This isn't Twilight

I thought I'd post today. Is it wierd that the story is actually finished on a word document but I'm too lazy to post everyday?

Anyways, someone asked me update (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE, HONEY!!!!! :D) And I think it's about time I got my shit together. Ima try to post at least three to four times a week. If I slip up, tell me.

Love you guys ;)


Tattle Tale's Glass Vase Cello Case vibrated through the wood of my casket. Casey must be depressed. Or have a hang over. I don't even know. I open up the tomb and find that it's dark again. I slept through sunlight. I hate when I do that. Sometimes, I like to go up on the roof and hide someplace to get a tiny, small glimse of the way the sun reaches hides underneath the horizon right before the moon comes out or even when the sun actually comes up. I slept in late, and that sucks. (See what I did there?)

I open my eyes to find Casey putting on some makeup and giving me a cute smile. "I thought we could go out tonight. You know, because you quit your job and everything. Still can't believe you did that, Char." He shakes his head.

I take out a cup and poor some O in it. I take a sip, even though I don't need to eat for atleast two weeks, I do it anyway. Just to keep up. "Okay. But, hey, Naho stopped by and look what he gave me." I toss him the card that was in my pocket.

He skims over it. "A vampire convention? Could it get any better?" he sighed, "Oh, we'll have to go shopping and stuff! Get your hair done, your nails. Char, this is going to be great!"

"Casey! Focus!" I snap my fingers but he's already drowning in wonderland and I can't bring him out of it. He does this often. Even his sisters are used to it. Ever since he came out of the closet to his family, his sisters have been calling his nonstop for makeovers and a girls night out. Then, no thanks to them, he complains to me about how just because he's gay, doesn't mean he likes to give makeovers. Although, he is the best at it.

"Darling, do you know what this means? We get to meet other vampires! I've only met you but-"

"No! You are NOT comming with me!" I slam my fist on the table, "Their not like me, Case, they'll eat you alive."

"Babe, if half the vampires there are as georgous as Naho and you, I wouldn't mind that," He wiggles his eyebrows and I continue to be grossed out.

"Fine, but your drinking pumpkin spice and wearing garlic." I insist.

"Sounds like a plan." He laughs, "Or a personal problem. Speaking of personal problems, your mother has called me five times in the last two days asking about you."

        I sigh. My mother thinks I'm in Europe studying abroad. I didn't have the heart to tell her I was dead or that I'm a vampire, so I called and said it was a last minute oportunity and I'll be home soon. Aparently soon is sooner than I thought soon was because she wants me to come home for Christmas.

"I'm not comming home, why doesn't she get that?" I rub my temples and take another sip of O.

"Yeah, well, you are her child, Char. You should call her. Tell her how you are. She’s not like Bella Swan’s dad." He gives me a funny look and then swiches to a pitiful one. "Call her in the morning."

I glare at him. "It IS morning. For me anyway."

"Fine, call her tonight." He snaps, "I don't care when, but you better call her. She's your mother."

"Yeah, I know...lord, do I know." I give a breathless laugh. "Now, you gonna make me hot or not?"

He grins, "Let's get at it, girl!"

        By the time we were done is was ten and so were we. Casey dressed me in a tight red mini-skirt with black kitten heels and a sparkly top. My hair was wavy and a sexy hot mess. He made a smokey eye and gave me red plumb lipgloss. Even I would eat me.

He handed me a small handbag and we were off. "It's been a while since you've been out so you should probably know that they ask for ID now." He gave me a sideways look. "And you don't exactly look too old, Char." 

I smirk, my fangs comming out slightly as we approached The Recline, one of the classier clubs. "I've got that handled."

I flashed my eyes at the bouncer who, stiffened and then let us in with a robotic smile. Casey grips my arm, "Why have I never seen you do that before? Are you suppose to do that?" He starts freaking out, "Where are your instructions?!" He squeezes tighter.

"Quit it!" I laugh, "I don't know. I've always been able to do it."

His eyes fill with awe and worry, "Oka....yyy.....but if we get in trouble with the vampire police...."

"There is no such thing!" I snort and sit at the bar, once again flashing my eyes to get his attention. He makes me a coke and rum. "What do you want?" I ask Casey, but he's gone. I spot him flirting with a guy who seems to his neck. His eyes swarmed Casey hungrily and then, he leans foward and nuzzles him. Casey smiles in suprise and I can hear him laughing. All my senses go off and suddenly, as if by command, I'm over there.

"What do you think your doing?" I ask him, quietly.

