
"I love hearing educated people speak and just shut everyone up. Knowledge is always the loudest voice."


"The girl who died"

The hall paused hearing the name of the title.

"Well that doesn't sound very....happy" Blaise muttered to which Daphne smacked him on the head...again

"You're the one who made the chapter titles idiot!"

"Right Right well Stan me then."

Narcissa Malfoy stood in the rain in front of a destroyed house. A frown tugged on her lips as her eyes never wavered from the pavement on the ground.
Narcissa hated the rain.

The Black and Malfoy family perked with interest while the light side frowned. 'Why did we have to watch a filthy death eater?'

She's hated it for as long as she could remember. Narcissa Black was born in the rain. Her mother Druella black had told her stories about how she had given birth to little Narcissa alone. The rain held her father up making it almost impossible to get there on time. Her mother went through hours of labor with no one there to comfort nor encourage her.

Narcissa frowned. She knew she hated the rain but why was this so important to input it inside the story.

Narcissa hated the rain.
Her father's funeral was held in the rain. No one dared to shed a tear as Blacks don't ever show weakness. Yet Narcissa remembers how cold and empty she felt as she looked down at her father's body.

She hated that feeling and so she hated the rain.

She hated how whenever it rained she knew something bad was going to happen. Something that can't be prevented by an umbrella. So as the harshness of the drops hit her pale skin her eyes held an unknown emotion.

Oh, how Narcissa hated the rain.

"I think we get it already," Damon says rolling his eyes though he was quickly shut up by the glares sent his way. "Geesh..."

'My girl it's been a while' Narcissa's frown deepened at the voice as she hadn't even heard when the man had arrived. Snapping her head up she watched as Dumbledore stepped closer to her a purple umbrella keeping him dry.

"CONSTANT VIGILANCE" moody yelled making people- especially the ones with sensitive ears- groan at his voice.

"I did not miss that" Rosé mumbled earning nods from Draco and Ginny.


Narcissa felt the droplets get harder as she stared at the man. 'Why are you here Albus? And please call me lady Malfoy as I am not your girl'

The man's grandfatherly smile seemed to drop down a bit yet the twinkle in his eye never faded. 'I've come to see if there were any survivors Narcissa-'

'-once again that is lady Malfoy to you Albus' Narcissa snapped. Though she knew she had to calm herself down. Getting rilled up like this wasn't very... lady like. 'And what did you find?'

Dumbledore frowned. 'Both Charlotte and little Cassiopeia, unfortunately, didn't make it'

Narcissa felt her chest tighten as she forced her sob to get stuck in her throat. Cassi ... her little niece Cassi is gone. A girl who was only one year old gone. She would never get to see those green eyes again or see her play with her son Draco once more, she'll never get to see Cassiopeia grow up.

Calming herself down she sighed as Dumbledore continued. 'It seems that a death eater raid had happened and Charlotte tried to protect Cassiopeia as much as possible'

'And Sirius?'

'Sirius black has been taken to Azkaban for the death of 12 muggles and his comrade Peter Pettigrew'

The hall erupted into sounds of shock and protest. Bellatrix cackled along the lines of her cousin "never escaping the black madness" while James argued with her trying to defend his brother in all but blood.

Peter shook in fear as Remus, Charlotte, and regulus frowned. They knew Sirius and they knew that he would never kill an innocent.

"Alright that's enough," Daphne said gaining the attention of everyone else. "It's not that serious."

"It's not that serious?!? We just found out that black is out killing muggles in the future and you're saying it's not serious" and 6th-year Gryffindor sneered glaring at his upperclassman who was uncharacteristically silent.

"So dramatic" Theodore mumbled as he rolled his eyes. "Are you all that dense?"

Everyone snapped to the boy who glared at everyone. "I suggest you all keep an open mind till movie three as things are never as it truly seems."

His words were stern as if he wasn't suggesting but more or so ordering them to do so making everyone shut up either in curiosity or fear.

