
"Stop pacing," Carter scolds, having watched me walk up and down the hallway of the courthouse for a full thirty minutes. 

He grabs my arm and pulls me down onto the uncomfortable chair next to him. "Sorry," I mumble, now directing all my nervous energy into fiddling with my outfit.

I continue playing with the hem of my black dress until a familiar voice causes me to snap my head upwards.

"Julesss," The voice screeches, disturbing the once silent hallway. "Oh my god! You're back," I state the obvious, getting up to hug my best friend who I haven't seen in like a month.

"Well obviously I wouldn't miss this," She scoffs, pulling me into a rib crushing hug. "How was Germany?" I ask curiously, thankful for this distraction.

"Girl let's not talk about me," She rolls her eyes. "How are you?" She asks, giving me a stern look. "I'm fine," I lie, putting on my best fake smile.

"Good," She nods. "You know it's actually crazy out there, I had to push past like a million reporters," She exclaims, motioning towards the large doors at the end of the hall. 

I open my mouth, ready to rant to her about how we got bombarded with hundreds of questions when we arrived but before I can even get a word out the large oak doors of the courtroom open.

"Miss Kingston they're ready for you," The man I recognise as Loraine's lawyer from all the press interviews they've been doing says. 

My nervousness rapidly increases so my eyes automatically search for Carter's, seeking comfort. He nods at me, silently telling me that I can do this.

I sigh, straightening out my dress before plastering a fake expression of confidence on my face. I follow the lawyer into the crowded courtroom, leaving Jas and Carter in the hallway.

"Calling my final witness, Juliet Kingston," He announces, motioning for me to sit in the witness box. I oblige, my black heals tapping against the polished floors as I walk through the silent room. 

The lawyer talks back and forth with the jury and the judge but I'm not paying attention, being too busy focusing on avoiding my father's harsh gaze.

I shift uncomfortable on top of the cushioned leather chair until the mention of my name snaps me out of my haze.

"So Miss Kingston, Mrs Windsor claims you witnessed how this injury took place," He says, pointing towards a big screen with an image of Loraine with a swollen eye displayed across it. "Is that true?" He adds.

I stare at the imagine, racking my brain for any memory of how it took place. Just when I'm about to tell him that I don't know it hits me.

Last Christmas Loraine was on shift and got both me and my dad a present, her present to my dad unknowingly being a bottle of his least favourite brand of whiskey. My dad, already drunk and unhappy with his gift proceeded to dismissively throw it at her, hitting her in the eye.

"Yes it's true," I confirm, confident in my answer. I proceed to tell him the events of that evening, ignoring the furious expression on my dad's face.

I spend the following forty minutes on the stand, answering question after question until eventually I was dismissed.

"How was it?" Jas jumps up as soon as I enter the quiet hallway. "So fun," I reply sarcastically, my eyes scanning the hall.

"Where's Carter?" I question, the lack of his presence being the first thing I noticed. "He went outside for some air," She tells me, which I know is code for he went out to smoke a blunt. 

I pull on my jacket and follow Jas down the hall, listening as she tells me all about about Germany and what she's been up to.

"Thank you," I smile at the officer who pointed us in the direction of the back exit of the courthouse, the one we were instructed to use to avoid the media. 

I push open the door, the cold air hitting me full force as we step out of the heated building. I pull my jacket tighter around myself, trying to preserve as much heat as possible whilst I search for Carter.

My eyes land on him, his huge frame being his most identifying characteristic. What surprises me is that he's not alone, he's standing next to a tall blonde girl who seems to be inthralled with whatever he's saying.

I watch intently, for some reason feeling an embarrassing sense of jealously as I watch her playfully punch his arm and giggle at his jokes.

I don't know why I'm feeling this way, it's not like Carter is mine. We kissed and he never showed any interest in me romantically after, plus he completely ignored the fact that I told him I liked him so I guess that's that. 

I can't be surprised when girls hit on him, who wouldn't he's single and attractive.