Casey gives me a smile, the guy still nuzzling his jugular, "Char-"

        I latch my fingers in this guys hair and pull him away, slamming his head on the table. No blood splurts out of his nose, but I could hear the satisfying crack. He howls in pain. "Hey! That's my dinner!" The guy belows, as I push a shocked Casey out of the way.

"Heres desert!" I pull back my fist and deck him right in the face. The bar quiets down for a sec, but then goes back to its regular volume. Apparently this is normal. He's on the floor and is trying to get away, and I let him, leaning next to Casey, who seems perfcetly fine. "Are you okay? That guy was about to eat your throat out." I say with relief, helping him up and guiding him to the bar.

"I'm fine, but you didn't have to go all vamp on him, Char." he scowls.

"Yeah, I did. I'm not going to let you become one of us." I say to him, not really caring if he's listening or not, just a tiny sliver of hope that he is.

"What if I want to be?" He asks out of the blue.

I stare at him. "Don't." Is all I say, ordering a new coke and rum.

"Why not?"

"Just don't, okay?" My voice goes higher as the uncomfortable conversation grows. as it important why? I didn't have to tell him, did I?

"Okay...I'm sorry. Thanks for saving my life, vampire-gaurdian." He says, his tone laced in sarcasm.

"I'm not one for nothing." I chuckle and drink a sip of coke and rum. I have never been here before. In fact, I try to avoid comming out in public. I have no idea whose a vampire and whose not, whose evil and who might not be. I never know, and that's the problem, I think.

"Mmmm, babe o'clock!" Casey smiles from the top of his glass, gesturing to a man have got to be kidding me.

        Naho, in all his sexy glory, walks in like he owns the place and he probably does. The second he walks in, his eyes lock with mine. He releases himself from the hunnies he's with and comes over to where I am, dragging his sexy man army with him. In reality, theres only two. One blonde, who is absolutely god-worthy and then the other one was a ginger, who Casey was already drooling over. He has a soft spot for those strawberry headed boys, I'm afraid. I flip my hair back, fully confident now that I'm all Casey'd up.

"This is the girl, isn't it?" the blonde one sneers, giving me a rude smile. Oh, damn, it's about to get real.

"Yes. Derek, this is Charlotte." Naho introduces, giving me a warm smile, which I ignore. "Harry, this is...Harry!" Harry and Casey were really hitting it off. Looks like I underestimated Casey's flirt-to-convert-power. 

Harry gave me a wink, "Nice to meet ya, Domnisoara." His scottish accent did NOT go unnoticed. I smiled shyly at him.


"So, what is a young, outcast, vamp like yourself doing out here in the wilderness?" Derek asks, taking my coke and rum, chugging it all.

I give him one of my Patsy smiles. That's all I can muster without chomping his neck open and using his toungue as a hair tie. "Enlighten me."

        He gives Naho a look and then gives me a similair one. Kind of looks like a squirrel got ran over by a car. I'm sorry, but as hot as this guy is, he's a serious jerk. And not like me, who actually has a reason, he doesn't.

"Everyone knows you, Charlotte. You aren't with your sire, you keep to yourself, your the only absent person at the conference. And you aren't even-"

"That's enough, Derek." Naho spits, his face still and hard.

I smile, though. "No, please. If you had even a flicker of intelligence, you would realize that I don't go to those Edward and Bella Fan-Girl Meetings because you are all a bunch of idiots and just because your a vampire, doesn't mean life has changed. You just barely exist." I snap, my Patsy Smile fading and becomming a discourteous glower.

He nods courtly and smiles uncouthly. "Maybe your right. Or maybe your wrong, Charlotte."

After a long, pregnant silence, Naho breaks it with a sledge hammer. "How old are you?" He asks me.

"Okay, not only is that a stupid question, its impolite." I scoff, "But, anyways, I'm only six years old chronical. What about you, grampa?" Derek chuckles.

"He's one of the few who were born vampires." He says.

I glance over at Casey. He's whispering in Harry's ear. At least someone is enjoying themselves. "So you are old."

He shrugs, "I'm only about one hundred. Not old at all. In human years, I'm only twenty five."

"I was nineteen when I was turned by some cougar." Derek shivers, "Nightmares, bro."

"We don't dream." I say, hoping they can tell me something about that.

Naho orders three shots of liquer. "We can, in a way. It's like...uh, dream walking, I guess."

"Mm," I say and he hands me and Derek a shot each. I hand it back to him, "I only drink C&R, and Chianti."

"If you use a substitute, you should be able to drink and eat other things too." Derek tells me.

I turn my nose up and straighten my skirt, "Well, I don't. Real deal or nothing at all."

