Chapter 5 - Sybil

Hi everyone! I am back with chapter that I was saddened to write. This chapter was a bit hard to write because anyone who knows the outcome of this episode and I had been dreading to write. But I want to publish it to move forward with the series. Anyways, enjoy reading chapter 5. This was the easiest chapter to come up with the title when the episode is about one person that everyone loves. 

Is anyone going to see Downton Abbey 2: A New Era movie?? I am and I am not going to spoil anything. I can't wait to see it!!

Enjoy reading Chapter 5 - Sybil.

Late May 1920. Emma waited anxiously as she stood next to Edith at the end of Sybil's bed, she was observing Doctor Clarkson, who was assessing Sybil, using his stethoscope to examine Sybil's heartbeat. Just a few moments ago, Sybil had woken up in pain and Tom had immediately called for Doctor Clarkson, fearing the worst was happening. Emma hoped that the last stages of pregnancy wasn't going to be so rough as she had seen now.

'The pains have stopped. Nothing will happen yet.' Doctor Clarkson assured Sybil.

Emma smiled in relief and smiled reassuringly at her little sister.

'Thank goodness.' Emma murmured.

Then everyone had walked out of the room where they had seen a pale and anxious Tom.

'Everything is fine.' Clarkson said.

Tom sighed in relief.

'You mean it was a false alarm?' Robert asked.

'Not exactly,' Clarkson explained. 'These early labour pains show that the womb is preparing itself for birth.'

Robert's expression was priceless and Emma flinched a little, she stared at her large bump, she herself was starting to feel anxious about giving birth. James had seen Emma's face and he went over to her and pulled her into a one arm side embrace.

Cora turned to Doctor Clarkson and said, 'Doctor Clarkson, I'm afraid Lord Grantham doesn't enough medical detail. 'The point is can we all go back to bed?'

Clarkson nodded and replied, 'You can. And so can I.'

'I'll see you out.' Mary offered kindly.

'Sir Philip Tapsell will be here tomorrow.' Robert informed Clarkson.

'Of course. If you think it advisable.'

Robert, Cora and Edith made their way back to their rooms. Tom went over to the doctor.

'There really is nothing wrong?' he asked with concern.

'Nothing at all. She is a healthy young woman going through a very normal and natural process.'

'Something to look forward to, I suppose.' James murmured and Emma smiled weakly.

Mary had walked down with the Doctor and James smiled reassuringly.

'What if something were to happen to Sybil?' Emma asked anxiously.

'I'm sure the good doctor knows what he is doing. He knows Sybil's medical history more than we do I suppose.'

Emma nodded and said, 'At least I know what to look forward to, labour pains and swelling ankles and crazy mood swings.'

James smiled crookedly, 'You'll always be my beautiful Emma.'

Emma stood on her toes and gently pecked James on the lips and murmured, 'Let's go to bed.'

James took Emma's hand and led her into their bedroom.

The next morning came and Emma and Mary were with Sybil as she was breathing deeply and caressing her bulging stomach.

'How are you feeling?' Emma asked.

'I'm the size of a house. My back hurts, my ankles are swelling, and my head aches. Honestly, I cannot recommend this to anyone.' Sybil complained.

'Well, it's too late for me. I'm already seven months into this.' Emma said, patting Sybil's hand.

'I am listening, but of course I'm dying to start one of my own.' Mary said.

'So, you're not waiting?' Sybil inquired, rubbing her stomach.

'Waiting for what?'

'I don't know, but I did wonder. Mary, you know what I said about the baby being Catholic? I've just realised that the christening will have to be here. In Downton.'

'Goodness.' Emma stated, thinking of her father and how much he would resent his first grandchild being catholic.

'I wanted the whole thing done in Dublin. Out of sight, out of mind. But we can't wait forever. We can't not christen it, the poor thing.'

'You don't have to do this. It's your baby too.'

'Just as long as, you are sure.' Emma implored.

'I don't mind. I mean, I do believe in God, but all the rest of it - vicars, feast days, and deadly sins - I don't care about all of that. I don't know if a vicar knows any more about God than I do. And I love Tom so very, very much.'

Emma smiled, 'I know you do, and he is madly in love with you.'

Just then, the door opened and the midwife came into the room.

'We'll let you rest. Otherwise I might spend all day here.'

'I don't mind. You are wonderful company.' Sybil said.