"What.." Narcissa frowned. Her cousin Sirius was a lot of things..dumb? Yes. Rash? Yes. Judgmental? Of course but a muggle hater? Never. Sirius was always the one to disobey the family. Aunt Walburga told him to get in Slytherin so he gets in Gryffindor. He doesn't want to be the heir? He Runs away. Aunt Walburga sets him up with a pure blood from the Avery family so Sirius marries a muggle-born and a half-blood.

"Thanks, cousin" Sirius smiled weakly at the blonde who ignored him.

That was when the women realized that something was off.

"It seems that this woman is smart," Kol said as eyes snapped towards him. "I mean it doesn't make sense. Why is it the day this "Sirius" kid goes out to commit murder that his wife happened to be attacked? Does this not seem a bit like a setup to you fools?"

Everyone sat in silence taking in the Mikaelson's words as even his siblings sat in shock making him frown slightly.

Though in the corner of the room Daphne clutched her opposite hand tightly hearing the voice of her second lover while Rosé rubbed her arm soothingly.

They knew that this version of him didn't know them but they couldn't help but miss him even if he was standing right there.

(Daphne Kol and Rosé are not soulmates they're just in a very healthy and strong relationship! They are also one of my favorite relationships to write about)

"What I was alive for over 1,000 bloody years I'm not stupid!"

'And Mr.Lupin?" Narcissa questioned. She watched with narrowed eyes as Dumbledore shook his head. 'Lupin is currently nowhere to be found'

Something was definitely off. Why is it that the day that both Sirius and Remus "disappear" that Charlotte and Cassiopeia were attacked? And on the same day, Voldemort was defeated? It made no sense.

'I would like to ask for you to do something for me Lady Malfoy' Dumbledore chose his words carefully as he watched the women. Gaining no reply he continued. 'I would like for you to relay this news to Charlotte's family'

Her? The bringer of bad news?

Narcissa wanted to laugh.

Why did fate have to be such a bitch?

"Felt," Blaise said trying to break the tension in the room.

Though he did not succeed.

Narcissa had vaguely remembered Charlotte's family. The old woman who threatened her cousin and the half-blood on the day of their wedding. The same woman who she remembered her mother calling "crazy". And it seems like to everyone else she would sound crazy with the way she talks or how she dresses.

Though to Narcissa she just seemed wise...

Not the weird creepy type of wise like Dumbledore.

It was a type of wisdom that gave Narcissa an unrecognizable feeling.

She hated when she didn't know things.

"Slytherclaw" Barty coughed out gaining weird looks from rabastan and Evan as they looked at him in confusion. "Slytherclaw?"

"Slytherin and a Ravenclaw duh," Dorcas says giving a high five to Barty gaining more looks from their group

"What don't look at us like that!"

'I know of no one better than you to do the job Lady Malfoy'

Snapping out of her thoughts she sighed. She knew that Dumbledore was right. Since the potters, Regulus Evan, and Pettigrew were dead, Lupin was nowhere to be found, and Rabastan, Sirius Barty, Rodolphus, and Bellatrix were all in Azkaban. She knew that she was the only choice.

"Damn" Klaus whistled.

"All this happened in the span of about a month too," Daphne said to which Ginny nodded. Not seeming to catch the atmosphere of the room. "Let's not forget the Longbottoms went insane and my uncles are dead along with the McKinnons and Dorcas who by the way was killed by voldy personally so kudos to you I guess for being that big of a threat"

Neville smiled weakly at the mention of his parent's fate while Luna gave her lover a hit on the arm smiling sweetly at the crowd "I apologize for her she tends to get a bit...insensitive at times"

"More like that's her whole personality" Theo mumbled


"Voldy?" Abraxas laughed ignoring the pointed glare that was sent his way from Tom.

She sighed once more and Narcissa realized that she would be doing that a lot more in life.