"Have you ever tried it? It is safer, you know." He says, and if I'm right, he's worried. How desgusting. I would leave, but I can't leave Casey alone with these creeps. Especially because their vampires.

"No, and I don't want to." I argue. I turn to Casey, "Are you ready to get out of here?"

He nods and smiles at Harry, who slips him a piece of paper. "I'll meet you out front." He tells me and starts to head out with Harry close behind him. I grab Harry's cuff, yanking him back with a vengeance.

"You touch a drop of blood on that boy and I will end you." I growl in his ear.

He pales and pulls away. "Okay."

I turn to grab my handbag, only to find Derek and Naho staring at me. "What? WHAT?" I practically yell. It's been a long night, okay? I just want to go home and relax. I haven't even been out two hours and I'm already pooped. What kind of vampire am I?

"Will I see you at the conferense?" Naho asks.

I shrug, "Maybe, but I'm bringing Casey."

A flicker of annoyance paves over his face, "Do you bring him everywhere?"

I put my hand on my hip, "Problem with that? He's my best friend and frankly, when the guy who turned me left me to fend for myself in an alley way, Casey was the one who nourished me back to health and took care of me. So YES I BRING HIM EVERYWHERE." I emphasize and then I bow. "I take my leave."

        I walk outside and Casey is quick to join me on the way back to my apartment. I tell him about Naho and Derek, who I think are complete fools, and he tells me about how wonderful Harry is.

"He told me that when I come to stay at Lord Nahodath's manor for the convention, he was going to take me out for dinner. How classy! And it turns out he's, like, four hundred years old so that makes me like the total-"

"Wait, did you say we're staying there?!" I hiss, my heels clacking loudly on the pavement and then on the stairs up to my apartment sector.

"Yeah..." he sighs, "It's only for three days. Some vampires, some werewolves, some humans. You get the gist. Apparently the whole council will be there."

"Naho is one of them isn't he?" I try to open my door, but I'm so frustrated, I just jiggle it and the doorknob breaks. "Isn't he?"

"No, he's a lord. Harry says that Nahodath is really important. Like, he's in line for throne or some crazy crap like that." Casey tells me, a little tipsy as he throws himself onto my couch.

"I didn't even know we had a council. Derek kept calling me the outcast."

"Oi, Harry mentioned that, too." Casey burried his head in a pillow, kicking off his shoes and taking a deap breath.

"What did he say, Case?" I sit on the loveseat and take off my own shoes, stripping down to my tank top and underhwere, pulling on a needless blanket and shifting my full attention to Casey.

He turns his head slothily to the side, "He said that your sire left you. That makes you an outcast. And...." He yawns, "Your," He yawns again, "Your sire is going to find you at the conferance on the second day. That's what they say anyway. What a load of bullshi..." He falls into a deep sleep, much to my aggravation.

        My sire? He's going to find me? Claim me on the second day? My head spun with so many possibilities. How do I even feel about that? About him? The man who left me alone...

"I'm, I'm gonna go home, okay?" I was stumbling drunkly around, trying to grasp the scene around me, but it was all to fuzzy, too blurry. I could barely hear or see, it was all so dull.

"Okay!" Lindsay, one of my college friends, yelled to me. Too loud, I think, too loud.

        I falter out into the night, holding onto my purse and the bottom of my tiny midnight blue dress. My heels hung in my hands and I couldn't grasp a single coherrent thought. Then, a car pulled up. Inside, was a man. Dark and fair, and my heart was beating so hard. He got out and within seconds, he was by my side, leading me gently into the darkest part of the alley. And it was like everything inside of me wanted to go. The full moon shone bright and so did his eyes. He was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen.

"My love, the night longs for us to be together, I feel it." He whispers in my ear. My mouth was numb and I couldn't say a thing. "You are the one I have been looking for.....Charlotte."

        I didn't feel his fangs at first. It was like a dream and then, the pain shot through my body. Like a hot iron being pulsed through me. I think I must have told him to stop, but he didn't. The life in me, the humanity was gone. I was on the ground, shriveling and siezing as his poison was surging through my veins. His face was in my sight. I could see him and everything was okay. But, then, I heard a shout and he looked up, and then he ran. He was gone.


"Oh my gosh!" Casey yells, waking me up.

"Wha..." Then, I felt the steady stream of sunlight intrude my skin. I jump up, panicked. "Why didn't you close the curtains?!" I shriek, trying to shiled myself.

"Well, I didn't know you would leave the damn coffin open!" He snaps, closing the curtains.

I sigh in relief and take a look at my burns. Faintly there, but still hurting. I scowl at Casey, "Thanks for nothing. Your supposed to have my back."