'And don't worry.' Mary said, 'I'll fight your corner with Travis if it comes to it.'

Emma took Sybil's hand and they smiled at each other. Emma loved Sybil and she was willing to fight anyone if it meant she could have what she deserved. Sybil was one of a kind and Emma wished she was a lot like her.

Sir Philip Tapsell had dined with them that same evening.

'The dear Duchess of Truro is full of your praises, Sir Philip.' Violet commented. 'Then of course, you know that.'

'She had quite a time when she was first married, but I said to her, "Never fear, Duchess, I'll get a baby out of you one way or another."'

Robert spluttered at the same time as Emma and Edith shared embarrassed glances.

'And so you did.'

'Three boys, and as a result, a secure dynasty, I'm glad to say.'

'But you see no complications here?' Robert inquired.

'None at all. Lady Sybil is a perfect model of health and beauty.'

Emma felt reassured and she hope to God that nothing bad would happen to her sister and child.

'We told our local doctor we'd send a message to him when it looks as if the baby's coming.'

Tapsell nodded, looking stoic.

'Dr Clarkson has known us all since we were girls.' Mary said proudly.

Emma, Mary and Edith smiled fondly.

'Yet what's needed here, Lady Mary, is a knowledge of childbirth, nothing more.'

'He knows our medical history more than anyone here.' Emma stated.

Tapsell nodded politely at Emma and said, 'But if it soothes you, then of course. He's most welcome.'

Emma had woken up and she had noticed that James was not there. she looked around in alarm and then she remembered that James had told her last night that he was going to make phone call early in the morning. For some reason, she felt more tired than usual and she had craved soft boiled eggs for breakfast.

Just after she had dressed herself in a pale blue dress, she went down for breakfast where she saw Matthew, Robert and Edith had already started.

'Good morning everyone, has there been any news on Sybil?' Emma had greeted.

'Nothing yet. But Tapsell believes that the baby will be arriving anytime soon.' Robert said, looking at his newspaper.

Emma had gathered some fried tomatoes, a soft boiled egg, two pieces of toast and some bacon onto her plate then she sat down next to Matthew.

'Where is James?' Edith asked, opening a letter.

'He had to make a telephone call.' Emma said.

Edith glanced down at Emma's plate, 'Feeling ravenous?'

Emma rolled her eyes, 'I'm not eating for myself. Apparently the little bundle of joy is hungry.'

'Have you been craving anything?' Matthew asked.

'Eggs for the most part now, before it was fruits. Pregnancy is strange and a beautiful event to go through.' Emma said, cutting open her soft-boiled egg.

'The editor of The Sketch wants me to write for him. He saw my letter to The Times, and wants to give me a regular column.'

'How regular? And what about?'

'Once a week, and I can write about whatever I like. It would be the problems faced by a modern woman rather than the fall of the Ottoman Empire, but even so.'

'I think it's a wonderful idea. At least you get to have a say of what is going on in today's society.'

'Will you write under your own name?'

'I hadn't thought.' Edith mused.

'You won't have an option. That's what he's buying, that's what he wants your name and title.'

Emma glared at her father.

'I don't know. I thought Edith's letter to The Times was very interesting.' Matthew said.

'Don't bother, Matthew' Edith said glumly. 'I'm always a failure in this family.'

Edith got up and left in frustration and Emma shook her head in disappointment.

'Are we the first down? How is Sybil?' Emma asked Tom.

Emma, Mary and Edith had gone down to see Tom. He looked rather nervous and Emma couldn't help be anxious too. She was wearing a navy blue frock and a simple wavy bun.

'Sleeping, thank God. She's been restless all afternoon. I don't think it'll be long now.' Tom explained.

'I'm sorry it couldn't have been in Dublin. We know how much it meant.' Emma sympathised.

'Nothing means more than she does.'

Emma gave a reassuring smile at Tom and they all went over to the drawing room together. Everyone else was there, even Violet.

'Hello, Granny. You're here. How nice.' Edith beamed brightly.

'Your grandmother will be with us every night until the baby's born.' Cora explained.

'I hate to get news second-hand.' Violet said.

'I think all of us do.' Emma stated.

'Well, you won't have long to wait.' Tapsell said.

'I thought I'd bring up Dr Clarkson after we've eaten.' Cora said.

'Yes, I've been talking to Lord Grantham about the good doctor.' Tapsell interjected.

