
Dream ran far away from the smp He just escaped prison after being locked up in there for years the members were chasing him but Dream never stopped he kept going until he'd ran for a full day and finally he stopped and he made it over 12 miles due to him being really fast.

After finally losing the members,Dream walked a hour and see the first sight of the portal to the end,he enters through then passed out on the ground,An Enderman was walking back to his house,but immediately saw the queen on the ground unconscious he was shocked and panic then teleported to the queen and to the castle.

There was maid that took Dream very fast to his room and treated the wounds on his body with the help of other maids,one of them then went to the princess(Avery)to tell that her mother came home,She also informed her that Dream had scars and bruises all over his body.

Avery was upset that her mother had bruises and scars on him and She told her siblings that their mother's home.