"Oh, you have no idea mother" Draco smiled "sweetly" ignoring the look of horror that seemed to dawn on the younger version of his mother's face.

'I'll do it'  Narcissa smiled tightly at the man before walking away. 'Have a pleasant night Albus'

Not bothering to listen to what the man had to say she walked away.

This wasn't a night to celebrate

This was a night to mourn

For the potters

For Charlotte

And for dear little Cassiopeia

And all she could think about is how on the next day when she held the crying mother in her arms trying to assure her that everything would be okay when in reality it wasn't was how every drop from the sky spells disappointment.




The rain was unforgivable and Narcissa hated the rain.

Though she was sure it hated her back.


Dumbledore watched as the young woman Apparated away clearly lost in thought not that he could blame the woman.

She had just heard that her niece had died and her cousin had been sent to Azkaban.

He was sure she didn't hear that every day.

"Are you making a joke out of this?" Euphemia scowled in clear distaste as her eyes darted between the Dumbledore on the screen and the one sitting at the table with the other professors.

Gaining no reply she scowled at the man. "Bastard"

Walking aimlessly through debris he plopped a lemon drop in his mouth as his eyes twinkled with an unknown emotion.

It was a shame really.

He had lost not only the potters but the Lupin-Blacks as well.

They were two strong parties in the war both financially and strength-wise, especially with three out the five of them being an Auror.

They were devoted soldiers who were willing to risk their lives for the greater good.

"greater good?!?!" Charlotte glared "solider?!?! Is that all you think of us as?"

Dumbledore frowned. "Of course not my dear girl-"

"Bennett" Charlottes sneered. It was as if the Slytherin in her had suddenly appeared making some of her classmates stare in shock. "It's Miss Bennett to you and don't you dare make that mistake again or you will regret it"

"Damn" Caroline whispered to Elena and Stefan. "She sounds just like Bonnie when she's mad"

Elena nodded "it's kinda hot"

Stefan looked at the brown skin woman. He saw the uncanny resemblance that the woman had with Bonnie. It was confusing, he knew that it could be just because Sheila is the woman's mother but something seemed off and it was unsettling.

Dumbledore knew that he couldn't dwell on it for long especially not today. Today was supposed to be a celebration.

He smiled in relief as the last piece of debris was moved to reveal a white crib. It was the only standing thing in this destroyed place. It didn't look like it belonged here as not even a smudge of dirt had touched the crib.

It had left Dumbledore in slight shock. It seems like Charlotte was better at protection runes than he thought.

Or maybe she wasn't.

Maybe it was the desperation to save what was inside the crib.

As he peered down he watched with a caring face as a child slept soundly inside. Her skin seemed to glow under the moonlight as her dark brown curly hair fanned her face.

The hall erupted in shouts of shock as everyone looked at Dumbledore.

Not paying attention to the chaos Charlotte looked at the screen lovingly.

"She's alive" Charlotte whispered as she looked at her baby feeling a hand on her she looked up at her best friend

"She's lovely Char" Regulus gave her a rare small smile. It was one of the smiles he gave her to try to calm her nerves which she was very thankful for.

meanwhile, others weren't as happy as they were yelling at Dumbledore in either disgust or anger.

Amelia Bones clenched her pen in as she wrote stuff down in her notebook. She just knew some people would be going to Azkaban by the end of this

"You hid her from me?!" Narcissa's facade broke as her eyes held nothing but fury. "You lied and you held my niece from me?!? Why!?!"

"I'm sure he had a reason-" Molly started

"No one was talking to you filthy blood traitor!" She was angry beyond compare as she glared at the woman.  "He lied to me when I could've protected her!"

"How could a death eaters household protect that poor child." Molly screeched. "Professor Dumbledore was probably trying to put her in a safe environment-


It was as if the air left Molly's lungs as she tried to speak. Looking at the source of the voice everyone turned to the older Bennett woman who glared at everyone in the room."That is enough. As much as I would love to see this man get attacked for everything that he's done in the future and the past for some meaning that we cannot dwell much on it and only think of the things that we are going to change. "

It was quiet as everyone seemed to take in the woman's words.