'Sir Philip feels the room would be too crowded. It might be better to leave old Clarkson out of it for the time being.' Robert said.

'But I said I'd telephone.' Cora said with a stern smile.

'Well, it really isn't necessary.' Tapsell reiterated.

'I've given him my word.'

'Why don't I run down in the car after dinner, and fetch him?' Edith reasoned, trying to defuse the tension.

Emma turned to James and whispered, 'I don't want him delivering our baby.'

James' eyes widened, 'Why? He has a stellar reputation.'

Emma threw a stern glance that mirrored her Mama, 'Because he thinks he is always right. I don't know him and he doesn't know me. Just because he is knighted and delivered royal children, doesn't mean he has to behave like a snob.'

At dinner, no one was really had an appetite to eat. There was anxiety in the room and everyone kept on exhaling noisily.

'There's nothing more tiring than waiting for something to happen.' Cora chuckled as the footmen came round with the fish and hollandaise sauce.

There was silence and Emma glanced up at the Footman James and saw he sent her a crooked smile at her. Emma blinked and looked away, she busied her to taking a sip of water.

'Edith, have you written back to your editor yet?' Matthew inquired.

'What's this?' Violet asked, looking puzzled.

'Edith has had an invitation to write a newspaper column.' Matthew explained.

Emma smiled in triumph.

'And when may she expect an offer to appear on the London stage?'

'See?' Edith muttered with disappointment.

'What about you James, have you decided to buy the store in Oxford Street?' Cora asked.

James smiled, 'Not yet. I was hoping to go to London tomorrow to talk to Mr. Woodward before making the final decision.'

The opened and the midwife came into the room.

'Oh, God! Is it beginning?' Tom asked, placing the napkin on the table and he shot up from his chair instantly.

Sir Philip nodded and Emma felt a wave of nerves in her body from excitement and worry. It was finally beginning!

Just about half an hour later, Doctor Clarkson arrived and he had checked upon Sybil and called everyone over to the library. Emma was starting to get concerned when she saw Doctor Clarkson's expression had become grim and he expressed that he was concerned about her state.

'What you do mean "concerned?"' Robert asked.

'Lady Sybil's ankles are swollen. And she seemed muddled.'

'What sort of muddled?' Cora inquired.

'Not quite there. Not quite in the present moment.'

Emma gripped on Edith's hand and asked, 'What does it mean?'

Sir Philip scoffed and replied, 'It means she's having a baby.'

Robert chuckled.

Then Sir Philip turned to Doctor Clarkson and said, 'A word, doctor Clarkson.'

Sir Philip turned to leave with Doctor Clarkson excused himself and followed the practitioner.

'Sir Philip mustn't bully him into silence.' Cora said.

'My dear, this is just Clarkson's professional pride. Like barbers asking, "Who last cut your hair?" they always want to be better than any other practitioner.' Robert replied.

'But we must listen to what he has to say.' Matthew said to Robert.

'I quite agree.' Violet stated.

'Doctor Clarkson knows us. I'm sure he'll do what is best for Sybil and the child's interest.' James said.

'I don't want to hurt Sir Philip's feelings.' Robert defended Tapsell.

'If there's one thing that I'm quite indifferent to it's Sir Philip Tapsell's feelings.'

The doctors came back ten minutes later and Emma's anxiety had risen and it had continued to climb when Doctor Clarkson announced, 'It is my belief that Lady Sybil is at risk of eclampsia.'

Emma gasped in alarm. She had remembered she had read a couple of books about pregnancy and there were complications at birth for a few women.

'What is that?' Robert asked.

'A rare condition from which she is not suffering!' Sir Philip assured Robert.

'Tell them why you think she may be.' Cora instructed Doctor Clarkson.

'Her baby is small. She's confused and there's far too much albumin, that is, protein, in her urine.'

Robert flinched and scolded, 'Doctor Clarkson, please. Have you forgotten my mother is present?'

Violet held out her hand and said, 'Peace. A woman of my age can face reality far better than most men.'

'Look, the fact remains if I am right, we must act at once.' Doctor Clarkson stated.

'And do what?' Mary asked.

'Get her down to the hospital and deliver the child by Caesarean section.'

Emma glanced at James in panic.

'But is that safe?' Matthew asked.

'It is the opposite of safe.' Tapsell interjected. 'It would expose mother and child to untold dangers! She could pick up any kind of infection in a public hospital!'

