8. A Dream Kiss

I heard about my friend having to go see her mother and step-dad, I hope she's alright!

Not Add x Ara kiss, just to tell you

Also, Thank you all for the 1k views as a thank you, I'll expend (or try to) this chapter/part.

There will be Question at the end of this chapter, I'd really appreciate it if you'd answer! Thanks! ❤


- With Eun -

"Your crazy." Her best friend Chloe, said while eating. Eun snuck in her chair. "But I'm sure of it!" Eun whined.

Ignia, her other best friend, shot her a glare. "I didn't ask for lunch and a whiney child." Chloe nodded in agreement.

Eun sighed and sat back up in her chair as she started picking at her food. "Food is something you eat not play with." Chloe stared at the plate of food in which Eun was picking.

"Since when did you become my mother?" Eun shot a glare at her. Chloe mumbled something under breath before returning back to her food. "Eun, we understand you think that Ara is your sister..."

"But she is."

"Right.... You've got to let it go. We don't wanna keep hearing about it. Doubt she knows who you are." Ignia stated. Maybe she's right. I guess a visit to the house hold won't hurt.

- with Add -

"Hey brother, can you give my back my iphoru?" His little sister, Lu asked.

Add didn't answer. He still completely lost in thought. Lu waved her hand in front of his face but no reaction.

"Well... Elsword is here. And Chung is coming home soon." She said as she walked out the door.

"Lisa....Lisa.....Liiiiissssaaaaa." He mumbled to himself. What was it about her that made him so happy. He felt... What did he feel?

Surely the play boy Add Kim didn't fall in love! That would ruin his popularity! His social status! But would that matter if he was with that girl again? Of course not.

Elsword walked into Add's room. "Sup play boy. How's it been?" He asked, sitting down his bed.

It snapped him out of his thoughts. "Nothing. Hey you remember that girl at the party?" Add replied, turning around to look at the boy.

"Hmm... The one with the butt?" He asked. Add smacked him in the back of the head. "Not what I meant. I mean Lisa."

Lisa? The infamous name that become the talk of his school. "Lisa? No, but what about her?" Elsword scratched the back of head.

"I think... I like her." He whispered the last.

"You what?" Elsword smirked, putting his hand to his ear.

Add felt a tiny blush form on his cheeks. "I like her." He whispered a bit louder.

"If I'm hearing right... Mr. Play boy Add Kim likes Lisa the party girl? That's new!" Elsword bursted out laughing.

Add's face gotten pretty red at that statement. "Funny!" Elsword wiped a fake tear.

"Hey you'd be the same if you saw her too!" Add suddenly blurted out.

This made Elsword stop his future actions. "What do you mean?" He asked.

"Her I'll show you!" He said, grabbing his phone and pulling up elpics.

"Her." He yelled shoving the phone in the younger boy's face.

This picture showed Ara in the outfit she wore to the party smiling with Rena and Elesis.

"Hey... I know who that is! That's Ara!" Elsword shouted.

- back with Eun -

Eun walked up to the creamed color house. She was nervous, what if she got the wrong house... What if they don't remember her! So many possible outcomes.

Her hand was shaking while pushing the door bell. "I'll get it!" She heard a voice come from the other side. The hearing foot steps until they got to the door.

The opened and stood Ms. Haan. Her eyes widened. "E-Eun?" She asked, still full of shock.

Eun didn't know what to say. Her real mother stood before, one she's never seen before.

"C-Come inside." She said, opening the door for Eun to walk inside.

"Honey. We have a visitor, well a family member mostly." Ms. Haan yelled for her husband.

Soon Mr. Haan came down the stairs. Once he reached the bottom, his eyes widened as well.
"E-Eun?" He barely say. Tears threatening to go down his face.

Ms. Haan quickly went to her husband, hugging him.

"We thought we lost you forever."

- with Lu -

"Do you boys mind! The queen is trying to her homework!" She yelled at the room next door.

She sighed, its not she was doing it anyway. Lu didn't even understand it. Mathematics was not her best.

Lu tapped her pencil on her desk. She could always ask Eve for the answers. She grabbed phone and dialed the number.




Why not?!

Get a tutor. I can't just keep giving you the answers! Ask your brother.

But... He's not as smart as you!

Nice try. Get a tutor!

Eve hung up on her. "Darn. I guess I'll just to sugar coat everything for Chung to give me the answers.

Chung was a little push over but he knew what to do when it comes to Lu. Chung and Lu practically grew up together. When Chung's dad left him all alone, he moved in with the Kims. But the relationship between the Lu and Chung changed drastically.

Lu started developing feels for the boy, but he completely oblivious to her.

After awhile, he was still not back yet. Lu started to grow tired. She went to her bed and went to sleep.

~ Beginning of Dream ~

Lu was in a beautiful wedding dress walking down the aisle. Chung stood their with a smile while the seats were filled with friends and family.

Once she made it to where Chung was standing. They sound the vows and stuff (I don't know how a wedding works).

"You may now kiss the bride."

Chung grabbed Lu's chin and kissed her. It felt almost real, like everything in time stopped. Cheers were heard thoughout the from.

Once Chung broken the kiss, Lu almost instantly woke up.

She touched her lips. "That didn't feel like a dream, it felt so real."


Hey there! Thanks for reading this! I've here's the question!

Would you like see more Add x Ara parts?

The story is somewhat coming along. Again thanks for reading!
