Mine ➝ Jamal & Michael

"Are you seeing this?"

"Your brother dry humping Tiana in the corner? Unfortunately, I am." Becky grimaced, taking a sip from the alcoholic beverage in her hand. The two were way past drunk and couldn't keep their hands off one another. They were pulled apart and separated multiple times but that tactic seemed to be failing. The only other thing to do was let everyone else at the party video them and let that get plastered all over the internet so they would learn their lesson for next time.

"No, what the hell." Jamal Lyon scoffed, pointing his finger in the opposite direction, far across the room. The last thing he needed to lay his eyes on was Hakeem doing the nasty in public, which he was sure his brother would regret in the morning. "I'm talking about that."

Becky followed Jamal's line of direction, expecting to see some kind of life changing scene that she could later gossip about with Porsha after the party. That's not what she saw though. Instead she viewed something so normal and uneventful that she was almost irritated at the fact Jamal had pointed it out to her. She shrugged her shoulders, glancing back at Jamal for some kind of explanation. "Okay so, I'm just seeing Michael talking to some dude. Am I missing something or? I don't get it. What's the drama?"

"You have to go over there, Becky! I know Michael, look at him, he's not just talking to that guy, he's flirting with him!"

Becky's brows furrowed as she stared at her clearly distressed best friend. "Why should I care if he's flirting with some guy? Matter of fact, why should you? You're the one that broke up with him."

Jamal let out an aggravated sigh as he rolled his eyes. "I know what I did, Becky. It doesn't mean.. it doesn't mean I was right."

Becky felt bad for her friend. She knew that he and Michael were once very in love and feelings like that don't simply disappear. But even so, even if he was jealous and still drowning in puppy love, it wouldn't be fair for Jamal to ruin Michael's chances with other people.

"I get it, Jamal, you clearly―"

"Uh huh, yeah sure, I'll be right back."

"Where are you going?"

"Over there myself." Jamal excused himself from Becky, hurriedly slipping and sliding across the room to get to his ex boyfriend and the guy he was talking to. There was no way in hell he was going to lose Michael, even though he didn't actually have him now.

When Jamal approached the two men, all of the conversation, the jokes and giggles ceased. All that was left was a surprised Michael and a confused unknown man. The awkward tension began, immediately.

"Hi Jamal." Michael tugged nervously at his shirt collar, "What's up?" He couldn't remember the last time he interacted with Jamal, but he knew the vibe wasn't this bad.

"Hey," Jamal greeted back while his eyes shifted to the stranger beside his ex boyfriend, "and this is..?" He scanned the male up and down before turning back to Michael. He watched Michael's nerves erase as a grin took over his face.

"This is Santiago, he's m―"

"Doesn't matter," Jamal interrupted, "he's your nothing and you're his nothing because you're mine. That's how it's always been and will continue to be as long as I say so, understand?" He could see he left both figures speechless with his short yet unexpected dialogue.

Before the Lyon boy could fully bask in his satisfaction, he found himself soaking wet. Santiago had thrown the drink that was in his hand onto Jamal and tossed the cup onto the floor. "What an asshole." Santiago muttered as he walked away from the messy situation that he had managed to make even messier. He made his way through the crowd, finding the exit, then exiting through.

"That was my cousin you idiot!" Michael exclaimed. Hearing this made Jamal feel moronic and jerky. He had jumped to conclusions, attempted to ruin Michael's supposed happiness and behaved selfishly.

"Oh, I.. I'm sorry. I don't know what came over m―"

"A few months ago you broke up with me, told me I meant nothing to you and said you were better off without me. Now you do this. What's the truth, Jamal?"

Jamal stood in front of Michael with a shattered ego and a bundle of nerves. He wasn't quite sure what to say to him. He did say all those things but, it didn't mean he seriously meant them. He was just hurt at the time and didn't know anything else to say. He had a chance to be honest now though, he would take the chance.

"The truth is.." Jamal trailed off, already feeling Santiago's drink turn sticky on his skin. "I love you. You broke my heart and that isn't okay. It doesn't mean I don't believe in second chances or that you can't be forgiven."

"A second chance would be nice.. for now, I gotta go find Santiago before he gets even more pissed, plus you have to get ready for tomorrow night."

"Tomorrow night? What happens then?"

"Our date, tomorrow at nine. You can pick the place." Michael winked, turning on his heels and leaving his out of the same exit his cousin had.

"How did it go?" Becky asked, approaching her sticky friend. She didn't want to say it but seeing someone toss their drink onto him was one of the most hilarious sights she had ever seen at a party.

"I think.. I think we're getting back together soon."