Emma shook her head discreetly and she felt James caress her thumb and she gripped his hand.

'An immediate delivery is the only chance of avoiding the fits that are brought on by trauma of natural birth! It may not work but-'

'Honesty at last!' Tapsell shouted. 'Even if she were at risk from eclampsia, which she is not, a Caesarean is a gamble which might kill either or both of them!'

'I think we must support Sir Philip in this.' Robert reasoned.

'But it is not for us to decide. What does Tom say?' Emma asked gravely.

'Tom has not hired Sir Philip. He is not master here. And I will not put Sybil at risk on a whim. If you are sure, Sir Philip?'

'I am quite, quite certain.' Sir Philip replied, looking calm.

'This is ridiculous, obviously we have to talk to Tom. He is Sybil's husband and the father of the unborn child!' Emma countered, she was starting to lose her patience when she should be there for Sybil.

Robert turned to Violet and she said, 'Oh, don't look at me. Emma is right. The decision lies with the chauffeur.'

Everyone had gone upstairs to consult Tom. Emma was getting tired and frustrated from the constant bickering. Any moment, Sybil could deliver the child.

'Could we get her to the hospital?' Tom asked Tapsell, stress clearly seen on his face.

'To move her now would be tantamount to murder.' Sir Philip explained.

'Sir Philip, admit it, you're beginning to detect the symptoms yourself. You can see her distress.' Doctor Clarkson stated.

'Can you?' Cora asked worriedly.

'Yes, Lady Sybil is in distress. She's about to give birth!' Sir Philip defended hotly.

Emma closed her eyes for a second before opening. The tension was clearly growing stronger between the two practitioners.

'Lord Grantham, Mr. Branson, time is running out!' Doctor Clarskon argued, 'We should be at the hospital by now. If we'd acted at once, the baby would be born.'

Tom turned to Clarkson and asked, 'But if she had the operation now, do you swear you can save her?'

'I cannot swear to it, no,' Clarkson exhaled, 'But if we do not operate and if I am right about her condition, then she will die.'

'If, If, If, if! Lord Grantham, can you please take command?' Sir Philip requested.

Robert stepped forward and said 'Tom, Dr Clarkson is not sure he can save her. Sir Philip is certain he can bring her through it with a living child. Isn't a certainty stronger than a doubt?'

'I don't mean to insult Sir Philip, Robert,' Cora countered. 'But Doctor Clarkson knows Sybil. He's known her all her life.'

'So, you'd take her to the hospital?' Tom asked, looking panicked.

'I would've taken her an hour ago!' Cora cried out.

Sybil's scream had echoed through the corridor.

'God help us!' Tom gasped and he ran after her.

Sir Philip had suggested that Emma had waited outside, seeing that she was heavily pregnant but Emma objected and she forced her way in. there was no one in the world that was going to stop her from supporting her sister through her labour. She sat by Sybil's bedside as she was giving birth and cooing her with reassurance. No one could stop a smile from forming when the little bundle of joy was bought out to the world and was wrapped up in a blanket and passed over to Sybil. Mary had gone downstairs to inform the others. Emma saw there was glow around Sybil as she stared adoringly at her baby daughter.

'She really is a darling. You did well, Sybil.' Edith praised.

'I agree, she is a beauty.' Emma cooed.

Just then the door opened and Tom came over and he saw the baby and Emma saw the overwhelming love and warmth on his face as he sat down on the edge of the bed next to Sybil.

'Oh, my darling...I do love you so much.' Tom murmured and he kissed the top of her forehead.

'I just want to sleep really.' Sybil said softly.

'Of course, you do. You've earned it. She's a wonderful baby.' Cora said, grinning proudly.

'I think we should let her sleep.' Sir Philip advised warmly.

Emma, Tom, Edith and Mary left the room when Sybil called out to Cora to remain.

Emma went over to James and embraced him and grinned widely. 'I can't believe it. The first baby is here. Everything couldn't be more perfect!'

Cora went over to Robert and kissed him and she grinned widely. Emma couldn't almost remember when her mother smiled like that.

'I'm sorry we doubted.' Cora said apologetically, but she was all smiles.

'No.' Tapsell dismissed, 'As to that, Lady Grantham, it's always a good idea to forget most of what was said during the waiting time, and simply enjoy the result.'

