The Giant Tree

This is the episode where the tree that they see comes in.

You'll see! *Wink wink*



Throughout the day, Ami, Castor and I made small talk. I was still wearing my Guard helmet and I wasn't about to take it off. I could hear Car, who had taken his helmet off, talking to Nicki, but I couldn't make out the words. Not that I wanted to know or anything. If they wanted to keep it as a secret, I can completely respect that. I am a Guard after all.

Basically, we were playing the game "20 Questions" Right now it was Ami's turn, with Castor asking one question, then me asking another, then Castor again.

Castor: "What's your favorite animal?"

Ami: "I don't know what they look like exactly, but owls. I like the sounds they make."

Me: "What's your favorite thing to do?"

Ami: "Go for walks, though I don't get to do that much because I'm not really allowed outside."

Castor: "What's your favorite color?"

*Que the cringe from me*

Ami: "Pink. I don't know what it looks like, but I like the sound of it. It sounds happy and beautiful."

We continued like this for a while, until we grew bored of asking the same questions over and over again, so we played "I Spy" instead, with Car and Nicki. We were in a forest right now, so it was more interesting... sort of.

"I spy with my little eye...." Castor said. "Um... something that starts with the letter L."

"Lake?" I asked.


"Lamb?" Nicki.


"Light?" Ami. Poor girl. This game is kind of cruel to her, but she guessed most of these already even without sight.

"Sorry no..."

"Large tree?!" Car sounded panicked. I looked up to see a giant tree next to the shoreline.


I rode closer to the tree. "That's unnatural for a tree to grow that big. Even a Life Elemental couldn't have encouraged a tree to grow like that."

"Then let's go check it out!" Nicki said. We stared at her and she shrugged. "What? I want to see it!"

We rode closer and I lept off my horse to check it out. Castor slid off and offered a hand to Ami, who took it after grabbing the air a couple of times and slid off the saddle slowly. Car helped Nicki down and we all walked around the base of the tree. I could've sworn I heard voices, and felt someone watching me, but when I looked up, no one was there.

"Hey guys! I found an opening with stairs leading to the top!" Car yelled from the other side.

"Don't go in! Someone could be up there and we don't want to send the wrong message!" I yelled back. "We're just here to see the tree since Nicki and Castor wanted to see it! Nothing else!"

"Hey, do you think there's a village nearby?" Nicki said, coming to my side. "Since the Kingdom is gone and we don't have a lot of food we should try to find a village so we can at least get enough food for all of us."

I nodded. "Yes, there may be a village nearby. If there are stairs, then this may be a home, or a children's play area, and I know for a fact that if this is a place for children, then it wouldn't be far from a village."

Nicki nodded. Car came around the other end, now wearing his helmet, and lit his hand on fire using his Elemental Power. "Should we find a camp spot and possibly a chicken? It's getting dark and the kids seem to be getting hungry."

"Good idea. Nicki stay with the kids. Go find a clearing, and leave a trail for us, we'll find food and rid of the tracks after we find them."

"Okay, c'mon kids." Nicki and both kids rode away on their horses as soon as they were saddled up.

"Shall we?" Car said in a gentleman voice. I punched him in the shoulder playfully, pretending to be offended, and he chuckled.

"Yes, lets." I smiled.

"Like old times?"

"Like old times."

And with that, we walked away into the trees, not looking back at the giant tree. If we had, we would've seen four pairs of eyes watching. A dark mix of blue and green, sapphire blue, pale blue, and a beautiful shade of brown. 
