Breaking free

Narrators POV

For the next month or so the hermits waited for something to happen. They prepared the base camp as well as they could; terra forming land to their advantage, practicing PvP, making defense systems using redstone, enchanting whatever they could. 

But nothing happened. 

There were no attacks, and no one had died yet. Which in Grian's opinion was weird.

"I don't like this. It's too quiet. Someone should've been attacked." Iskall just laughs "Dude chill. Most of us are happy. I mean do you want someone to die?" 

"No of course not! It just feels like the calm before the storm. Like soon something gonna hit us hard" Grian says a frown on his face. "Dude you know what I think happened? She just left us here to rot. She's somewhere on hermit craft just relaxing while we have to fend here on our own."

Of course this was not true. You see Insanity was attacking people. She would slowly stalk them when ever they strayed to far form the camp. It's just that right before she pounces Mia tries to take control making noise. This would alert the hermit who would quickly go back to camp. And this frustrated Insanity more than anything.

"It's been a month! A month! And yet I still have to see those hermits mocking me by staying alive!"
"I can very well kill them all. You know the reason why I can't"
'Right I interrupt you stalking sessions'
"Exactly! I could've killed at least a quarter of those wretched hermits by now. But your in the way"
'There! I can still save my friends.'
"On no I'm done playing around. You've saved them but not from death. You just saved them from the fear filled torture I wanted to bring upon them. Now I'm just going to kill them all in one go "
'Your kidding!'
"No unlike you I know how to use my magic"

So now unbeknownst to the hermits Insanity was planning. And unbeknownst to Insanity Mia was too

Grian POV

Still uncomfortable about this whole thing I go back to my make shift home on the island.

 The camp was built like this: In the middle was the storage system. Then in a big square around  was the living areas. Each hermit had their own, bed, crafting table, chest, and furnace. The camp was placed in a dip, Hills surrounding it . We also have some thick foliage like bushes around. There weren't that many trees though so we had a clear view of the area. The hills foliage were courtesy of scars terra forming. Less tees are because we really need wood.

Someone should've been attacked. I lost count of how many time some of the hermits wandered to far. And nothing happened to them. But there was something in common with each time. 

They hear rustling in the bushes and then they run back to camp. So either Mia's a horrible stalker or it's something more....

"Grian! Suit up. The security system detected something." Mumbo calls. No one kept their armor on in the camp so the armor wouldn't wear down as easily. "Are  we sure it's not a hermit or a cow or something?" I ask quickly putting on my gear. "When we were making the system we made sure that it recognized things like that. It could be a mistake but suit up just in case" Either it's a false alarm. Or this is the storm I was worrying about.

Even before we get out I see something glowing purple

It's the storm. What else could it be? 'this whole this is hopeless' i think dreading what's going to happen next

"Missed Me?"

"Cant' say we did" X responds.

"Oh don't worry it'll be over quick. I would've liked to pick you all off one by one. Then I'd be able to see your reactions as the whole world crumbles around you. But my STUPID CONSCIOUS it stopping me!"

"I didn't you had one"

"Well not really MY conscious. Your friend's conscious."

Mia she was talking about Mia. 'So that's why we haven't been attacked'

"Oh I'm bored already. You know it's kinda cute to see you hermits scuttling around thinking you actually have a chance"

She tilts her head a little before both of her hands start to glow. She raises them above her head a wide smile on her face. Just as she's about to launch the spell something happens. The face that had been filled with glee changes to fear. Just a flash. Mia seems to be trying to regain herself...


Quickly Mia swipes her hands down bring the spell on to herself. With a scream she falls to the ground. In a purple flash we're no on the island anymore; we're back at the meeting building. Everything's back to normal. 

"It's over? We're not dead?" Mumbo says looking around. "Wait where Mia!" I rush over to where she would be. She's still there. "dude wait she might not be safe...' Iskall says trying to hold me back. 

"That spell was supposed to be strong enough to kill around twenty people! She just died for us!" I scream. Trying to get Iskall off me. He menages to hold me  off for a bit enough for Stress to check on Mia. "She's alive! Barely but still alive." 

"How? that should've killed her but... Oh who care she's still alive! Potions!" I say. "Uh Grian do you think it's the best idea to heal her? She proved that she's dangerous. Maybe we should just leave her like this" X says tentatively

"That is a horrible idea. What if she menages to wake up and heal herself?"

"If she can do that then she doesn't need us"

"Leaving her is just proving a point to her. You know why she went insane? Because she thought we didn't care. And doing that will just tell her it's true " I retort. "Grian's right. It's not her fault." Stress says as she takes out some potions. 

Alive she's still alive. I thought come to me. Jace. He's her boyfriend. He'll probably want to know about this...

<Hey Jace something happened to Mia


 <Uh so she want insane

Excuse me?!>

<She's back to normal now! Well not really but we're taking care of her

What does that mean? Grian I'm warning you if you've killed my girl friend>

<She's in a state where she's alive but barely. If you want to come over then I can tell X

Already on my way>

"Uh X. Someone's coming on the server. His name's Jace. He's Mia's boy friend so you should probably let him in..." I tell him. "Right got the message now" He says.  I take a deep breath. This last month has to be one of my most stressful months on hermit craft. I just hope everything's going to be fine.


Word count: 1074


Plz tell me your opinions!

Mia out! *rockets*
