
A storyline is up ahead.

Salute! This guy!

There was a man exerting the effort,
He was walking with a stutter,
Suddenly, he slumped hard,
But he was to go far,
Stood up and continued.

It was the stroll like the morning star,
The kicking without a value,
Soon we neared,
What's the reason? The cause?
He eluded with the whist.

In the daylight he disappeared,
We looked but he wasn't there,
Soon the dusk returned,
He came out again,
This time the path was straight.

What's the reason? The cause?
He queried when the suspicion arouse,
Situation varied from the previous encounter,
The truth was revealed, he was tippled,
I failed for him to copy.

He was prepared,
Stepped forward blocked my path,
Astonished! I passed a glare,
He blinked for me to trust,
His answer came without the stammer.

I take in to understand,
To unveil it to the world,
There's a difference,
Between you and me,
You queried but still I am.

Sorry! Guys. I dunno how much you got this one but its really close to my heart and I can't find words to describe it. The man there in the tale is just superb and I never thought of this. It just itself came out the way it is.
Well, at least now you witnessed my first ever tanka which'll be abundant from now on.