He rolls his eyes, "Whatevs. Do you have any bacon?" He asks, throwing some neosporin at me. I rub it on and then give him an all too familiar gaze.

"I always have bacon. I'm shocked you would ask." I say tightly, fanning my eyes in a mockery of insulted.

"Oh, please," He scoffs. "Where is it?"

"Third shelf on the left." I say and speed run to the kitchen bar, sitting at it and watching him while he cooked. He put three raw pieces on a plate and slid it over to me.

"Speaking of boys..." He winks.

"We weren't even talking about that, Case." I chuckle below my breath as I suck on some bacon.

"We are now!" He jumps onto the counter, batting his eyelashes at me. "Tell me about the whole 'sire' thing, will ya?"

I sigh, "Theres nothing to tell. When a human is turned into a vampire, you normally marry them or stick with them forever. It's the normal thing to do."

"But don't vamps, like, sire other people?" He frowns and picks up a cooked strip of bacon, eating it quickly.

"They do. That's where your normally friends. But then, you have, like, the one, and it all goes down hill from there. And if they leave you..." My voice catches with emotion as my sire's fuzzy face fills my mind.

"That's why your an outcast?" Casey snorts, "How grim."

"Yeah, your telling me." I reply haughtily. "I don't even know what my sire looks like."

"He'll know you." He gives me a sexy wink and slides off of the counter. "Since we're already talking about the conference, you might as well know that we have to leave tonight if you want to get there in time."

"Where is it?" I ask, suprised. I knew it was close, but not THIS close. I haven't been around other vampires very long, I'm so nervous. How in the world am I suppose to follow the fashion? The ettiquette? I'm hopeless!

"It's about two or five hours outside of town." He says, his voice echoing as he trails into the bathroom to wash his face. "I'm going back to my apartment to pack and then I'll come back and we're going shopping."

"But my clothes are pretty fine." I complain.

"Pretty ugly, if I do say so myself. Plus, I'm not about to let my baby go to a vampire party without owning all those biatches there." Casey strikes a pose and I laugh full heartedly.

"Okay, okay, now get out!" I say, shoving him out of the door. "I'll see you."

"And, Char?" He raises a brow but I could see the concern in his eyes, "Call your mother...or I will."

        I growl and slam the door. He's always pestering me about that! I don't want to speak to that woman, she's a maniac. But, there is nothing better to do and, in addition, I do feel a little bit guilty for leaving her out in the cold, so I pick up a phone and dial her number.

"Hello?" Her rickety voice enters through the reciever and I almost lose mine.

"Um, hi, uh, mom." I say awkwardly.

"Charlotte!" She yells. Is she angry? IS SHE ANGRY? "How. dare. you." Yep, she's angry.

"Nice to hear from you, too, mom." I bite my lip and hope to God she doesn't flip out.

"You. missed. mother's. day." She says, "You. missed. your. birthday." She seethes, "You. missed. everything. Charlotte, I am so angry right now you don't even know."

"I do." I say whistfully.

"If there was a number between one and even, I CAN'T!" She wines, "Charlotte, you never call, you never visit, you never facetime! You never message me on facebook or snapchat! You don't even VINE me!"

If there was a typical white girl award, first place would go to her. "Mom, I'm not gonna vine you or message you on anything. I want..." I sigh and muster up some courage, "I want to be left alone, please. I'm happy all the way in...uh, Peru."

"Your in Peru now?!" She wails through the phone and I set it down for a second. I go over to the fridge and take out a nice, cool glass of O. When I come back, she's quieted down to a mere scream.

"Listen, I know it's hard to except, but that's what I want." I say matter of factly.

But, as always, she over dramtasizes my decision. "Come home for Christmas, Charlotte. It's in three months, you can prepare for that, can't you? Please? You only have to come home once."

"Mom, stop." I growl, "Just stop." But she doesn't stop. I set down the phone again and begin to pack, letting her vent out whatever the heck she has to say. In thirty minutes or so, I go over and smile, even though she can't see me. "Bye, mom. I'll think about it." And then I hang up.

        The sun is just setting and I am tired already. I don't want to go. I curl up in front of the TV and just as I finish two episodes of The RHONYC, Casey bursts in, breathless and beaming.

"What are you waiting for, girl? Let's go!" He says and takes my bags, leaving without me.

        I grab my cooler of blood, (awesome, I know right?), and then follow him downstairs and into his green sudan. "Your late because?" I grumble.

He points to bags in the back seat. "I thought I'd do something nice and buy all the stuff without you so you could relax and sleep...or whatever it is that vampires do on four hour road trips."

I touch his arm, "Thanks, your a god."

"I know." He shakes his head, "Do I know."