"Mrs.Bennett is right" Draco stated "beside karma awaits for some in the future anyways"

That seemed to calm some people down knowing that he won't just get off scratch-free for doing this.

Gently grabbing the child he apparated away suddenly appearing in the muggle world in front of a large building.

Toms's eyes winded as he recognized the place.  The place where he grew up alone. The place that shaped him into the man he was today-

The sign Wools orphanage was shown from the corner of his eye. Dumbledore remembers the last time he was here even if it was 50 years ago. He still remembers the red-eyed boy so eager to join the magical world.

Dumbledore failed once and as he looked down at the baby in his arms he knew that he couldn't afford to fail again.

And for the second time, tonight as Dumbledore set a child down on a doorstep.

'Good luck.' He murmured as his clock swished slightly in the wind.

Oh, how she would need it.

"Okay guys just to clarify a six-year time skip is about to happen right now so don't be confused!" Róse said smiling

As years went by so did the black heiress's time in wools Orphanage.

Wools Orphanage was, in Cassiopeia's opinion, what someone lived through when they went to hell.

"Agreed" Tom nodded numbly

The younger children were okay, but as time went along they progressively became worse and worse.

There was limited food and clothes and other things like soap, leading to an intensely competitive and cruel environment that they were forced to adapt to.

Cassiopeia was quiet, preferring the quiet of the indoors to the loud games the others played, and could always be found with a book in hand.

No one had ever thought to mess with her after what had happened a year ago.

Apparently being quiet wasn't enough to get you through this place. Instead, she had to strike fear in the hearts of others.

Not that she minded.. she liked the silence it gave her.

"She's been a sadist since birth I swear," Draco said ignoring the concerned looks others gave him he turned to his friends. "Do you remember when she did to Parkinson in our 3rd year?"

Theo shivered as Daphne nodded her head. "I would never wish that on my worst enemy"

But books was all she got. Usually, she wasn't fast enough to get much food or clothes that fit right, so she instead went for the books, which weren't as sought after.

She was short and small, with smooth dark skin that seemed to never have any flaws.

'Like a porcelain doll' the Matron would say with a smile that didn't fit her face when the strange people asked about her, but her vivid green eyes that stared at the strangers blankly always seemed to drive people off

In closed doors, though she wasn't called the same thing.

You see Cassiopeia wasn't normal.

Unexplainable things seemed to happen to her.

She remembers last Christmas when she had gotten so angry at her roommate that the lights in the room had busted.

They wailed to the matron which involved her getting a punishment. Though hey, At least she didn't have to share roommates anymore.

Remus smiled numbly at his daughter. She didn't deserve to be in an orphanage getting treated this way.

Feeling a hand on his shoulder he smiled softly at Sirius who was sure to be thinking the same thing.

Or when she had accidentally broken a 14-year-old boy's arm by just glaring at him.

"Really strong accidental magic"Reinhard Lestrange mumbled getting a nod from Abraxus and Tom

Such strong accidental magic indeed

Because of this, the matron had given her a series of names. Like the devil, abomination, antichrist, monster, etc, etc;

If she didn't know her true name she would think that one of those was it.

"Poor girl," Lilly said sadly not even knowing that she clutched the hand of James potter making him want to scream out in excitement. Though he knew it wasn't particularly the right time.

Speaking of the matron she was surprised that she wasn't called-

'Brat come here!'

"She jinxed it" Sirius sighed as James shook his head. "We really gotta give her marauders lessons 101"

"No" Charlotte glared.

"But Lottie-"


Ahh, there it was. Quickly setting her book down that she was sure she's read over a hundred times before she quickly made her way downstairs to the main hall not knowing what awaits her.

She didn't question the excited look on the matron's face when she got to the mean woman as that was one of the many rules of the orphanage.