"You okay?" Jas nudges me. "Uh yeah," I reply unconvincingly, my answer coming out too rushed and high pitched.

"Hm," She hums skeptically. "Ugh I'm sorry I have to go, my mum's waiting around front," She groans, looking down at her phone.

"It's okay thank you for coming," I say gratefully, hugging her before watching her circle around to the front of the building.

I stand awkwardly shifting on my feet as the chilly wind blows through my hair, the sky darkening above me. 

After a few minutes of watching them talk my legs get tired so I sit down on the stone steps, my tights scraping against the small jutting rocks. 

My attention is drawn away from Carter and the girl who's laughing like she just heard the most hilarious thing ever by the sound of the metal door opening behind me.

My heart stops beating when I see three men, my dad, his lawyer and a random security officer. 

The annoyed expression on his face shifts into one of utter rage when he sees me. "You fucking bitch," He seethes, causing me to rise to my feet and scramble off the stairs.

"Alright keep it moving," The security guard orders, tightening his grip on my dad's arm and ushering him to his car. 

"You're dead to me you ungrateful brat," He spits as he barges past, his hateful words sending a pang to my heart.

My arms wrap around my body, something I often do to soothe myself as I watch my dad be forcefully shoved into his car. 

I guess the shouting caused Carter to notice I was here because when I turn my head he's only a metre away from me.

"Hey are you okay?" He asks, a concerned expression on his face as he looks back and forth from me to my dad. "Juliet?" He questions, his red squinted eyes staring into mine as he places his hand on my arm.

"I'm fine," I snap, pulling away from his touch and storming towards the car. 

The fact that he said he would come here to support me just to leave to get high and talk to a random girl enrages me, or maybe it's the jealousy talking.

"Woah what's wrong, did something happen?" He questions anxiously, hurrying to catch up with me. 

"Nope," I state bluntly, rain drops splattering down on my head as I walk towards the isolated carpark. "Juliet stop," He commands, grabbing my arm.

"Talk to me, what's wrong?" He asks, grasping my face in his hands.  "Nothing," I reiterate, pulling away from his touch once again.

"Did I do something?" He asks, completely baffled as he stands still in the rain. "No I just want to go home now," I tell him, motioning for him to follow me to the car.

"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's wrong," He says calmly, his arms folded. 

"Seriously there's nothing-"

"Juliet." He interrupts me.

"I don't know what you want me to say Carter I'm not-"

"Juliet." He interrupts me again.

"Let's just go home and-"

"Juliet." He groans, getting annoyed with this back and forth.

"Fine you wanna know? I'm mad because you said you'd be right outside the door the whole time but when I came out you were nowhere to be seen Carter, then I come outside and see you flirting with some random girl and it's shit because I like you so much and you don't seem to care at all," I rant, it all coming out like word vomit.

When I finish talking we just silently stare at each other as the rain get's heavier and heavier, my dress now soaking and clinging to my body.

Unexpectedly Carter starts bursting out laughing and not the small amused chuckle he lets out every once and a while, this is full on laughter.

"What's so funny," I glare at him, my anger boiling over. He doesn't reply, buckling over in laughter.

"Carter!" I shout, almost ready to storm off and walk the six miles home. "Is the Juliet Kingston jealous?" He asks, closing the distance between us.

I roll my eyes as he places his hands on my waist. "I like you too Kingston, you know I do," He says, smirking down at me.

"But that girl?" I question, my eyebrows furrowed. "I just asked her for a lighter and she started talking to me," He snorts. "Trust me Juliet she doesn't compare to you," He promises, pulling me closer to him.

My lips tug upwards as I stare into his eyes, his skin glistening with rain water.

He tilts his head downwards, allowing me to take his lips in mine. I kiss him urgently, my hands gripping his hair as our tongues intertwine.

"Juliet," He pants, pulling away after we both ran out of air. His hands gently hold my face as he stares down at me, the sun setting above us.

"I want you to be mine Kingston, only mine."
