a brief moment Techno thought this was an imposter, but he soon realized what was happening. Ranboo was Enderwalking.

     Technoblade had been told what the Enderwalk looked like. Ranboo would have purple eyes with purple goo flowing out of them like tears, his facial expression would show no emotion, and he would somehow grow taller. When Techno was told this information, he asked Ranboo how he knew this.

     "How do you know, if you don't remember anything from when you're doing this..." Techno paused, trying to remember what it was called. "Enderwalking?"

     Ranboo looked uncomfortable, and Techno was about to take back what he said, but Ranboo still answered. "I Enderwalked in Tubbo's house, visiting. I almost killed his 'pet,' Micheal, but Tubbo stopped me." Ranboo paused, looking down. "Remember that death message, saying that I was slain by Tubbo?"

     Technoblade nodded his head. He didn't like where this was going.

     "So, that was Tubbo stopping me from killing Micheal. He killed me. It was the only way." Techno noticed Ranboo shiver, and Techno knew it wasn't from the cold.

     "You lost your first Canon Life?" Technoblade asked, wanting to make sure. He knew the answer but wanted it to be confirmed. Ranboo nodded his head in agreement.

     "When I respawned and went back to Tubbo's place, he told me what happened. He told me what I looked like, too, so that's how I know." Ranboo said, his voice slightly shaky.

     Techno didn't like that Ranboo was hanging around with Tubbo, but being close with the ram could provide useful. Even though Tubbo was related to the government and tried to execute Techno, Technoblade knew that Ranboo could get information about Tubbo's next move. The young ram claimed that Snowchester had nothing to do with government, and it was just a nice little village that he built. Technoblade still had his suspicions, though.

     "You can come inside, you know," Techno told the enderman hybrid, moving out of the way. "Might need to duck your head a little."

     He expected that Ranboo would duck under the door frame and walk inside. He didn't expect the half enderman to disappear in a cloud of particles. Technoblade's eyes widened, staring at where Ranboo once stood. Then, there was the vwoomp of an enderman behind Techno. Turning around, there stood Ranboo in the middle of the room, holding his block of grass. So, Ranboo could teleport in his Enderwalk state? Pretty cool, Techno thought.

     "Are you hungry? I can make some beetroot soup." Technoblade asked. As an answer, another vwoomp came from the enderman hybrid. "I'll take that as a yes."

     Techno walked to the kitchen. In the world of Minecraft, nothing needed to be refrigerated nor reheated. Once made into edible food, whether it be cooked first or just pulled from the ground, it stayed that way until consumed. Techno kept his crops in various jars since they never went bad. Carrots in one jar, potatoes in another, etc. Technoblade grabbed the beetroot jar, pulling out four beetroots. Taking the knife from the wall, he chopped up the beetroots as small as they could go. Then, he grabbed two wooden bowls and filled them with water. Techno put the chopped beetroots into the bowls of water and placed the two dishes onto the crafting table at the kitchen's left. After five seconds, the bowls magically (that was the only way Techno could describe it) turned into hot beetroot soup. It smelled delicious. Grabbing two spoons and placing one into each bowl, he brought them to the table and placed them on either side.

     "Ranboo!" Technoblade called. "Soup's done!"

     There was no answer, which would have been a vwoomp, and Ranboo didn't appear in the middle of the room. Technoblade got worried and decided to go look for the younger. Going back to the main room, he found Ranboo on the floor, legs crossed, clutching the grass block like it was a lifeline. Techno thought that Ranboo was having another one of his panic attacks, as he's had one before in Technoblade's presence, but there was no heavy breathing. Ranboo wasn't crying, either. He had a confused expression on his face, looking around like he didn't know where he was. Techno also noticed that the enderman hybrid's eyes weren't purple anymore, they were back to their heterochromatic red and green.

     "Techno..?" Ranboo asked. "Why- Why am I here?"

     "Uh..." Technoblade knew that Ranboo was out of his Enderwalking state, but he didn't know if the boy would feel comfortable about it. He took a breath in and decided that he should tell him. "You Enderwalked here, Ranboo."

     Ranboo's eyes widened and immediately stood up. The grass block still in his hands. "Oh, oh Gods. Did I hurt you? What did I do?" His breathing was becoming quick, and his voice was getting shaky. Techno knew that if he didn't do something now, Ranboo would spiral into a panic attack.

     "You didn't do anything, Ranboo," Techno said, his voice unusually soft. The last thing he wanted to do was make the half enderman more nervous. "In fact, you just stood there. You teleported inside my house after I said you could come in. I made some soup if you still want it."

     "I- I didn't?" Ranboo's voice was small, but it was becoming calmer. "But, the Enderwalk is dangerous? I almost hurt Micheal!"

     "Well, obviously that was a one-time thing," Techno said. "You still want that soup?"

     Ranboo nodded and followed Techno to the kitchen. Techno didn't want Ranboo to get his soup dirty, as he still had the grass block in his grasp, but Technoblade assumed that the block of grass was a comfort tool for the other. Techno smiled at this.

     "Take a seat," Techno said, sitting down at his own seat. Ranboo also sat down and began to eat his food. Technoblade did the same.

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