Never ask questions.

'You called ma'am?' Her voice was robotic, void of all emotion as she spoke to the matron.

'You have someone here to see you.' The woman walked towards her clutching her shoulder tightly as she leaned down to whisper in the child's ear threateningly. 'If you lose this you'll be locked in your room till Thanksgiving'

"That's abuse!" Marlene yelled out as most turned to glare at Dumbledore once more. Knowing that none of this would have never happened if he would've gave her to Narcissa.

"I promise you everyone future me must've had a reason-"

"Or hear me out maybe just future you is an asshole!" Ginny interrupted gaining a nod of approval from Blaise and Luna "facts" "100%"

Cassiopeia nodded. 'Yes Ma'am'

See, unlike other students, she wasn't allowed to say the matron's name as the woman believes that if she said her name that she would put some type of bad luck on her.

"Muggles are ridiculous" Lucius scoffed.

As they walked through the door she was met with the site of a woman. She looked around the age of the matron with curly hair and coco brown skin. But that wasn't what caught her attention what did was the almond eyes that shined on her with love and recognization... Like she knew Cassiopeia.

It was weird. No one had ever looked at her that way before.

Cassiopeia sat down at the chair in front of her ignoring the sound of the door shutting as the matron left to do whatever.

'Hello,' The woman said Kindly. 'I'm Sheila...Bennett, you must be Cassiopeia'

"grams!!!" Ginny, Róse, Blaise, and Theo yelled. While the others from the future were excited yet didn't express it like them.

"Children, you do know that I'm right here as well?" Sheila watched in amusement as the group simultaneously turned to face her.

"We know grams" Neville smiled softly.

There it was, the reason for her looks. Judging by her body language and the same last name she could assume that the woman and her were related even if her surname was very common.

Cassiopeia said nothing nodding as the woman continued. 'I'm your grandmother. Tell me Cassiopeia have you ever done things that didn't make sense? That was unexplainable or almost magical?'

Cassiopeia felt her eyes widen slightly as she nodded slowly watching as the woman's face converted into a look of annoyance as she mumbled about a stupid old man.

'He didn't even leave you in an environment with people of your kind.' Sheila mumbled furiously and Cassiopeia could tell that the anger radiating off the woman wasn't an everyday occurrence.

'My kind? Mrs. Bennett?' Cassiopeia tilted her head ignoring the look of hurt that flashed across the older woman's face at the name "Mrs.Bennett".

'You're a witch Cassiopeia'

'That's rather rude.'

"That was all Padfoot right there!" James laughed out giving his honorary brother a high five.

"You know it prongs!"

'Not like that I mean an actual witch darling and one that came from a powerful line too.'Cassiopeia wasn't all that surprised she knew she was different with all the unexplainable things happening to her and everyone around her.

'I'm sorry but I don't believe you' Cassiopeia said blankly but was surprised when the woman let out a chuckle.

'You really are charlottes daughter..'Sheila said though her voice sounded strained like she was about to crack at any moment.

Cassiopeia watched in amazement as Sheila raised her hand quickly as the candle in front of her lit up.

"Wandless magic?" Orion turned to Sheila ignoring the looks he got from his wife.

"We're different kinds of witches ones that don't need wands to do magic" Sheila stated. "Though Charlotte and Cassiopeia are a hybrid of both kinds meaning that can do wand magic and wandless magic"

Everyone turned to Charlotte who smiled innocently. "Hi"

'My mother?' The young girl's interest quirked. 'Her name was Charlotte?'

The woman nodded. 'What... happened to her?'

'She died' Cassiopeia felt bad for the woman. It must have been hard talking about the death of her daughter.

'I'm sorry for your loss.' Cassiopeia said trying to sound as sympathetic as possible. The woman was nice to her even though the feeling of death floated around her it was as if she could trust the woman. So she decided to follow her instincts and do so.

"Feeling of death?" Alice's question was ignored by the future residents.