'Is there anything more to be done?' Mary asked Tapsell.

'Not really. The nurse will stay with her, and so I suggest we all get some sleep, and meet again refreshed in the morning.'

Emma smiled and felt a soft pair of lips on her cheek and she turned to see James was staring at her.

'What is it?' she asked.

'It couldn't be more surreal, can it? Sybil and Tom already have a baby girl and now, soon it'll be our turn.'

Emma smiled lovingly. 'Well, you better believe it. By July we would have our own bundle of joy.'

'Emma. Emma, wake up! Oh my god, please, Emma, Wake up!'

Emma opened her eyes when she felt someone was shaking her shoulder and she saw it was Tom, who looked in a state of despair.

'Come quickly! It's Sybil!'

Emma turned to her side and shook James.

'James. Wake up James!'

James mumbled something that Emma couldn't make out.

'James! It's Sybil!'

His eyes opened wide and he leapt out of bed. The couple had put on dressing gowns and rushed over to Sybil's bedroom.

Emma was devastated to see Sybil crying out in pain. Emma dashed over to her and saw she was sweating profusely and mumbling.

'My head...! My head!' Sybil yelled, hitting her forehead.

Emma clapped her hands over her mouth and she felt like she was going to burst into tears seeing her sister in pain.

'Sybil? Let me bathe your forehead.' Mary said, she had gotten a cloth and bathed Sybil's forehead to cool her down.

'It hurts!'

'What's happening?' Robert asked and his eyes popped wide when he saw Sybil's condition.

'Oh, God. Oh, God!' Tom cried out, grabbing Sybil's hand.

'God, no, no!'

'What the hell is happening?' Robert snapped at Tapsell.

Emma went over to Sybil and tried to get a response from Sybil when she was quiet.

'Sybil? She can't hear me Sybil? Sybil, it's Emma. Can you hear me?' Emma asked shakily.

'It looks as if-' Tapsell started.

'It looks as if what?' Cora snapped dangerously.

'This is eclampsia.' Doctor Clarkson stated.

Emma felt her heart racing and her mind was racing a thousand thoughts within seconds. She felt herself shaking as she tried to get a response from Sybil.


'It cannot be, Sir Philip. You were so sure.' Robert said strongly.

'She can't hear me.'

'This is unbelievable.' Matthew muttered.

'Darling... Somebody do something!' Tom cried.

'The human life is unpredictable.'

Emma wished she could slap the man, but she needed to help Sybil. She was starting to tremble and she couldn't think of anything but helping Sybil.

'But you were so sure!'

'What can we do?' Cora asked Tapsell.

'Help her, help her, please!' Tom shouted, restraining Sybil.

Sybil started to hyperventilate. Emma tried to shake her sister out of her seizure but Sybil wasn't responding. Her whole body tensed. Mary had started to shake Sybil.

'Oh, God, no!'

'Dr Clarkson, shall we take her to the hospital?' Edith suggested, on the verge of tears.

'There's nothing that can be done.'

'It's not possible, not these days!' James bellowed; he had seen Emma was in distress.

'Once the seizures have started, there's nothing to be done.'

'You don't agree, do you?'

'Please don't leave me! Help her! Help her, please!'

'She can't breathe.' Mary said shakily.

'Please, just breathe.'

'There has to be something worth trying!'

'Please! Come on, come on. Breathe, love. Come on.' Tom begged.

'Sybil?' Cora called out her youngest child.

'Listen, it's me, my darling. All you need to do is breathe.'

'We've given her morphine, and atropine.'

'What's happening? Please breathe, love!'

'Please! She can't breathe'

'Oh, no, no! Please! Oh, no!' Cora cried.

'Please, love. No, no! Please wake up. Please don't leave me. Please wake up, love. Please don't leave me! Please don't leave me, love!'

Sybil gasped and she was still, her neck stretched out and her mouth opened. Emma took a step back and she felt like fainting at the sight of her sister's body.

'No! Oh, God!'

'Please, love.' Tom sobbed.

Robert went over to Sybil, looking saddened.

'But this can't be. She's twenty-four years old. This cannot be.' Robert murmured.

Just then, there was a cry from the next room and everyone knew it was from the child that Sybil had left behind.

