chapter 3: The Doe

As me and Harry lay restless wait for 1 am to come, as every one was still up, well aunt Putunia and uncle Vernon. "Harry, what time is it" I asked as we lay looking at the ceiling. Harry sat up and looked at his cracked watch. "um I think its 12 am" said Harry softly as I turned on the light to tap his watch.

Harry grabbed the bag that we had filled with cakes and lunch meat, an a pair of clothing to change into. I put my hand under my pillow and pulled out a screw driver. "were did you get that" asked Harry as he watched me unscrew the vent door.

"I stole it from uncle Vernon's tool chest" I said as I popped off the vent off. "Eileen, you shouldn't of done that" said Harry as he put on the bag. "well we won't be here to get in trouble.. Get the torch out" I said as I started to crawl in the vent and Harry came behind me with the torch on.

As we came to the outside vent I pushed it out and soon me and Harry are very close to being free. As me and Harry walked down the end of the street as our worries slowly away. "Harry, do you know we're we can go" I said as I looked at him. "um, no" said Harry as he scratched his head.

"there's a park around the corner an there's a forest mabey we can find something" I said as me and Harry walked towards the park but then we saw something.

There stood a illuminating blue doe as it looked at me and Harry. "Eileen, do you see that" said Harry as he pointed at the doe. "I do, maybe we should follow it" I said as I looked at my twin brother. "maybe we shoud, it may take us some were to get help" said Harry as he looked at me. "let's do it" we said as we started to walk towards the doe but it pranced towards a antique store were there was an almost balding man with fiery red hair and glasses. An the deer head pointed at the man as he walked out.

An the deer slowly dispersed as the man walked out as mine and Harry's scares were showing and we didn't even know it. "Harry and Eileen Potter every nice to meet you" said the man as he saw use and me and Harry looked at each other in confusion.

"Do we know you" we both said as we looked at the man. "oh Ya, I'm Arthur Weasley" said the man as he held out his hand for a hand shake. "well hello Mr.Weasley" we both said as we took turns shaking the man's hand. "excuse me Mr. Weasley, but we just ran away from our mean aunt and uncle" said Harry as he looked at the man. "let me guess, there Muggles" said Mr. Weasley as he looked at us. "Muggles" we both said as we were a bit confused. "non-magic foalk" he replied. "are we Muggles" I asked as I looked at him.

"well no you both are wizards.. Well your a witch and he's a wizard" he said as he smiled. "sweet" we both said as we looked at each other.

"well you can stay with us.. My family will be very happy to see you guys" he said with a smile. "how are we going to get there" asked Harry as he looked at the man. "avaporating of course" he said as he took our hands and it felt like we were suck in a tube.