The older woman hummed as they continued to talk for what seemed like hours to her though it was only 45 minutes.

They talked about their ancestors and the wizarding world. Cassiopeia learned about her parents and Hogwarts though what seemed to perk her interest was the way a sour taste seemed to fill the older woman's mouth every time she spoke of a man named Dumbledore. Apparently, he's like the "boss" of the wizarding world. 

Apparently, he was also the one who had put spells on Cassiopeia so no one could find her, and only when her accidental Magic started to occur was the spells weakened and Sheila able to do a location spell to find her.

Cassiopeia didn't know how to feel about him though she didn't know how to feel about this whole situation.

'I wanted to ask you something.'Shelia trailed off making Cassiopeia perk her brow. 'I would like to adopt you. You have family who wants to see you Cassiopeia, to love you, you have cousins aunts uncles, you don't have to be here-'

'And If I wanted to stay?'

"Why would you want to stay?" Molly questioned making petunia roll her eyes. "She doesn't it's to see what Mrs. Bennetts's answer would be"

Everyone looked at her making her annoyed even further though feeling her daughter snuggle into her made her calm down a bit. "What if she was actually happy at the orphanage? Made friends and stuff. Would Mrs. Bennett strip her away from her happiness for her own selfish needs? Sacrifice her granddaughter's happiness for hers?"

Everyone sat in silence taking in the woman's words as she scoffed "pathetic"

"Then if you truly would like to stay here I cannot force you to go with me," The woman said almost immediately. Cassiopeia flashed a rare smile at the woman. "I guess it won't hurt"

And so with those words, Cassiopeia's new life began. It wasn't difficult to convince the matron to let Sheila adopt her as the woman was more than willing to get the "devil's child" off her hands.

In just two hours she found herself on a plane. They were going to Sheila's home in a small town in Virginia called Mystic falls. It was such a weird name for a town in her opinion but Sheila thinks it's a perfect town for them to lay low in and not attract any witches and wizards seeing as it's in America.

Feeling a tap on her shoulder she turned her head to her grandmother. "Yes Mrs.Bennett"

The older woman rolled her eyes. "Don't be afraid to call me grams child"

Stefan's eyes began to widen looking at the rest of the group to see if they caught on as he locked eyes with Elijah who seemed to have the same thoughts as him.

Only one person called Shelia Bennett grams when the woman was alive and if that's true that means
Cassiopeia Bennett Lupin black is-

"Okay," Cassiopeia said. "Yes grams"

Smiling the woman turned to face the girl. "To lay low you need a new name child. Cassiopeia black isn't the most common name."

Cassiopeia felt herself frown slightly though she knew the woman was right. Her name was well known in the wizarding world and if word got around that she was suddenly alive it could mess with her plans.

She promised she wouldn't fail. She didn't want to disappoint him.

"Cmon why does my daughter gotta be the suspicious one!" Sirius pouted as James patted his shoulder in comfort.
"There there Padfoot"

She thought about it for a second before smiling as a name came into mind."Bonnie my name can be Bonnie."

"Bonnie Bennett I like it"

And Cassiopeia did too. As the girl closed her eyes she smiled oh how she couldn't wait to tell Harry about her day.

And on that day Cassiopeia Black died and Bonnie Bennett came to life. Though it will only be a couple of years before the black heiress will rise from the ashes creating hell on earth for anyone who had got in her way.

Before anyone from mystic falls could open their mouth they were shut down by a glare from Ginny. "If you have questions wait for her to get here. None of us will answer them for you."

"Wait did anyone see that she talked about Harry?" James said. "How can she talk to Harry? How does she even know him? Maybe it's a different Harry I mean-"

"James please" Lily sighed. "I'm sure we'll find out in the story."

"Chapter three The Vanishing Glass and the man in the suit"


Anyways who do you think she was talking about when she said "him"

(Hints it's no one from the Harry Potter or tvd franchise. Think of more mythology)