Emma had not slept that night. She had doubted that anyone in the house had slept at all. All Emma could think about was the fact that her sister, her darling little sister was gone. Emma couldn't wrap her mind about the fact that she would never she Sybil again, she would never hear her sister's voice, her laugh nor see her smile. She felt some thing had been torn from her and she would never get it back.

'Darling?' James' voice murmured.

Emma turned and she saw James' eyes had reddened.


Emma went over to James on the bed and he had his arms open for her to embrace.

'Please tell me this a nightmare.' Emma whispered, her eyes closed as she felt the warm embrace and his familiar musk.

'I wish it were...nothing could be worse than this.'

Emma felt her eyes prick and a stream of tears burst through like from an overflowed pipe.

Emma didn't sleep that night. Hours later, Emma had gotten dressed by Anna, who helped her seeing that Emma cannot bend down anymore. Emma wore a simple black gown and her hair was tied in a simple bun. She made her way to Sybil's room where she saw Tom had sat on the edge of Sybil's bed. Mary and Edith were behind him from a distance.

'The men from Grasby's have arrived.' Edith said with no emotion.

'To take her away?' Tom implied blankly.

'Yes.' Mary said.

'And we must let them.' Emma said.

Tom stood up and walked over to the window, unable to look at any of them whilst Mary went over to Sybil and bend over to kiss Sybil's forehead one last time.

'Goodbye, my darling.'

Then she stepped back and Edith went over and kissed Sybil's forehead.

Emma went over and memorised her little sister face one last time, burning her last image of Sybil into her brain before she leaned down and kissed Sybil's forehead then she stood straight and said, 'We'll see each other again.'

Emma stood next to Edith and all three sisters stared at Sybil's body. Even in death, she looked beautiful, Emma thought.

'This shouldn't never have happened... not Sybil.' Emma said forlornly, blinking her tears away.

'She was the only person living who always thought us three were such nice people.' Mary said.

'Oh, Mary...' Edith cried, 'Do you think we might get along a little better in the future?'

Mary turned to Edith and Emma and said, 'I doubt it. But since this is the last time, we four will all be together in this life, let's love each other now, as sisters should.'

Emma nodded and the three sisters embraced each other, Emma vowed from then she would love her sisters more than ever.

Once they let go of each other, Emma stared at Tom's back and she could see he was clearly distraught and Emma couldn't imagine the grief and turmoil he was going through. She mentally promised to be for Tom and the baby. It what Sybil would've wanted, Emma thought.

An hour later, Sybil's body had been moved and Emma had gone into the hall where she saw James was talking on the telephone.

'Yes, it is finalised.' James said, his back was to Emma. 'I will be taking one of the trains arrive soon to sign the, Emma cannot sign the papers, today isn't a good time for her to go to London, her due date is fairly soon, when this turmoil is over and she has a clear head... I will call back before I arrive. Goodbye, Mr. Woodward.'

James hung the telephone and turned to Emma and his facial expression morphed to shock.

'Oh, darling...I had-'

'You're going to London? Today out of all days?' Emma asked in disbelief.

'Darling, I-'

'No...' Emma said sharply, glaring at James. 'My sister had died not even twenty-four hours ago and you want to go to London to sign papers ... I don't believe you. If you leave, then don't come back.'

Emma shook her head and turned away and walked off, blinking the tears from her eyes.


Emma turned to see her sister Mary.

'Mary, what is it?' Emma asked, 'I was about to check on Tom.'

'Have you seen Matthew?'

Emma gestured to the library and said, 'He's in there with Murray.'

Mary nodded and left.

A few hours later and Emma had not heard anything from James and she felt at peace not knowing if he had gone up to London or not. Maybe the cooling period was good for her because she found her way to Tom, who hadn't moved from the room.


Emma entered the room and saw his back to her, he was facing the window, which steamed the room in light. Emma heard a small gurgling sound and realised that he was holding his newborn daughter. Emma went over to him and she carefully placed her hand on his shoulder.

'I just wanted to let you know that...we are all here for you, you know that, right? If you ever need something, don't hesitate to ask... it doesn't seem much...but we are family.'

Emma glanced down at her stomach and she felt Tom's shoulders shook and she glanced up and asked, 'Are you hungry? You haven't moved from this room for hours.'

Tom shook his head and she heard the baby cooing.

'All right... I'll leave you to it.' Emma stated and she dropped her hand and walked out of the room, feeling like a failure.

Just as she went downstairs, she saw Violet, dressed in black and Carson with sorrowful looks.


Violet looked over and saw Emma's grief look.

'Oh my dear...'

Emma went over to her and kissed her cheek.

'I was about to check in on the family.' Emma said, 'how did you know?'

'James telephoned me this morning...he sounded wretched.'

Emma nodded and they both walked into the drawing room where the whole family had gathered in mourning, including Cousin Isobel. James was there too, he sat in between Edith and Mary with a look of sadness upon his face.

'Ah, Mama.' Robert greeted his mother dolefully.

Edith got up and went over to greet Violet.

'Oh, my dears.' Violet said sadly and greeted Cora with a comforting hand on Cora's shoulder.

Mary got up as well and greeted Violet.

'You'll be glad to know they've found a nurse for the baby.' Robert said, 'She's already here.'

'Good, good. Where's Tom?'

'He's upstairs.' Edith replied.

'I've asked if he wants anything. He says no.' Emma said and she went over to sit next to Edith.

'He wants his wife back, but that's what he can't have.' Cora said and the she stood up and said, 'I must write to Dr Clarkson and have it sent down before dinner.'

Cora turned to leave and Robert reassured her, ''Darling, there's no need for that.'

'I should. I want to. I have to apologise for our behaviour.'

'What? Why?' Mary asked.

'Because if we'd listened to him, Sybil might still be alive. But Sir Philip and your father knew better, and now she's dead.'

Cora left the room.

Violet turned over to Robert, looking surprised and she asked him, 'Why... Why did she say that?'

'Because there is some truth in it.' Robert stated.

'My dear, when tragedies strike, we try to find someone to blame. In the absence of a suitable candidate, we usually blame ourselves. You are not to blame. No one is to blame. Our darling Sybil has died during childbirth, like too many women before her, and all we can do cherish her memory, and her child.'

'Nevertheless, there is truth in it.' Robert said mournfully.

Emma got up and she left the room without saying a word. She hadn't seen Jimmy walk past her and watched her as she rushed upstairs as quickly as she could and went over to her room and a flood of tears poured out... being in that room without her sister was too much... it was hitting her now how Sybil was gone forever.

Later in the evening, Emma was standing by the window, looking at the darkness as she waited for James to arrive. She hadn't left the room for hours and she hadn't eaten. James arrived not to long after dinner and he saw Emma standing helplessly, staring past the window, lost in her thoughts.

'Emma... how are you feeling?' he asked worriedly.

Emma didn't turn away, instead she continued to stare out of the window. 'I just feel...helpless. I-'

Emma felt a pair of arms wrapped around her and she leaned back and inhaled his woody and masculine cologne, her body pressed back to James warm body, his chin resting on her shoulder.

Emma closed her eyes and said, 'I am sorry for snapping at you earlier...'

'Don't be,' James murmured. 'You were right.'

'I know how much you want to sign the papers, and I won't stop you from doing so... it's just I feel like I am lost... S-Sybil isn't here and I kept thinking that she is here. This morning...I just felt like anything could slip away and be gone forever. I couldn't bear the thought of you going away, what if something were to happen to you? I almost lost you once.'

Emma opened her eyes and turned her head to look at James gravely. 'I can't lose you.'

James gave a small crooked smile and said, 'You can never lose me.'

James wiped a tear that fell from her crystal blue eyes and said, 'You know why...'


'Because I am in your heart for as long as you love me, just as you are in mine.'

Emma nodded and Emma leaned over to kiss James, she poured her love, her soul, her life, her happiness in the kiss.

James broke apart from the kiss and asked Emma, 'Have you had anything to eat?'

'No...I'm not too hungry. I just feel tired, that's all.'

'At least have a piece of toast or something. You must keep up with your strength, if not for me... then for our child.'

Emma nodded reluctantly and said, 'All right, can you ring for Anna?'

James went over to pull on leaver and said, 'I know after everything has transpired with Sybil... I will be there when you give birth, and nothing bad will happen to you.'

Emma gave disparaging look and said, 'How do you know that?'

'Because I would do anything I can to stop you from slipping away from me.' 

R.I.P. Sybil Branson. 

Oh my god. Every time I watch this episode, at the end I always end up in tears. There is no one like Sybil Branson. She had a beautiful personality. I will miss writing her. I really didn't like killing her off, but it had to happen. 

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The next chapter will come out within 2 weeks. 
